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Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (US Version)

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Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (US Version)
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Product Title: Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (US Version) Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (美國版) Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (美国版) Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (US Version) Glenn Gould: Complete 1981 Goldberg Sessions (Box) (US Version)
Singer Name(s): Instrumental Music | Glenn Gould 純音樂 | Glenn Gould 纯音乐 | Glenn Gould インストゥルメンタル | グレン・グールド Instrumental Music | Glenn Gould
Release Date: 2022-09-30
UPC Code: 194399774229
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 2100 (g)
Shipment Unit: 11 What is it?
Publisher: Masterworks
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1115825678

Product Information / Track List

Disc 1 -
1 Aria Take 1
2 A Great Take
3 Variation 1 Take 1
4 Slightly Too Fast
5 Variation 1 Take 2
6 I Like to Do One More Time
7 Variation 1 Take 3
8 "I Keep Forgetting" - Cue - Short False Start - Long False Start
9 Variation 1 Take 4
10 ? "Now, That Sounded Great" - Wrong Feed
11 Variation 2 Take 1
12 Not a Bad Take
13 Variation 2 Take 2
14 "Damn It, There Was a Miss Note" - Variation 2 Take 3: False Start
15 Variation 2 Take 4
16 There Was a Wow at the Beginning of the Second Half
17 Variation 2 Take 5
18 "The First Half Was Not Good" - Anouncement Take 6 - "Video Wasn't Ready" - Take 7 False Start
19 Variation 2 Take 7
20 Okay? - That Is Great! - Okay!
21 Variation 3 Take 1 - Cut Off
22 Again, Please
23 Variation 3 Take 2 - Cut Off
24 Don't Like It
25 Variation 3 Take 3
26 I Tried the Fast Version
27 Variation 3 Take 4
28 "How About That?" - Preparation for Next Take
29 Variation 4 Take 1
30 ? "I Forgot the Goddam Ritard. Dammit" - Discussion - Take 2,3 and 4 All Cut Off
31 Variation 4 Take 5
32 Tremendous
33 Variation 4 Take 6
34 "Okay, We Got a Choice. Shall We Take a Look?" - Preparation for Next Take
35 Variation 6 Take 1
36 "Sorry, I'm Very Sorry, Glen" - Take 2: Cut Off
37 Variation 6 Take 3
38 "Not Bad" - Take 4: Cut Off
39 Variation 6 Take 5 - Left Channel Drop Out
40 That Had Loads of Character
41 Variation 6 Take 6
42 "How About That? - That's Fabulous" - Preparation for Next Take - Take 1: 2 False Starts
43 Variation 7 Take 1
44 A Wrong Note Near the End
45 Variation 7 Take 2
46 "That Was a Hell of a Good Take" - Preparation for Next Take
47 Variation 9 Take 1 - Cut Off
48 Oh, Merde. Take 2, Please
49 Variation 9 Take 2
50 Not a Bad Take. There Was a Wrong Note in First Half
51 Variation 9 Take 3
52 Sorry, I Forgot the Legato
53 Variation 9 Take 4
54 Also a Good Take" - Take 5: False Start - "Let Me Just Play the End of Seven
55 Variation 9 Take 5
56 "We Got Lots of Choice." - Improvisation - Preparation for Next Take
57 Variation 10 Take 1
58 "There Was a Wrong Note" - Preparation for Next Take
59 Variation 10 Take 2
60 "I Seem to Be Incapable of Doing..." - Rehearsal - Preparation for Next Take
61 Variation 10 Take 3
62 "A Sloppy Trill at the End" - Preparation for Next Take
63 Variation 10 Take 4
64 This Was Gorgeous
65 Variation 10 Take 5
66 "Too Many Little Things" - Take 6: False Start
67 Variation 10 Take 6
