YesAsia 产品介绍
根据1999年出版的小说改编而成,并由曾成功打造《加油反斗四条友》、《Break Out》、《Jail Breakers》编剧朴正佑首次执导,《舞动真情》给你讲述一对警员「谈谈情.跳跳舞」的轻松爱情喜剧。
© 2007-2025 Ltd. All rights reserved.
此内容乃 原文撰写或获授权刊登。未经 书面许可,不得转载。
产品名称: | Dance With The Wind (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) 舞動真情 (VCD) (香港版) 舞动真情 (VCD) (香港版) 風の伝説 (VCD) (香港版) Dance With The Wind (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) |
艺人名称: | Lee Sung Jae (演员) | Kim Su Ro (演员) | Park Sol Mi (演员) 李誠宰 (演员) | 金秀路 (演员) | 朴率美 (演员) 李诚宰 (演员) | 金秀路 (演员) | 朴率美 (演员) イ・ソンジェ (演员) | キム・スロ (演员) | パク・ソルミ (演员) 이 성재 (演员) | 김 수로 (演员) | 박솔미 (演员) |
导演: | Park Jeong Woo 朴正祐 朴正佑 パク・ジョンウ 박정우 |
推出日期: | 2007-12-15 |
语言: | 韩语 |
字幕: | 英文, 繁体中文 |
制作来源地: | 南韩 |
影碟格式: | VCD |
片长: | 132 (分钟) |
出品商: | Winson Entertainment Distribution Ltd.(HK) |
其他信息: | 2VCDs |
重量(连包装): | 120 (g) |
运费单位: | 1 这是什么? |
YesAsia 产品编号: | 1005169026 |
Director: Park Jung Woo
The police suspect that Poong-shik deceives the money from the chief's wife. Then a female detective, Yeon-hwa, is assigned to look into this case by disguising as a patient to the hospital that he stays. At first, she thinks that he is a total crook deceiving ladies' money. However, when Yeon-hwa digs deeper and get closer to Poong-shik, she realizes he is a dancing fanatic, and he learns from a few masters. Also, he becomes a legend in the dancing field. During her investigation, she can't help and fall into love with him. Yeon-hwa even learns how to dance in order to stay with Poong-shik, and they become a great couple in the end.
Director: Park Jung Woo
The police suspect that Poong-shik deceives the money from the chief's wife. Then a female detective, Yeon-hwa, is assigned to look into this case by disguising as a patient to the hospital that he stays. At first, she thinks that he is a total crook deceiving ladies' money. However, when Yeon-hwa digs deeper and get closer to Poong-shik, she realizes he is a dancing fanatic, and he learns from a few masters. Also, he becomes a legend in the dancing field. During her investigation, she can't help and fall into love with him. Yeon-hwa even learns how to dance in order to stay with Poong-shik, and they become a great couple in the end.
《舞动真情 (VCD) (香港版) 》的其他推介版本
- 版本
- 产品名称
- YesAsia 价格
- 存货状况
- 舞动真情 (DVD) (台湾版) DVD Region 3
- 暂时缺货停售
- 舞动真情 (日本版) DVD Region 2
- 停止发行
- 舞动真情 (DVD) (韩国版) DVD Region 3
- 暂时缺货停售
- 舞动真情 (Give-Away Version) DVD Region All
- 停止发行
- 舞动真情 (VCD) (韩国版) VCD
- 停止发行
- 舞动真情 (DVD) (香港版) DVD Region All
- 暂时缺货停售
购买《舞动真情 (VCD) (香港版) 》的顾客亦对这些产品感兴趣
《舞动真情 (VCD) (香港版) 》的产品评论
此产品评论来自 舞动真情 (DVD) (香港版)
此产品评论来自 舞动真情 (DVD) (香港版)
此内容乃 原文撰写或获授权刊登。未经 书面许可,不得转载。