大捜査之女 (US版) DVD リージョン 3
鄭秀文 (サミー・チェン) (俳優)
| 陳奕迅(イーソン・チャン) (俳優)
| 張國立(チャン・グオリー)
| 葉璇 (ミッシェル・イップ)
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YesAsia.com 内容紹介
2005年の「長恨歌」以来となるサミー・チェン主演作「大捜査之女」は、「インファナル・アフェア」シリーズや「傷だらけの男たち(傷城)」「頭文字<イニシャル>D」の監督・麥兆輝(アラン・マック)と脚本の莊文強(フェリックス・チョン)が共同でメガホンをとったコミカルタッチのクライムサスペンス。サミーは気性の激しい女性刑事に扮し、富豪の息子を誘拐した犯人を追う。誘拐された少年の父親で、石油の密輸に手を染める富豪を演じるのは「野.良犬」の陳奕迅(イーソン・チャン)。このほか、「インファナル・アフェア」シリーズの杜汶澤 (チャップマン・トー)、「エグザイル/絆 (放.逐)」の任賢齊(リッチー・レン)、「天使の眼、野獣の街 (跟蹤)」の徐子珊(ケイト・チョイ)、名バイプレイヤーの廖啓智(リュウ・カイチー)らが出演している。
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タイトル: | Lady Cop & Papa Crook (DVD) (Taiwan Version) 大搜查之女 (DVD) (台灣版) 大搜查之女 (DVD) (台湾版) 大捜査之女 (US版) Lady Cop & Papa Crook (DVD) (Taiwan Version) |
別名: | 查之女 查之女 |
アーティスト名: | Sammi Cheng (俳優) | Eason Chan (俳優) | Zhang Guo Li | Michelle Ye | Dong Yong | Alan Mak | Felix Chong | Liu Kai Chi (俳優) | Conroy Chan (俳優) | Felix Lok (俳優) | Wilfred Lau (俳優) | Kate Tsui (俳優) | Ricky Chan (俳優) | Michelle Lo (俳優) 鄭秀文 (俳優) | 陳 奕迅 (俳優) | 張 國立 | 葉 璇 | 董勇 | 麥 兆輝 | 莊 文強 | 廖啟智 (俳優) | 陳子聰 (俳優) | 駱應鈞 (俳優) | 劉浩龍 (俳優) | 徐子珊 (俳優) | 陳寶轅 (俳優) | 盧覓雪 (俳優) 郑秀文 (俳優) | 陈 奕迅 (俳優) | 张国立 | 叶璇 | 董勇 | 麦兆辉 | 庄 文强 | 廖启智 (俳優) | 陈子聪 (俳優) | 骆应钧 (俳優) | 刘浩龙 (俳優) | 徐子珊 (俳優) | 陈宝辕 (俳優) | 卢觅雪 (俳優) 鄭秀文 (サミー・チェン) (俳優) | 陳奕迅(イーソン・チャン) (俳優) | 張國立(チャン・グオリー) | 葉璇 (ミッシェル・イップ) | 董勇(ドン・ヨン) | 麥兆輝(アラン・マック) | 莊文強(フェリックス・チョン) | 廖啓智(リウ・カイチー) (俳優) | 陳子聰 (コンロイ・チャン) (俳優) | Felix Lok (俳優) | 劉浩龍(ウィルフレッド・ラウ) (俳優) | 徐子珊(ケイト・チョイ) (俳優) | Ricky Chan (俳優) | 盧覓雪(ミシェル・ロー) (俳優) Sammi Cheng (俳優) | Eason Chan (俳優) | Zhang Guo Li | Michelle Ye | Dong Yong | Alan Mak | Felix Chong | 요 계지 (俳優) | Conroy Chan (俳優) | Felix Lok (俳優) | Wilfred Lau (俳優) | Kate Tsui (俳優) | Ricky Chan (俳優) | Michelle Lo (俳優) |
監督: | Alan Mak | Felix Chong 麥 兆輝 | 莊 文強 麦兆辉 | 庄 文强 麥兆輝(アラン・マック) | 莊文強(フェリックス・チョン) Alan Mak | Felix Chong |
発売日: | 2009-12-17 |
言語: | 広東語, 北京語 |
字幕: | 中国語(繁体字) |
制作国: | 香港 |
映像方式: | NTSC この意味は? |
アスペクト比: | 1.78 : 1 |
音声情報: | DTS Digital Surround, Dolby Digital 5.1 |
ディスクの種類: | DVD, DVD-9 |
リージョンコード: | 3 - 東南アジア (香港・韓国を含む) この意味は? |
再生時間: | 92 (分) |
発行元: | Cai Chang International Multimedia Inc. (TW) |
パッケージの重量: | 105 (g) |
発送単位: | 1 この意味は? |
YesAsia 商品番号: | 1021848477 |
Director: Mak Siu Fai, Chong Men Keung
John Fok (Eason Chan) is the kingpin of illegal red oil in Greater China. When an oil tanker explodes accidentally, he becomes the focus of investigation by Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese police and is forced to halt his business to wait things out. While his business rivals start closing in, a member of his household is planning to betray him. On the surface, John seems totally helpless, but in reality, he's been staging a major comeback for months. Just as he is finally ready to turn his fortune around, however, his only son is kidnapped!
Senior Inspector Molline Szeto (Sammi Cheng) is the rising star in the police force, who is well praised for busting crime with her characteristic sangfroid and precision. However, in matters of love, she is totally at wit's end. After dating the same man for more than ten years with no likely prospect of an imminent wedding, she determines to cut the knot once and for all, before she becomes too old for childbirth. Poised at the crossroad of her life, she is thrilled to be assigned to investigate the kidnap of John's son.
John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son's whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him. Just when he is about to order an all-out fightback, Molline suddenly arrives with her team to garrison at his house. Spurning her at first, he soon finds her critical analysis of the situation at hand both apt and useful. An unlikely cooperation between cops and crooks thus ensues, leading to conflicts and clashes galore at every step till the very end.
John Fok (Eason Chan) is the kingpin of illegal red oil in Greater China. When an oil tanker explodes accidentally, he becomes the focus of investigation by Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese police and is forced to halt his business to wait things out. While his business rivals start closing in, a member of his household is planning to betray him. On the surface, John seems totally helpless, but in reality, he's been staging a major comeback for months. Just as he is finally ready to turn his fortune around, however, his only son is kidnapped!
Senior Inspector Molline Szeto (Sammi Cheng) is the rising star in the police force, who is well praised for busting crime with her characteristic sangfroid and precision. However, in matters of love, she is totally at wit's end. After dating the same man for more than ten years with no likely prospect of an imminent wedding, she determines to cut the knot once and for all, before she becomes too old for childbirth. Poised at the crossroad of her life, she is thrilled to be assigned to investigate the kidnap of John's son.
John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son's whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him. Just when he is about to order an all-out fightback, Molline suddenly arrives with her team to garrison at his house. Spurning her at first, he soon finds her critical analysis of the situation at hand both apt and useful. An unlikely cooperation between cops and crooks thus ensues, leading to conflicts and clashes galore at every step till the very end.
"大捜査之女 (US版)"のその他のバージョン
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- 大捜査の女 【Blu-ray Disc】 Blu-ray リージョン A
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