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一个女子的贞节对Min So有多重要?且看她随身带备小刀来御卫她的贞节,你便知道有些事情是急不来的……
Min So自小在一个性观念保守的家庭长大,十分看重女子的贞操。为了上大学,她独个儿离家,带备一把银色小刀,以备她不时御卫贞节。Joo Haek对Min So情深一往,朝思暮想与Min So来他们的第一次,可是他却不知道Min So的危险武器!
韩国轻喜剧《Silver Knife》由《Season in the Sun》的Shin Hee主演,大胆演绎一种保守的爱与性观念!
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产品名称: | Silver Knife (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) 笑女藏刀 (香港版) 笑女藏刀 (香港版) Silver Knife (Overseas Version) Silver Knife (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) |
艺人名称: | Yoon Da Hoon | Shin Ae | Oh Ji Ho | Song Seon Mi | Kim Sung Deok 尹多勳 | Shin Ae | 吳智昊 | 宋仙美 | Kim Sung Deok 尹多勋 | Shin Ae | 吴智昊 | 宋仙美 | Kim Sung Deok ユン・ダフン | シン・エ | オ・ジホ | Song Seon Mi | Kim Sung Deok 윤 다훈 | 신 애 | 오지호 | 송선미 | Kim Sung Deok |
推出日期: | 2004-09-27 |
语言: | 粤语, 韩语 |
字幕: | 繁体中文 |
制作来源地: | 南韩 |
影碟格式: | VCD |
片长: | 100 (分钟) |
出品商: | Winson Entertainment Distribution Ltd.(HK) |
其他信息: | 2VCDs |
重量(连包装): | 80 (g) |
运费单位: | 1 这是什么? |
YesAsia 产品编号: | 1003852029 |
導演:Kim Sung Deok
Director: Kim Sung Deok
Min So lives in the country with her parents and brother. Her father is a “village elder” and is conservative as they come. He is so tradition and strict that he gives her a little silver knife to “protect her innocence” like the old days. But times are changing and Min So want to go to college and get an education. But Seoul “corrupts the mind” as her father would say. Min So, with the help of her mother and brother, leaves the countryside to study.
A year after her departure, Min So begins to get comfortable. She has two close girlfriends and even meets a great guy, Joo Haek, who she dates. After a while, his thirst for sex begins to unravel and laughter ensues…
Director: Kim Sung Deok
Min So lives in the country with her parents and brother. Her father is a “village elder” and is conservative as they come. He is so tradition and strict that he gives her a little silver knife to “protect her innocence” like the old days. But times are changing and Min So want to go to college and get an education. But Seoul “corrupts the mind” as her father would say. Min So, with the help of her mother and brother, leaves the countryside to study.
A year after her departure, Min So begins to get comfortable. She has two close girlfriends and even meets a great guy, Joo Haek, who she dates. After a while, his thirst for sex begins to unravel and laughter ensues…
《笑女藏刀 (香港版) 》的其他推介版本
- 版本
- 产品名称
- YesAsia 价格
- 存货状况
- 笑女藏刀 DVD Region 3
- 停止发行
- 笑女藏刀 VCD
- 停止发行
- 笑女藏刀 (香港版) DVD Region All
- US$10.99
- 一般于21天内进行付运
- 笑女藏刀 (Give-Away Version) DVD Region All
- 停止发行
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