Akira (Blu-ray) (Reduced Price Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Technical Information
Product Title: | Akira (Blu-ray) (Reduced Price Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) Akira (Blu-ray) (廉價版) (英文字幕) (日本版) Akira (Blu-ray) (廉价版) (英文字幕) (日本版) AKIRA 【Blu-rayDisc】 Akira (Blu-ray) (Reduced Price Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Sasaki Nozomu | Koyama Mimi | Iwata Mitsuo | Kurota Tetsuaki | Suzuki Mizuho | Ishida Taro 佐佐木望 | 小山茉美 | 岩田光央 | 玄田哲章 | Suzuki Mizuho | 石田太郎 佐佐木望 | 小山茉美 | 岩田光央 | Kurota Tetsuaki | Suzuki Mizuho | 石田太郎 佐々木望 | 小山茉美 | 岩田光央 | 玄田哲章 | 鈴木瑞穂 | 石田太郎 | 中村龍彦 | 伊藤福恵 | 加藤一弘 Sasaki Nozomu | Koyama Mimi | Iwata Mitsuo | Kurota Tetsuaki | Suzuki Mizuho | Taro Ishida |
Blu-ray Region Code: | A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it? |
Release Date: | 2011-06-22 |
Publisher Product Code: | GNXA-1005 |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitles: | English, Japanese |
Place of Origin: | Japan |
Disc Format(s): | Blu-ray |
Publisher: | Geneon Universal Entertainment |
Other Information: | Blu-ray Disc |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1024318035 |
Product Information
遂にAKIRA が手に入る!Blu-ray待望の普及価格。 1988年7月、第三次世界大戦勃発。そして、2019年、メガロポリス東京・・・。健康優良不良少年グループのリーダー・金田は、荒廃したこの都市でバイクを駆り、暴走と抗争を繰り返していた。ある夜、仲間の鉄雄は暴走中、奇怪な実験体の少年と遭遇し、転倒負傷。呆然とする金田たちの前で、彼らは軍の研究所へと連れ去られてしまう。鉄雄救出のために研究所へ潜入を試みる金田。だが、彼はそこで、過度の人体実験により新たな「力」に覚醒した、狂気の鉄雄を見る・・・。一方、研究所内の特殊ベビールームでは、実験体の少女が、「最高機密=アキラ」の目覚めを予言。鉄雄は自らの力の謎に近づくべく、地下深く眠る「アキラ」への接近を開始した・・・。―ネオ東京―再来 映像特典:TVスポット/特報No1、特報No.2/予告編No.1、予告編No.2 Director Otomo Katsuhiro's brilliance is undeniable in his awe-inspiring 1988 masterpiece Akira! Through stunning animation, Akira takes viewers into a war-stricken, post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo. Set in the year 2019, Neo-Tokyo is a highly technological city plagued by civil unrest and political instability. The military conjures up a top secret project in hopes of controlling the power force that caused the explosion that wiped out Tokyo 31 years ago. Street punk Tetsuo is abducted and used as test subject, but the experiment goes terribly wrong, unleasing the power within Tetsuo. 帶有不自覺地毀滅思想的原作人兼監製大友克洋(Katsuhiro Otomo)讓這部日本經典的「Cult」電影《阿基拉》(Akira, 1988)充滿了怪異的末世情緒,而故事的舞台是在2019年,從第三次世界大戰的創傷中復興的新東京。在極度高科技與繁榮的大都會背後,軍隊和游擊隊圍繞著最高機密「阿基拉計畫」,展開一一場又一場的激烈戰鬥。酷愛飆車的不良少年「金田」和他的同伴「鐵雄」,在無意間被捲入這場戰鬥當中…… 而這部充滿暴力和無政府主義意味的動畫電影也留給我們一個令人印象深刻的「鐵雄」,一個肌肉轉化成了鋼鐵的少年。在影片的高潮階段,這個年輕反叛者的身體不可抑制地膨脹,他的肌肉和皮膚不斷地沸騰溶解,最後衰退成了一個巨大的嬰兒,電影中這個怪物的產生將人們對自己身體的恐懼發揮到了極至。
Other Versions of "Akira (Blu-ray) (Reduced Price Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"
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Hong Kong Version
- Akira (1988) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray Region A
- US$20.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Akira (1988) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3
- US$10.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
Japan Version
- AKIRA (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) (English Subtitled & Dubbed) (4K Remaster Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
- US$47.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- AKIRA (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) (English Subtitled & Dubbed) (Special Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region All
- US$81.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Akira (DTS Sound Edition) (DVD) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$16.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- AKIRA (DVD) (DTS) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- AKIRA - DTS sound edition (Limited Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
- Out of Print
- Akira Special Edition (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
Korea Version
- AKIRA (DVD) (DTS) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
- US$32.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Akira (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) (3-Disc) (Steelbook Limited Edition) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A, B, C
