カスタマーサポート » キャンペーン
  • Rate your YesAsia shopping experience on Resellerratings
  • We’d love to hear about your YesAsia shopping experience! Please see below for the review submission guidelines:

    To submit your review:
    1. Go to www.resellerratings.com/store/YesAsia.
    2. Click on “Write a review”.
    3. Give YesAsia a star rating between 1 to 5 stars.
    4. Fill in the required fields:
      -Enter your comment (about our product selection, checkout process or delivery service).
      -Enter the Order Number (the 7 digit number provided after completing the payment process).
      -Identify the “Order date”.
    5. The other fields or questions on the page are optional.
    6. ResellerRatings Note: A ResellerRatings account login is required to write a review. Please register for an account prior to writing a review on ResellerRatings.com.
    7. Finish & Share your review.
    8. For identity verification purposes, please make sure to enter the same email address you used when making your YesAsia purchase.
    9. Please make sure to verify your ResellerRatings account by clicking through the link in the verification email that you will receive after creating an account.

  • 地域と言語の設定: 地域が選択されていません - 日本語
  • *参考通貨: 参考通貨の指定なし
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