68 "Very Good Things Except One Trill That Wasn't Good" - Take 7: Various False Starts
69 Variation 10 Take 7
70 Also Very Good
71 Variation 10 Take 8
72 "Oh Shit, I Was Going Very Well" - Take 9: Cut Off - Preparation for Next Take
73 Variation 10 Take 9
74 Sorry, Sorry
75 Variation 10 Take 10
76 We Got Lots of Choice, Bruno

- Disc 2 -
1 Rehearsal: Variation 11 - 2nd Half - Preparation for Next Take - 2 False Starts
2 Variation 11 Take 1
3 I Hope You Got That
4 Variation 11 Insert 1 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
5 That Got It
6 Variation 11 Insert 1 Take 2 (3 Attempts)
7 I'm Not Sure If the Tempo Was Quite Right on That One
8 Variation 11 Insert 1 Take 3
9 Well, I Got the First Two
10 Variation 11 Insert 1 Take 4
11 That Felt Great
12 Variation 11 Insert 2 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
13 "We Got the Spot" - Rehearsal / Improvisation
14 Variation 11 Insert 2 Take 2
15 How About That One
16 Variation 11 Insert 2 Take 3
17 Okay, Well We Got
18 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 1
19 But It Got the Real Spot
20 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 2
21 That, I Don't Know About the Level
22 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 3
23 Alright, Glenn, We're One DB Over Now
24 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 4 (3 Attempts)
25 Now, Glenn, I'm Sorry, We're Down a Little Bit Again
26 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 5
27 I Don't Like the Feel of the Line
28 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 6 (5 Attempts)
29 You Would Like to Turn on Some More Lights Out Here
30 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 7 (3 Attempts)
31 Not Very Smooth. One More Time
32 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 8 (3 Attempts)
33 Once More
34 Variation 11 Insert 3 Take 9
35 "The Last Bar Was No Good" - Rehearsal Variation 12
36 Variation 12 Take 1
37 Bruno, There Are a Couple of Wrong Notes
38 Variation 12 Take 2
39 Sorry. It Was Going Well Until
40 Variation 12 Take 3
41 Rehearsal - "Oh Boy, Great"
42 Variation 12 Take 4
43 Sorry, Once Again
44 Variation 12 Take 5
45 "Sorry, This Is a Very Tough Piece" - False Start
46 Variation 12 Take 6
47 Rather Interesting, Too
48 Variation 12 Take 7
49 Again, Please
50 Variation 12 Take 8
51 One Note Missing at the End
52 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 1
53 Once More, Please, with the Same Feed
54 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 2
55 How Were the Levels, Sam?
56 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 3
57 Looked Good, Looked Very Good
58 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 4
59 "Okay? - Okay, Good" - Preparation for Next Take
60 Variation 13 Take 1
61 "Once More, Please! - Rehearsal
62 Variation 13 Take 2
63 Oh This, That Was So Good!
64 Variation 13 Insert 1 Take 1 (Not Listed in Tape Sheet!)
65 "How About That?" - Preparation for Next Take - False Start
66 Variation 13 Take 3
67 ? "I Know This Is Deliberate or Not"
68 Variation 13 Take 4
69 "How About That." - Rehearsal
70 Variation 14 Take 1
71 Not Bad. About Three Wrong
72 Variation 14 Take 2
73 With a Fix for the Last Two Bars
74 Variation 15 Take 1
75 "This Is Glorious, Glenn." - Preparation for Next Take
76 Variation 15 Take 2
77 I Think There Was Some Conversation Here
78 Variation 15 Take 3
79 How About That? Can We Come?

