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Secret: A Hidden Score (Blu-ray) (Collector's Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A

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Secret: A Hidden Score (Blu-ray) (Collector's Edition) (Japan Version)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

A melody connects two people in a fateful encounter in Secret: A Hidden Score, the Japanese remake of Jay Chou's 2007 Taiwan blockbuster Secret! SixTONES member Kyomoto Taiga (TANG) and Furukawa Kotone (Even if This Love Disappears from the World Tonight) star in the moving fantasy romance directed by Kawai Hayato (Kaguya-sama: Love is War).

Minato (Kyomoto Taiga) is a music student who carries trauma from a past incident. He follows the sound of a mysterious piano melody at school and meets Yukino (Furukawa Kotone). Naturally drawn to each other, Minato and Yukino begin to spend time together. Minato feels healed by Yukino's innocent personality and moving piano playing. However, one day, Yukino suddenly disappears before Minato's eyes.

This edition comes with a bonus DVD containing unreleased special footage "3 Years Later," making of and event footage.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Secret: A Hidden Score (Blu-ray) (Collector's Edition) (Japan Version) 不能說的秘密 (2024) (Blu-ray) (COLLECTOR'S EDITION) (日本版) 不能说的秘密 (2024) (Blu-ray) (COLLECTOR'S EDITION) (日本版) 言えない秘密 コレクターズ・エディション (Blu-ray) Secret: A Hidden Score (Blu-ray) (Collector's Edition) (Japan Version)
Artist Name(s): Minagawa Sarutoki | Sakaguchi Ryotaro | Kyomoto Taiga | Fuuki Harumi | Furukawa Kotone | Yokota Mayuu | Miura Ryota 皆川猿時 | 坂口涼太郎 | 京本大我 | Fuuki Harumi | 古川琴音 | 橫田真悠 | 三浦獠太 皆川猿时 | 坂口凉太郎 | 京本大我 | Fuuki Harumi | 古川琴音 | 横田真悠 | 三浦獠太 皆川猿時 | 坂口涼太郎 | 京本大我 | 富貴晴美 | 古川琴音 | 横田真悠 | 三浦獠太 Minagawa Sarutoki | Sakaguchi Ryotaro | Kyomoto Taiga | Fuuki Harumi | Furukawa Kotone | Yokota Mayuu | Miura Ryota
Director: Kawai Hayato 河合勇人 河合勇人 河合勇人 Kawai Hayato
Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2024-11-13
Publisher Product Code: GABS-2775
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: No Subtitle
Place of Origin: Japan
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Other Information: Blu-ray+DVD
Shipment Unit: 2 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1130783177

Product Information

[アーティスト/ キャスト]
京本大我 / 古川琴音 / 横田真悠 / 三浦□太 / 坂口涼太郎 / 皆川猿時 / 河合勇人 (監督) / 富貴晴美 (音楽)




【主演・京本大我 × 古川琴音】1つの旋律が繋いだ運命の出会い。切ない真実に涙する、感動のラブストーリー。――過去の出来事からトラウマを抱えた音大生・湊人 (みなと)は、どこか謎めいた雰囲気のある雪乃 (ゆきの)が奏でるピアノの音色に導かれ、運命的な出逢いを果たす。自然と惹かれ合い、雪乃の天真爛漫なキャラクターと心動かすピアノ演奏は、湊人が抱えるトラウマを癒し、やがて2人で過ごす日々は愛おしくかけがえのないものになっていく。しかし、ある日突然雪乃は湊人の前から姿を消してしまう。特典ディスク (DVD: 未公開映像 特別篇『3年後』、メイキング、イベント集 (完成披露試写会/ヒット祈願イベント/上海国際映画祭/公開記念舞台挨拶/公開後舞台挨拶))付き。
映像特典: 予告編集
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language

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