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Fruits of Faith (Blu-ray)(Japan Version) Blu-ray Region All

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Fruits of Faith (Blu-ray)(Japan Version)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

In 2006, NHK documentary program Professional profiled the work of Kimura Askinori, the first person in the world to successfully grow organic apples without the use of chemicals. His story became the inspiration of best-selling book Kiseki no Ringo, which spent 63 weeks on the bestsellers list in Japan. Writer Yoshida Tomoko (We Were There) and director Nakamura Yoshihiro (Fish Story, A Boy and His Samurai) bring the story of this foolishly idealistic dreamer to the silver screen with Fruits of Faith, chronicling Kimura's tough 11-year journey to his dream. Comedy star Abe Sadao takes on another rare dramatic role after Dreams for Sale, starring as the farmer who risks his entire fortune to make sure his loving wife can continue growing apples without being harmed by chemicals. The heartwarming drama about determination and dreams also features a moving score by legendary composer Hisashi Joe.

Refusing to live the life of an ordinary farmer in his small Aomori town, Akinori (Abe Sadao) has always been interested in studying how things work. After failing to find a proper job in Tokyo, Akinori returns home, ready to accept his fate. However, he happily takes up the responsibility of being an apple grower when he falls in love with old high school classmate Mieko (Kanno Miho). Soon, Akinori discovers that Mieko falls ill whenever her family uses pesticides on the apples. To prevent that from happening again, Akinori works tirelessly to find a way to grow apples without using chemicals. Akinori's efforts fail year after year, sending the family into debt, but the determined dreamer refuses to stop...

This edition includes making of, stage events, television specials, deleted scenes, interviews and trailers.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Fruits of Faith (Blu-ray)(Japan Version) 奇蹟的蘋果 (Blu-ray) (日本版) 奇迹的苹果 (Blu-ray) (日本版) 奇跡のリンゴ 【Blu-ray Disc】 Fruits of Faith (Blu-ray)(Japan Version)
Also known as: Kiseki no Ringo Kiseki no Ringo Kiseki no Ringo Kiseki no Ringo Kiseki no Ringo
Artist Name(s): Hisaishi Joe | Abe Sadao | Kanno Miho | Ikeuchi Hiroyuki | Ibu Masato | Sasano Takashi | Yamazaki Tsutomu 久石讓 | 阿部貞夫 | 菅野美穗 | 池內博之 | 伊武雅刀 | 笹野高史 | 山崎努 久石让 | 阿部贞夫 | 菅野美穗 | 池内博之 | 伊武雅刀 | 笹野高史 | 山崎努 久石譲 | 阿部サダヲ | 菅野美穂 | イケウチ,ヒロユキ | 伊武雅刀 | 笹野高史 | 山崎努 Hisaishi Joe | Abe Sadao | Kanno Miho | Ikeuchi Hiroyuki | Ibu Masato | Sasano Takashi | Yamazaki Tsutomu
Director: Nakamura Yoshihiro 中村義洋 中村义洋 中村義洋 Nakamura Yoshihiro
Blu-ray Region Code: All Region What is it?
Release Date: 2013-12-20
Publisher Product Code: TBR-23455D
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Japanese
Place of Origin: Japan
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Other Information: Blu-ray Disc
Shipment Unit: 2 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1034064897

Product Information

2006年、NHK「プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀」で紹介され大反響! 原作はノンフィクションとしては異例の30万部以上を売り上げる「奇跡のリンゴ」(幻冬舎文庫)!! 実在のリンゴ農家・木村秋則に阿部サダヲ、妻・美栄子には菅野美穂、秋則の義父には名優・山崎努。快挙! フィレンツェ映画祭2013観客賞受賞。――1975年、青森県弘前。リンゴ農家の木村秋則は、妻・美栄子の身体を心配していた。美栄子は年に十数回も散布する農薬の影響で皮膚がかぶれ、数日寝込むこともあったのだ。そんな妻を想い、秋則は無農薬によるリンゴ栽培を決意する。しかし、それは"神の領域"といわれるほど"絶対不可能"な栽培方法。数えきれない失敗を重ね、周囲の反対にあい、妻や3人の娘たちも十分な食事にありつけない極貧の生活を強いられる日々。それでも諦めなかった秋則は、11年にわたる想像を絶する苦闘と絶望の果てに、常識を覆すある"真実"を発見する―。 特典DVD付きの2枚組。特典ディスクには、メイキング映像集、公開事前特番 映画「奇跡のリンゴ」完全攻略! 家族の絆SP、宣伝キャンペーン集(完成披露試写会/「お母さん、ありがとう」母の日イベント/弘前凱旋!無敵の夫婦プレミア/初日舞台挨拶/「お父さん、ありがとう」父の日イベント)、キャスト・スタッフインタビュー集(阿部サダヲ/菅野美穂/山崎努/中村義洋/久石譲/木村秋則)を収録。リンゴ型ブックレット(プレスシート縮刷版)封入。豪華三方背ケース仕様。

[アーティスト/ キャスト]
阿部サダヲ / 菅野美穂 / 池内博之 / 中村義洋 (監督、脚本) / 石川拓治 (原作) / 久石譲 (音楽)



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