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All the Long Nights (Blu-ray) (Special Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region All

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YesAsia Editorial Description

Director Miyake Sho follows Small, Slow but Steady with a small and empathetic story of everyday healing and bonding in All the Long Nights. Based on a novel by Seo Maiko, the film stars Kamishiraishi Mone (A Forest of Wool and Steel) and SixTONES member Matsumura Hokuto (Kyrie) as two young office workers who struggle, respectively, with severe premenstrual syndrome and anxiety disorder. All the Long Nights was selected for the Forum sidebar of the 2024 Berlin Film Festival.

Every month, Fujisawa Misa (Kamishiraishi Mone) becomes uncontrollably irritated due to severe PMS. One day, she explodes in anger over a small thing done by Yamazoe Takatoshi (Matsumura Hokuto), who recently started working at her company. Takatoshi suffers from panic disorders, and the condition has led to him feeling lost and unmotivated. After their run-in, Misa and Takatoshi bond over their troubles and support each other through their bad and good days.

This edition comes with a 16-page booklet, three postcards and special features including making-of, event footage, Berlin travel digest, visual commentary, trailers and spots.

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Technical Information

Product Title: All the Long Nights (Blu-ray) (Special Edition) (Japan Version) 長夜盡頭的微光 (Blu-ray) (特裝限定版)(日本版) 长夜尽头的微光 (Blu-ray) (特装限定版)(日本版) 夜明けのすべて [特装限定版] (Blu-ray) All the Long Nights (Blu-ray) (Special Edition) (Japan Version)
Also known as: 黎明前的全部 黎明前的全部
Artist Name(s): Seo Maiko | Shibukawa Kiyohiko | Kamishiraishi Mone | Matsumura Hokuto | HI'SPEC | Imou Haruka | Fujima Sawako 濑尾麻衣子 | 涉川清彥 | 上白石萌音 | 松村北斗 | HI'SPEC | 芋生悠 | Fujima Sawako 濑尾麻衣子 | 涉川清彦 | 上白石萌音 | 松村北斗 | HI'SPEC | 芋生悠 | Fujima Sawako 瀬尾まいこ/著 | 渋川清彦 | 上白石萌音 | 松村北斗 | Hi’Spec | 芋生悠 | 藤間爽子 Seo Maiko | Shibukawa Kiyohiko | Kamishiraishi Mone | Matsumura Hokuto | HI'SPEC | Imou Haruka | Fujima Sawako
Director: Miyake Sho 三宅唱 三宅唱 三宅唱 Miyake Sho
Blu-ray Region Code: All Region What is it?
Release Date: 2024-07-24
Publisher Product Code: BCXJ-1931
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: No Subtitle
Place of Origin: Japan
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Other Information: Blu-ray
Shipment Unit: 2 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1129047015

Product Information

第74回ベルリン国際映画祭正式招待! 原作: 瀬尾まいこ、主演: 松村北斗、上白石萌音、監督: 三宅唱で贈る、心にそっと寄り添う物語。「出会うことができて、よかった」 ――人生は想像以上に大変だけど、光だってある― 月に一度、PMS (月経前症候群) でイライラが抑えられなくなる藤沢さんはある日、同僚・山添くんのとある小さな行動がきっかけで怒りを爆発させてしまう。だが、転職してきたばかりだというのに、やる気が無さそうに見えていた山添くんもまたパニック障害を抱えていて、様々なことをあきらめ、生きがいも気力も失っていたのだった。職場の人たちの理解に支えられながら、友達でも恋人でもないけれど、どこか同志のような特別な気持ちが芽生えていく二人。いつしか、自分の症状は改善されなくても、相手を助けることはできるのではないかと思うようになる。

特装限定版には、■特典ディスク1 (約120分): Making of "All the Long Nights"、イベント映像集、ベルリン渡航ダイジェスト、■特典ディスク2 (約119分): ビジュアルコメンタリー (出演: 松村北斗、上白石萌音、三宅唱) ※バリアフリー日本語字幕付 (ON・OFF可能)、16Pブックレット (山添くん・藤沢さん年表/キャラクター設定)、ポストカード3種封入。三方背ブックケース仕様、帯付き。

本編ディスク映像特典約11分: 特報、30秒予告、本予告、ロング予告、15秒スポット(特別な関係編)、15秒スポット(救いあい編)、20秒スポット(山添くんと藤沢さん編)、WEBスポット(オピニオン編)、Special Filmmaking、Making of "All the Long Nights" #49
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language

Other Versions of "All the Long Nights (Blu-ray) (Special Edition) (Japan Version)"

YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Editor's Pick of "All the Long Nights (Blu-ray) (Special Edition) (Japan Version)"

Picked By Sanwei
See all this editor's picks

August 30, 2024

After night comes day
PMS is a common condition but there are very few films that seriously and empathetically portray how it affects life for women. Based on a novel by Seo Maiko, Miyake Sho's All the Long Nights shines a light on the everyday pains of a woman with severe PMS, while also emphasizing that her story is one of many in a world where everyone carries pains of their own.

Kamishiraishi Mone plays Fujisawa Misa, a young woman whose premenstrual syndrome symptoms include fatigue and heightened anger and irritability. Her mood swings are so bad that it can be difficult for her to function normally during those few days of the month. We first see Misa leaving her job after some embarrassing moments in office. A few years later, she has recalibrated and seems to be working fine at a small company that produces science kits. Most of the staff are older long-time workers, save for Misa and reticent new joiner Yamazoe Takatoshi, played by SixTONES member Matsumura Hokuto. Takatoshi ended up in this quiet suburban office because his panic attacks made it difficult for him to take public transport or continue his corporate job.

After some incidents in the workplace, Misa and Takatoshi become aware of each other's conditions. Misa reaches out first to help Takatoshi, and he gradually opens up and returns the favor. The two look out for each other on the bad days and partner up for a meaningful planetarium project. One may imagine that romance is on the plate with two popular young stars sharing screen, but All the Long Nights stays platonic and realistic.

Moving along gently yet surely in slice-of-life manner, All the Long Nights gives time for each person to hurt, heal and make decisions for themselves. These personal journeys happen in a community of kindred souls – everyday people who have experienced troubles and loss, and respond with everyday kindness towards others going through troubles. Misa and Takatoshi's experiences and growth form the breadth of the film, but there are many more stories in the background that form this nice and warm corner of the world that offers respite from harsh realities.

From Small, Slow But Steady to All the Long Nights, Miyake Sho excels at conveying the internal struggles of ordinary people just trying to make life work.

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