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Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A

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Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Initially an auteur of men-on-the-run films, Japanese director SABU has been branching out to other genres in recent years with Kanikosen and his latest film Bunny Drop. Based on the first half of the ongoing manga series by Unida Yumi, Bunny Drop is a gentle comedy-drama about a single 30-year-old white-collar worker who suddenly becomes a father figure to his late grandfather's six-year-old illegitimate daughter. While Matsuyama Kenichi (Death Note, Gantz) is the star of the film as the inexperienced single father, the real revelation of Bunny Drop is seven-year-old Ashida Mana, one of the most popular child stars in Japan. Her performance in Bunny Drop is a showcase of her acting talent and syrupy sweet persona, showing why she is now the most in-demand young star in the Japanese entertainment world today.

30-year-old Daikichi (Matsuyama Kenichi) returns home after a long absence for his grandfather's funeral. For the first time, he discovers the existence of Rin (Ashida Mana), his grandfather's six-year-old illegitimate daughter. Rejecting his relatives' call to send Rin to an orphanage, Daikichi takes in Rin and becomes a father figure to his new aunt, suddenly dealing with all the troubles that would befall any working single parent. Thanks to the help of fellow single parent Yukari (Karina), Daikichi learns to become a better father.

This edition includes making of, an interview with Matsuyama Kenichi and Ashida Mana, stage events, and trailers.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (日本版) Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (日本版) うさぎドロップ 【Blu-rayDisc】 Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)
Also known as: Usagi Drop Usagi Drop Usagi Drop Usagi Drop Usagi Drop
Artist Name(s): Matsuyama Kenichi | Mana Ashida Mana | Ikewaki Chizuru | Kitakimayu | Takahata Jyunko | Fubuki Jun | Nakamura Baijaku | Karina | Kimura Ryo | Ayano Go | Kiritani Mirei 松山研一 | 蘆田愛菜 | 池脇千鶴 | Kitakimayu | 高畑淳子 | 風吹純 | 中村梅雀 | 香里奈 | 木村了 | 綾野剛 | 桐谷美玲 松山研一 | 芦田爱菜 | 池脇千鹤 | Kitakimayu | Takahata Jyunko | 风吹纯 | 中村梅雀 | 香里奈 | Kimura Ryo | 绫野刚 | 桐谷美玲 松山ケンイチ | 芦田愛菜 | 池脇千鶴 | キタキマユ | 高畑淳子 | 風吹ジュン | ナカムラバイジャク | 香里奈 | 木村了 | 綾野剛 | 桐谷美玲 | 佐藤瑠生亮 Matsuyama Kenichi | Mana Ashida Mana | Ikewaki Chizuru | Kitakimayu | Takahata Jyunko | Fubuki Jun | Nakamura Baijaku | Karina | Kimura Ryo | Ayano Go | Kiritani Mirei
Director: Sabu (Tanaka Hiroyuki) 萨布 萨布 SABU Sabu (Tanaka Hiroyuki)
Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2012-02-02
Publisher Product Code: BIXJ-43
Language: Japanese
Place of Origin: Japan
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Publisher: Happinet
Other Information: Blu-ray Disc
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1025685064

Product Information

タイトル:うさぎドロップ: 【Blu-rayDisc】

27歳、彼女なし。ごくフツーのサラリーマンであるダイキチが、祖父のお葬式で出会った孤独で悲しげな女の子は、おじいちゃんの隠し子だった!?引き取り手のないその少女・りんを男気を見せて連れ帰ったダイキチ。こうして、突然、二人の共同生活が始まった!慣れない子育てにあたふたしつつも、いつもりんのことを一番に考え、底なしの優しさで包み込み育てていくダイキチ。そんなダイキチに心を開き、無邪気な笑顔を見せるようになるりん。ひょんなことから一緒に暮らすことになった二人が、周りのみんなに支えられ、見守られながら、本当の家族のような愛情と絆で結ばれていく。6歳の女の子と独身男が突然、親子に!?一生懸命な二人とたくさんの愛情を描いた、最高にキュートな感動作!/宇仁田ゆみの大人気コミックが待望の映画化!松山ケンイチ×香里奈×芦田愛菜 豪華共演で贈る、とびきりハートウォーミングな物語。



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Customer Review of "Bunny Drop (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)

Kevin Kennedy
See all my reviews

August 10, 2015

This customer review refers to Bunny Drop (2011) (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Hong Kong Version)
1 people found this review helpful

Lovely story of sacrificial love Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
As fans of the long-running manga "Bunny Drop" know, the manga series derives its magic from detailing how its unlikely characters overcome the mundane challenges of daily life with grace, a little humor, and lots of love. Can such a story work when translated to the silver screen? Director Sabu, with his film "Bunny Drop", shows that it definitely can - and does - work.

30 year old bachelor Daikichi (Matsuyama Kenichi), a rising middle manager in a big company, arrives at his grandfather's funeral and finds an adorable six year old girl named Rin (Ashida Mana) wandering about on her own. Daikichi is drawn to the lonely child and soon learns that she is the out-of-wedlock child of his late grandfather. The gathered relatives ponder what to do with the child and decide that placing her in an orphanage is the only sensible course to take. Daikichi will not hear of it; he decides that he will take charge of this little girl who technically is his aunt.

Only after he follows through on his decision does he begin to understand its ramifications. Bringing a small child into his home turns his life upside down, requiring him to adjust his career aspirations, and jeopardizes his hopes of finding a girlfriend. Instead of focusing on the challenges of his job, now he faces an entirely different set of challenges: finding an appropriate school for Rin, helping her deal with her sudden bed-wetting problem, panicking when she becomes feverish. Will these headaches make Daikichi regret his decision or will the bond which forms quickly between the two make it all seem worthwhile?

Many films are described as heartwarming. Trust me when I tell you that "Bunny Drop" will melt the iciest of hearts. Both Matsuyama Kenichi and Ashida Mana are superb in their roles, never letting their characters become treacly, but remaining entirely believable while showing love's power to heal wounds.

"Bunny Drop" and its stars are charmers.
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