- Disc 3 -
1 333- Preparation for Next Take
2 Variation 16 Take 1
3 The First Half Was Terrific
4 Variation 16 Take 2 - Cut Off
5 "Once Again" - Improvisation on J. S. Bach: Sarabande
6 Variation 16 Take 3
7 "The First Half Was No Good" - Preparation for Next Take
8 Variation 16 Part II Take 1
9 Oh Shit, It Was Going Well
10 Variation 16 Part II Take 2
11 "A Wrong Note Got in There" - Preperation for Next Take
12 Variation 16 Part II Insert 1 Take 1
13 Once Again
14 Variation 16 Part II Insert 1 Take 2
15 I Keep Doing That. Damn!
16 Variation 16 Part II Insert 1 Take 3
17 There Was a Wrong Note, But I Think We Can Fix It!
18 Variation 16 Part II Insert 1 Take 4
19 "How About That? - That Was Absolutely Clean" Preparation for Next Take
20 Variation 17 Take 1 - Cut Off
21 Oh Shit. the First Half Was Good
22 Variation 17 Take 2 - Cut Off
23 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha" - 2 False Starts
24 Variation 17 Take 3
25 How About That for a Second? - Glorious!
26 Variation 18 Take 1 - Cut Off
27 "Too Many Things" - Strike the Ladder - Preparation for Next Take - False Start
28 Variation 18 Take 2 - Cut Off
29 Too Many Little Things
30 Variation 18 Take 3 - Cut Off
31 ? "Shit! I Was Doing Wrong." Rehearsal /Waiting for Video Team
32 Variation 18 Take 4
33 "How About That? - Great Absolutely Perfect!" - Diskussion
34 Variation 18 Take 5 - Cut Off
35 "Again, Please" - False Start
36 Variation 18 Take 6
37 I Don't Like the Take Particularly
38 Variation 18 Take 7
39 Okay, I Still Want to Look at That One Two Back
40 Variation 18 Take 8 - Cut Off
41 Too Many Little Things, But It Was So Good
42 Variation 18 Take 9
43 "One Note Was Not Quite Right" - False Start
44 Variation 18 Take 10
45 "How About That? - Perfect!" - False Start
46 Variation 8 Take 1
47 You Buy About Three Wrong Notes
48 Variation 3 (Remake) Take 1 - Cut Off
49 Sorry, Sorry, Glenn. I'm Very, Very Sorry
50 Variation 3 (Remake) Take 2 - 2 False Starts - Cut Off
51 Sorry Again
52 Variation 3 (Remake) Take 3
53 "How Was That? - That Was Glorious!" - 2 False Starts
54 Variation 3 (Remake) Take 4
55 "This Was Okay" - Preparation for Next Take - Wrong Feed
56 Variation 3 (Remake) Take 6
57 "Also Very Good" - GG Goes to Control Room
58 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 1
59 How Did That Look?
60 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 2
61 I Thought Maybe the Level Was a Little Less
62 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 3
63 "I Want Just One More" - Technical Problems with Feed
64 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 6
65 It's Still a Little Bit Soft
66 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 7
67 Okay, I'm Sure One of Those Is Gonna Match
68 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 8 (4 Attempts)
69 How Are We Doing?
70 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 9
71 That's It! - That's It?
72 Variation 1 Insert 1 Take 10
73 Okay? We've Got a Choice
74 Variation 2 Insert 1 Take 1
75 How Was That? - It Sounded Quite Nice
76 Variation 2 Insert 1 Take 2
77 How About That? - Beautiful
78 Variation 2 Insert 1 Take 3
79 "I Think That Was a Little Closer in Mood Towards the End" - Preparation for Next Take
80 Variation 4 Insert 1 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
81 How Did That Look? - It's Very Good
82 Variation 4 Insert 1 Take 2
83 That Was a Very Good
84 Variation 4 Insert 1 Take 3
85 Et Cetera. How Was That?
86 Variation 4 Insert 2 Take 1
87 How Was That?
88 Variation 4 Insert 2 Take 2
89 How Did That Look? - the Level Is Fine on That, Glenn
90 Variation 4 Insert 2 Take 3
91 How Was That Looking? - Beautiful
92 Variation 4 Insert 2 Take 4
93 I Think We Got Pretty Good Choice

