Chinese Sights And Sounds (2CD) (China Version)
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タイトル: | Chinese Sights And Sounds (2CD) (China Version) 炎黃風情 中國民歌主題24首管弦樂曲 (2CD) (中國版) 炎黄风情 中国民歌主题24首管弦乐曲 (2CD) (中国版) Chinese Sights And Sounds (2CD) (China Version) Chinese Sights And Sounds (2CD) (China Version) |
歌手名: | Instrumental Music | Bao Yuan Kai 純音樂 | 鮑元愷 纯音乐 | 鲍元恺 インストゥルメンタル | Bao Yuan Kai Instrumental Music | Bao Yuan Kai |
発売日: | 2025-01-17 |
制作国: | 中国 |
ディスク・フォーマット: | CD |
パッケージの重量: | 200 (g) |
発送単位: | 1 この意味は? |
発行元: | China Record Shanghai Corporation |
YesAsia 商品番号: | 1133053650 |
商品情報 / 収録曲
CD 1
第一組曲 燕趙故事
Suit 1.Stories on the Lands of Ancient Yan and Zhao
01 小白菜 Little Cabbage 4:53
02 小放牛 The Little Cowherd 2:53
03 茉莉花 Jasmine 3:38
04 對花 A Quiz on Flowers 4:06
第二組曲 雲嶺素描
Suit 2. Sketches of the Highland of Yunnan
05 小河淌水Rippling Brook 5:12
06 放馬山歌The Mountain Song of Horse-herding 2:38
07 雨不酒花花不紅The flowers willblossom only if the rain falls 2:36
08 猜調 A Song of Riddles 3:17
第三組曲 黃土悲歡
Suit 3. Sadness and Happiness on the Loess Plateau
09 女娃擔水A GirlWho Carries Water 7:06
10 夫妻逗趣 The Bantering Couple 1:53
11 走絳州Going to Jiangzhou 2:20
12 藍花花 Lady Lan Huahua 7:37
CD 2
第四組曲 巴蜀山歌
suit 4. Mountain Songs from the Bashu Region
13 槐花幾時開Expecting the Blossom of the Sophora 5:10
14 黃楊扁擔Boxwood Shoulder Pole 3:35
15 繡荷包Embroidering a Pouch 2:32
16 太陽出來喜洋洋Happiness at Sunrise 1:27
第五組曲 江南雨絲
Suit 5.Drizzle South of the Yangtze River
17 無錫景 The Scenery of Wuxi 6:16
18 楊柳青 Green Willow 1:10
19 拔根蘆柴花Pulling a Reed Catkin 1:55
20 紫竹調 Bamboo-flute Tune 2:08
第六組曲 太行春秋
Suit 6.Seasons in Taihang Mountains
21 走西口 Leaving for the West Pass 4:15
22 鬧元宵Happy Lantern Festival 3:18
23 爬山調 Mountain Tune 2:23
24 看秧歌Watching the Yangge Dance 4:56
第一組曲 燕趙故事
Suit 1.Stories on the Lands of Ancient Yan and Zhao
01 小白菜 Little Cabbage 4:53
02 小放牛 The Little Cowherd 2:53
03 茉莉花 Jasmine 3:38
04 對花 A Quiz on Flowers 4:06
第二組曲 雲嶺素描
Suit 2. Sketches of the Highland of Yunnan
05 小河淌水Rippling Brook 5:12
06 放馬山歌The Mountain Song of Horse-herding 2:38
07 雨不酒花花不紅The flowers willblossom only if the rain falls 2:36
08 猜調 A Song of Riddles 3:17
第三組曲 黃土悲歡
Suit 3. Sadness and Happiness on the Loess Plateau
09 女娃擔水A GirlWho Carries Water 7:06
10 夫妻逗趣 The Bantering Couple 1:53
11 走絳州Going to Jiangzhou 2:20
12 藍花花 Lady Lan Huahua 7:37
CD 2
第四組曲 巴蜀山歌
suit 4. Mountain Songs from the Bashu Region
13 槐花幾時開Expecting the Blossom of the Sophora 5:10
14 黃楊扁擔Boxwood Shoulder Pole 3:35
15 繡荷包Embroidering a Pouch 2:32
16 太陽出來喜洋洋Happiness at Sunrise 1:27
第五組曲 江南雨絲
Suit 5.Drizzle South of the Yangtze River
17 無錫景 The Scenery of Wuxi 6:16
18 楊柳青 Green Willow 1:10
19 拔根蘆柴花Pulling a Reed Catkin 1:55
20 紫竹調 Bamboo-flute Tune 2:08
第六組曲 太行春秋
Suit 6.Seasons in Taihang Mountains
21 走西口 Leaving for the West Pass 4:15
22 鬧元宵Happy Lantern Festival 3:18
23 爬山調 Mountain Tune 2:23
24 看秧歌Watching the Yangge Dance 4:56