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (3-Disc) (Steelbook Premium Lenticular C Type) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A, B, C
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (Steelbook Full Slip A1 Type) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A, B, C
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (Steelbook Full Slip A2 Type) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A, B, C
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (Steelbook Premium Lenticular B1 Type) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A, B, C
- Out of Print
Taiwan Version
- Akira (Taiwan Version) VCD
- Temporarily Out of Stock
US Version
- Akira (Blu-ray) (US Version) Blu-ray Region A, DVD
- Out of Print
- AKIRA (Drama Version) (Taiwan Version) VCD
- US$14.49
- Usually ships within 30 days
- AKIRA (DTS Special Version) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- AKIRA (Drama Version) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Akira (1988) (DVD) (UK Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray + DVD) (Collector's Edition Steelbook) (UK Version) Blu-ray Region B
- Out of Print
- Akira (Blu-ray) (UK Version) Blu-ray Region B
- Out of Print
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Customer Review of "Akira (Blu-ray) (Reduced Price Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"
See all my reviews
March 21, 2007
This customer review refers to AKIRA (DVD) (DTS) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version)
There is very little to say here, yes there are great animes out there and this is one of the greatest. Eye popping visuals and artwork second to none, this is one hell of an anime.
Based on the comic book Akira this followed the comic true to the story but trying to compress so much into such a short time meant some small details were missed from time constraints. Still the story was accurately played out. A government experiment accidentally oblitereates much of central Tokyo and years later the government is still up to its old tricks believing they can controll the forces they are trying to unleash. When a member of a rogue motorcycle gang, Tetsuo Shima is injured in an encounter with one of the government experiments he is taken into the new secret facility and becomes involved against his will where his powers are unleashed. This is an 'all hell breaks out' story warning of the temptation to try to control things beyond our control. It is a smart well told story that crosses many cultural barriers. It was easy to follow and action galore. You actually feel for the characters more than in many animations since they are so true to real life the way they act and behave. No funny hairdoos, no gigantic butterknife swords, no funky costumes that defy physics and gravity. Just good old home cooked animation served up hot for you to enjoy! |
June 3, 2004
This customer review refers to AKIRA (DTS sound edition) (Limited Edition) (Japan Version)
Curious, how this DTS version differs from the US version that came a few years ago after the big re-introduction to the public by creating multiple-versions for the curious to the collector versions in a metal-container. The DTS version was a subsequent release about a yea later later, perhaps less time passed, but if you have that sound retrieval on your system you should go for the DTS version it is dynamic. |
December 23, 2003
This customer review refers to AKIRA (DVD) (DTS) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version)
Akira is one of the most historical and classic anime movies!! The picture has been improved drastically and the sound is DTS remastered!! This version contains only the movie - no extra features.
The dialogue is in Japanese and there are no subtitles. The voice actor for Kaneda (Iwata Mitsuo) is cool!! |
See all my reviews
August 2, 2001
This customer review refers to Akira
It is so freaky and tragic. Its really interesting and it has talented animation. Some ways its cool,but it can scare you alot.Its a good collectors item.WARNING! THIS IS FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. |
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