- Disc 4 -
1 Announcement of Next Take
2 Variation 6 Insert 1 Take 1
3 Tape 9B: Announcement of Next Take
4 Variation 6 Insert 1 Take 2
5 No Quite Clean at the End
6 Variation 6 Insert 1 Take 3 (3 Attempts)
7 That Was a Good One
8 Variation 6 Insert 1 Take 4 (5 Attempts)
9 Not in Love with the Way I'm Doing the Endings
10 Variation 6 Insert 1 Take 5 (3 Attempts)
11 "I Think We've Got a Very Good Choice" - Problems with Feed - Rehearsal
12 Variation 7 Insert 1 Take (4 Attempts)
13 It Is Very Difficult
14 Variation 7 Insert 1 Take 2 (4 Attempts) - GG Keeps on Playing Until Mid of Second Part
15 Okay, the Later Trills Were Not Good
16 Variation 7 Insert 1 Take 3 (With 1 False Start)
17 Okay, That One Definitely Got a Very Good Opening
18 Variation 7 Insert 1 Take 4 (3 Attempts)
19 "Okay, We've Got the Opening for Sure" - Preparation for Next Take
20 Variation 7 Insert 2 Take 1
21 "That Was Very Good for Us" - Notes on the Tape
22 Variation 7 Insert 3 Take 1 (4 Attempts)
23 "A Very Interesting Take" - Preparation for Next Take
24 Variation 7 Insert 4 Take 1
25 How Was That? - I Don't Know
26 Variation 7 Insert 4 Take 2
27 Was That Too Light, Also?
28 Variation 7 Insert 4 Take 3
29 "Okay, We've Got Lots of Choice There" - Preparation for Next Take - Annoucement Insert 5 Take 1 (Not Played) - Improvisation
30 Variation 7 Insert 5 Take 2
31 No Good. Once More, Please
32 Variation 7 Insert 5 Take 3
33 I'm Quite Confidend That I Did the Line Differently
34 Variation 7 Insert 5 Take 4 (2 Attempts)
35 That Certainly Got the Trill
36 Variation 7 Insert 5 Take 5
37 I Think That Was Quite Good
38 Variation 9 Insert 1 Take 1
39 How Did That Look?
40 Variation 9 Insert 1 Take 2
41 How Was That? - It Was Very Good, But It's Still a Little Too Loud
42 Variation 9 Insert 1 Take 3
43 I Buy That One
44 Variation 9 Insert 1 Take 4
45 "How About That? - Good, Very Good!" - Preparation for Next Take
46 Variation 9 Insert 2 Take 1
47 "I Forgot to Give You a Level Test" - Level Test
48 Variation 9 Insert 2 Take 2
49 How About That? - Fine. That's It
50 Variation 9 Insert 2 Take 3
51 "I Think We've Got a Very Good Choice There. - Fine." - Preparation for Next Take
52 Variation 10 Insert 1 Take 1
53 About Right?
54 Variation 10 Insert 1 Take 2 (5 Attempts)
55 I Think Several of Those
56 Variation 10 Insert 2 - Soft Pedal Down - Take 1 (4 Attempts)
57 That Was Clean. I Don't Know, If the Levels Were Any Good
58 Variation 10 Insert 2 - Soft Pedal Down - Take 2 (3 Attempts)
59 "Okay - Good" - Level Test
60 Variation 10 Insert 2 - Soft Pedal Up - Take 1
61 How Was That - I Think That's Just Fine
62 Variation 10 Insert 2 - Soft Pedal Up - Take 2
63 I Think That Was Good - Beautiful
64 Variation 10 Insert 2 - Soft Pedal Up - Take 3
65 "That Felt Good to Me." - Preparation for Next Take
66 Variation 10 Insert 3 Take 1
67 It Was Okay As Long As We Just Use the Last Bar Itself
68 Variation 10 Insert 3 Take 2
69 You Know Something? This One Is Gonna Be Really Tough
70 Variation 10 Insert 3 Take 3
71 How Did That Sound? - Alright
72 Variation 10 Insert 3 Take 4 (3 Attempts)
73 "I Think We Got... - That Will Surely Do It." - Preparation for Next Take - Problems with Feed
74 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 1
75 The Second One Was Very Good
76 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 2 (6 Attempts)
77 I See Why I'm Doing That Funny Additional B in the Bass
78 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 3 (With 1 False Start)
79 That Was Pretty Good
80 Variation 12 Insert 1 Take 4 (With 1 False Start)
81 That's It
82 Variation 12 Insert 2 Take 1
83 No Discernible Improvement
84 Variation 12 Insert 2 Take 2
85 That Was Very Good
86 Variation 12 Insert 2 Take 3 (With 1 False Start)
87 That Was Very Good, That First Half

- Disc 5 -
1 Preparation for Next Take
2 Variation 13 Insert 1 Take 1
3 How About That One? - I Think You Got Them Both
4 Variation 13 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
5 "Not As Good..." - Level Test
6 Variation 13 Insert 2 Take 1
7 I'm Not Sure That That Got the Right Rhythm at All
8 Variation 13 Insert 2 Take 2 (4 Attempts)
9 Once Again, Please
10 Variation 13 Insert 2 Take 3 (2 Attempts)
11 Once More
12 Variation 13 Insert 2 Take 4
13 I Think We Got a Choice
14 Variation 13 Insert 1 Take 3
15 Oh, That Has Been So Well
16 Variation 13 Insert 1 Take 4
17 That's Good!
18 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 1 (4 Attempts)
19 We Got It. It Was a Little Timid at First
20 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
21 It Was Quite Good
22 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 3
23 That Was Great! It Was Exactly Even
24 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 4
25 Aha! Got Everything Except the Last Bar
26 Variation 14 Insert 2 Take 1
27 Well I Think It Bussed a Little Bit at the End
28 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Recording Take 1 (2 Attempts)
29 I Think, That Got... - I Believe So
30 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Recording Take 2
31 If We Want to Cut
32 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Video Take 1 (3 Attempts)
