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29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + Keyholder) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray リージョン A

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タイトル: 29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + Keyholder) (Hong Kong Version) 29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + 巴黎鐵塔鎖匙扣) (香港版) 29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + 巴黎铁塔锁匙扣) (香港版) 29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + Keyholder) (Hong Kong Version) 29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + Keyholder) (Hong Kong Version)
アーティスト名: Joyce Cheng (俳優) | Chrissie Chau (俳優) | Elaine Jin | Ben Yeung (俳優) | Babyjohn Choi (俳優) | Jan Lamb | Lawrence Cheng | Eric Kot | Joey Leung | Gregory Wong | Catherine Chau 鄭欣宜 (俳優) | 周秀娜 (俳優) | 金燕玲 | 楊尚斌 (俳優) | 蔡瀚億 (俳優) | 林海峰 | 鄭丹瑞 | 葛民輝 | 梁 祖堯 | 王宗堯 | 周 家怡 郑欣宜 (俳優) | 周秀娜 (俳優) | 金燕玲 | 杨尚斌 (俳優) | 蔡瀚亿 (俳優) | 林海峰 | 郑丹瑞 | 葛民辉 | 梁 祖尧 | 王宗尧 | 周 家怡 鄭欣宜(ジョイス・チェン) (俳優) | 周秀娜 (クリッシー・チャウ) (俳優) | 金燕玲(イレイン・カム) | 楊尚斌 (ベン・ヨン) (俳優) | ベイビージョン・チョイ (俳優) | 林海峰(ジャン・ラム) | 鄭丹瑞(チェン・ダンソイ) | 葛民輝(エリック・コット) | Joey Leung | Gregory Wong | Catherine Chau Joyce Cheng (俳優) | Chrissie Chau (俳優) | Elaine Jin | Ben Yeung (俳優) | Babyjohn Choi (俳優) | Jan Lamb | Lawrence Cheng | Eric Kot | Joey Leung | Gregory Wong | Catherine Chau
監督: Kearen Pang 彭秀慧 彭秀慧 Kearen Pang Kearen Pang
脚本: Kearen Pang 彭秀慧 彭秀慧 Kearen Pang Kearen Pang
ブルーレイ リージョンコード: A - アメリカ (北米、仏領ギアナ以外の中南米)、日本、韓国、東南アジア (香港、マカオ、台湾を含む) この意味は?
発売日: 2017-08-04
言語: 広東語, 北京語
字幕: 英語, 中国語(繁体字), 中国語(簡体字)
制作国: 香港
映像方式: [HD] High Definition この意味は?
ディスクの種類: Blu-ray
画面解像度: 1080p (1920 x 1080 progressive scan)
レイティング: IIA
再生時間: 111 (分)
発行元: Panorama (HK)
パッケージの重量: 105 (g)
発送単位: 1 この意味は?
YesAsia 商品番号: 1061274434


This is a story in 2005.

Christy Lam (Chrissie Chau) is a typical city girl born and raised in Hong Kong. She is a month from turning 30, and has just begun to cope with the same struggles shared by most girls of the same age: the almost unbearable stress at work, her aging but annoying parents, and her seemingly stable yet stagnant relationship. All of these only add to her fear for this next chapter of her life.

Wong Tin-Lok (Joyce Cheng), on the other hand, is also turning 30 soon, but leads a vastly different life. She has never been in love, and her job is taking her nowhere. And yet, she has always kept an optimistic attitude towards life. On the verge of her next chapter, she makes a bold decision to just pick up her bags and fulfill her childhood dream.

They have never met each other, and their personalities are night and day. But as fate would haveit, Christy makes a temporary move into Wong's apartment. Through exploring Wong's diary, Christy not only discovers that they share the same birthday, but also learns about the bits and pieces of Wong's life.

As their virtual bond grows, Christy begins to appreciate Wong's alternate approach to life, so much so that it becomes an integral part of Christy's own. Who has entered Whose world?

"29+1 (2016) (Blu-ray + Keyholder) (Hong Kong Version)"のその他のバージョン

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  • 地域と言語の設定: 地域が選択されていません - 日本語
  • *参考通貨: 参考通貨の指定なし
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