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Chasing The Dragon (2017) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray リージョン A

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タイトル: Chasing The Dragon (2017) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) 追龍 (2017) (Blu-ray) (香港版) 追龙 (2017) (Blu-ray) (香港版) Chasing The Dragon (2017) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) Chasing The Dragon (2017) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version)
別名: Chui Lung Chui Lung Chui Lung Chui Lung Chui Lung
アーティスト名: Andy Lau (俳優) | Donnie Yen (俳優) | Lawrence Chou (俳優) | Kent Cheng (俳優) | Ben Ng (俳優) | Kent Tong (俳優) | Kenneth Tsang (俳優) | Chan Wai Man (俳優) | Philip Keung (俳優) | Felix Wong (俳優) | Niki Chow (俳優) | Hu Ran (俳優) | Wilfred Lau (俳優) | Philip Ng (俳優) 劉 德華 (俳優) | 甄 子丹 (俳優) | 周 俊偉 (俳優) | 鄭則仕 (俳優) | 吳毅將 (俳優) | 湯 鎮業 (俳優) | 曾 江 (俳優) | 陳惠敏 (俳優) | 姜浩文 (俳優) | 黃日華 (俳優) | 周麗淇 (俳優) | 胡然 (俳優) | 劉浩龍 (俳優) | 伍 允龍 (俳優) 刘 德华 (俳優) | 甄 子丹 (俳優) | 周 俊伟 (俳優) | 郑则仕 (俳優) | 吴毅将 (俳優) | 汤 镇业 (俳優) | 曾 江 (俳優) | 陈惠敏 (俳優) | 姜浩文 (俳優) | 黄日华 (俳優) | 周丽淇 (俳優) | 胡然 (俳優) | 刘浩龙 (俳優) | 伍 允龙 (俳優) 劉徳華(アンディ・ラウ) (俳優) | 甄子丹(ドニー・イェン) (俳優) | 周俊偉(ローレンス・チョウ) (俳優) | 鄭則仕(ケント・チェン) (俳優) | 呉毅将(ン・ガイチョン) (俳優) | 湯鎮業(ケン・トン) (俳優) | 曾江(ケネス・ツァン) (俳優) | 陳惠敏(チャン・ワイマン) (俳優) | 姜皓文(キョン・ヒウマン) (俳優) | 黄日華(フェリックス・ウォン) (俳優) | 周麗淇(ニキ・チャウ) (俳優) | Hu Ran (俳優) | 劉浩龍(ウィルフレッド・ラウ) (俳優) | Philip Ng (俳優) 유덕화 (俳優) | 견자단 (俳優) | Lawrence Chou (俳優) | Kent Cheng (俳優) | Ben Ng (俳優) | Kent Tong (俳優) | Kenneth Tsang (俳優) | Chan Wai Man (俳優) | Philip Keung (俳優) | Felix Wong (俳優) | Niki Chow (俳優) | Hu Ran (俳優) | Wilfred Lau (俳優) | Philip Ng (俳優)
監督: Wong Jing | James Kwan 王晶 | 關 智耀 王晶 | 关 智耀 王晶 (バリー・ウォン) | James Kwan Wong Jing | James Kwan
プロデューサー: Wong Jing 王晶 王晶 王晶 (バリー・ウォン) Wong Jing
脚本: Wong Jing 王晶 王晶 王晶 (バリー・ウォン) Wong Jing
ブルーレイ リージョンコード: A - アメリカ (北米、仏領ギアナ以外の中南米)、日本、韓国、東南アジア (香港、マカオ、台湾を含む) この意味は?
発売日: 2018-02-14
言語: 広東語, 北京語, オリジナルサウンドトラック
字幕: 英語, 中国語(繁体字), 中国語(簡体字)
制作国: 香港
映像方式: [HD] High Definition この意味は?
アスペクト比: 1.78 : 1
アナモルフィック・ワイドスクリーン: Yes
音声情報: 7.1, Dolby Digital EX(TM) / THX Surround EX(TM)
ディスクの種類: Blu-ray
画面解像度: 1080p (1920 x 1080 progressive scan)
再生時間: 128 (分)
発行元: Panorama (HK)
パッケージの重量: 100 (g)
発送単位: 1 この意味は?
YesAsia 商品番号: 1064746125


* Special Features: Trailer 1&2

In the 60s, Hong Kong had its darkest days in history. Under the British colonial rule, Hong Kong Police Force partnered with the triads and corruption was as rampant as ever. Ho (Donnie Yen), along with his fellow brothers Wil (Philip Keung), Wayne (Wilfred Lau) and Chad (Kang Yu) slipped into Hong Kong illegally from Chaozhou. With his exceptional fighting skills and guts, Ho entered the underworld of Hong Kong and became a notorious fighter in the triads.

Supported by the British, Chief Detective Lee Rock (Andy Lau) created a set of triads regulation. Rock's henchman Piggy (Kent Cheng) helped Rock to collect bribery money in a systematic manner. Rock appreciated Ho's ability, and helped him to escape from further torture by British Police.

Ho was grateful to Rock for his help. During one of the gang fights, he even sacrificed his right leg to save Rock's life, hence becoming "Crippled Ho". While Ho was in hospital, he was looked after by the nurse Jane (Michelle Hu), who later became his wife.

Indebted to Ho, Rock helped him to become the leader of the Big Four in triad society. Rock even sent his follower, Rose (Raquel Xu) to Thailand to cut off others' source for drugs which make Ho the leader of the drug empire. Rock and Ho became extremely powerful and separately ruled the upper-world and the underworld of Hong Kong.

Until 1974, the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) forced Rock to have a premature retirement. However, Ho did not want to leave and determined to become the sole dictator of the drug empire¡K

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ソウルの春 古天樂(ルイス・クー)作品 維和防暴隊 犯罪都市 PUNISHMENT Uranus 2324 GeminiFourth Dramas & Collectibles 危機航線
  • 地域と言語の設定: 地域が選択されていません - 日本語
  • *参考通貨: 参考通貨の指定なし
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