33 "The Last Note Isn't Totally Together" - Discussion
34 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Video Take 2
35 How Was That? - Fine
36 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Video Take 3
37 Okay? - Good
38 Variation 14 Insert 3 for Video Take 4
39 Okay, They've Got a Choice
40 Variation 16 Insert 1 Take 1
41 How Were the Levels?
42 Variation 16 Insert 1 Take 2
43 Glenn, I'm Sorry, That's No Good
44 Variation 16 Insert 1 Take 3
45 "That Was Very Interesting" - Level Test
46 Variation 17 Insert 1 Take 1 (5 Attempts)
47 Got It, I Think
48 Variation 17 Insert 1 Take 2 (4 Attempts)
49 "Both of Those Last Two Got It..." - Level Test - Preparation for Next Take
50 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 2 (2 Attempts / Aborted)
51 Oh Shit, You Have to
52 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 3 (4 Attempts)
53 "Oh God, This Piece..." - Rehearsal
54 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 4
55 "Oh No, I'm Getting..." - Rehearsal
56 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 5 (5 Attempts)
57 That Almost Got It
58 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 6
59 Got It! - Good
60 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 7 (3 Attempts)
61 That Got the Notes Again
62 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 8 (5 Attempts)
63 Okay, We Got Another One
64 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 9 (10 Attempts)
65 "Ah, $#1T. We've Got It Some Place in There" - Level Test - Takes 1 and 2 Not Played
66 Variation 17 Insert 3 Take 3 (3 Attempts)
67 How Was That? - That Was Pretty Good
68 Variation 17 Insert 3 Take 4
69 There Was a Wrong Note Towards the End
70 Variation 17 Insert 3 Take 5 (4 Attempts)
71 Okay, We Got Two
72 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 10 (8 Attempts)
73 Give Me the Tempo One More Time, Please
74 Variation 17 Insert 2 Take 11 (10 Attempts)
75 We Got Two or Three in There
76 Variation 8 Insert 1 Take 1
77 Okay, We Got It?
78 Variation 8 Insert 1 Take 2
79 Too Much Accent on That One
80 Variation 8 Insert 1 Take 3
81 "Well, We Certainly Got It" - Preperation for Next Take - Level Test
82 Variation 8 Insert 2 Take 1
83 That Was Very Good, for All of It
84 Variation 8 Insert 2 Take 2
85 Terrific - We Got It
86 Variation 8 Insert 3 Take 1
87 One More Time, with the Feed Again
88 Variation 8 Insert 3 Take 2 (7 Attempts)
89 I Think We Got It in All Perspective

- Disc 6 -
1 Annoucement of Next Take
2 Variation 19 Take 1
3 "Once Again, Please" - 3 False Starts
4 Variation 19 Take 2 - Aborted
5 "Oh God - Take Three" - 1 False Start
6 Variation 19 Take 3
7 I Want to See Both One and Three and Let's Do It Again
8 Variation 19 Take 4 - Aborted
9 Five
10 Variation 19 Take 5
11 I Think That's It, Bruno
12 Variation 19 Take 6
13 Okay, We've Got a Choice
14 Variation 19 Take 7
15 We Got a Choice
16 Variation 21 Take 1
17 That's the Take, Folks
18 Variation 22 Take 1 (With Interruption)
19 Hell of a Good Take!
20 Variation 22 Take 2
21 A Low Note, the Low G Was Wrong
22 Variation 22 Take 3
23 "How About That? - Bravo!" - 2 False Starts
24 Variation 22 Take 4 - Aborted
25 Don't Like It. One More Time
26 Variation 22 Take 5 - Aborted
27 "That's Enough of That" - Problems with Feed - 1 False Start
28 Variation 22 Insert 1 Take 1
29 "That Got Both of Them" - Still Problems with Feed
30 Variation 22 Insert 1 Take 2
31 "We Got It - I'm Sure" - Preparation for Next Take - Improvisation - 2 False Starts
32 Variation 23 Take 1
33 "How About That?" - 3 False Starts
34 Variation 23 Take 2
35 "Oh Shit, It Was Going Very Well" - 1 False Start
36 Variation 23 Take 3
37 I Messed Up the Last Bar
38 Variation 23 Take 4
39 We Got Another Last Bar, That But All We Got
40 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 1
41 Let's Do Another One
42 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 2
43 That Was Very Good
44 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 3
45 One More Time
46 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 4 (4 Attempts)
47 Did I Hear Some Extremeous Noise in There?
48 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 5
49 Once More
50 Variation 23 Insert 1 Take 6
51 Okay, We Got Lots of Choice
52 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
53 Damnation
54 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 2
55 Don't Know Why I Go on Beyond Bar 30
56 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 3 (3 Attempts)
57 It Sort of Got It, But It Was Very Timid
58 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 4
59 ? "Privid"
60 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 5 (1 False Start)
61 I Forgot What I Was Doing
62 Variation 23 Insert 2 Take 6 (2 Attempts)
63 Okay, That Made It Sound Just Awkward Enough
64 Variation 24 Take 1 (GG Plays Into Variation 25 Until Mid of Bar 6)
65 Okay - Thank You, Glenn
66 Variation 24 Take 2 - Aborted
67 We'll Have to Do a Second Half
68 Variation 24 Take 3
69 Variation 25 (Coming from Previous Take)
70 Thank You, Glenn. I Think You Got Both Variations in the Can

- Disc 7 -
1 Annoucement of Next Take - May 13th
2 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 1
3 How Was That, Richard?
4 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 2
5 How About That One? - Perfect
6 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 3
7 Oh God, Bruno, I Would Love to Do Another Take
8 Variation 26 Take 1
9 I Knew I Was Gonna Mess Up This Ending
10 Variation 26 Take 2 - Aborted
11 Sorry, It Was Going Very Well
12 Variation 26 Take 3 - Aborted
13 I'm Getting a Block About It
14 Variation 26 Take 4 - Aborted
15 We May Have to Run to Some Other Variation
16 Variation 26 Take 5 - Aborted
17 Yeah, I'm Not Kidding, Folks
18 Variation 26 Take 6 - Aborted
19 Okay, We Will Leave This for Later
20 Variation 26 Take 7
21 We Got Most of It
22 Variation 26 Take 8 - Aborted; Announcement "Nine."
23 Variation 26 Take 9 - Aborted
24 ? "Now I'm Getting the Bug in the First Tape Right."
25 Variation 26 Take 10 - Aborted; Announcement "Eleven."
26 Variation 26 Take 11 - Aborted
27 Yes, We May Have to Come and Look at the One That We Finally Got Through on
28 Variation 26 Take 12 - Aborted; Announcement "This Is Take Thirteen
29 Variation 26 Take 13 - Aborted
30 "Let's Look at the One That We Sort of Got Through" - 1 False Start
31 Variation 26 Take 14 - Aborted
32 We Got the Two Places We Wanted and Nothing Else
33 Variation 26 Take 15 - Aborted
34 Once Again, We Got the Two Places We Wanted
35 Variation 27 Take 1
36 "How About That? - Wonderful, Wonderful" - 1 False Start
37 Variation 27 Take 2 - Aborted
38 Don't Like It. Once Again, Please
39 Variation 27 Take 3
40 "I Don't Like It. Once More." - 1 False Start
41 Variation 27 Take 4
42 "That Was Very Good, Except I Had One Wrong Note About Six Bars from the End
43 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 1 (3 Attempts)
44 Could We Have You Reposition
45 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 2 (3 Attempts)
46 "I'm Sorry. - Insert 1 Take 3" - 1 False Start
47 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 3
48 "Not Bad. Let Me Try One More" - 1 False Start
49 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 4
50 "Okay, We've Got..." - 1 False Start
51 Variation 28 Take 1
52 God, That Is a Silly Piece
53 Variation 28 Take 2
54 "How About That? - That's Lovely" - 2 False Starts
55 Variation 28 Take 3
56 I Kept Going on in Case I Covered Something
57 Variation 28 Take 4
58 That Also Covered Some Things
59 Variation 28 Insert 1 Take 1
60 That Got the Specific Thing, I Think
61 Variation 28 Insert 1 Take 2
62 Almost Got to the Third
63 Variation 28 Insert 2 Take 1
64 "I Seem Determine to Mess Up Levels
65 Variation 28 Insert 2 Take 2
66 We Need Nothing
67 Variation 28 Insert 3 Take 1 (3 Attempts)
68 That Was Pretty Good. - Excellent!
69 Variation 28 Insert 3 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
70 Okay? - Bravo!
71 Variation 29 Take 1
72 "A Couple of Wrong Notes, But It Got Most of the Things, Bruno" - 1 False Start
73 Variation 29 Take 2
74 Sorry, I Forgot About the Non-Connection
75 Variation 29 Insert 1 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
76 Variation 30 (Coming from Previous Take - Without Take Number)
77 "Thank You Very Much, This Is Beautiful" - 1 False Start
78 Variation 29 Insert 1 Take 2
79 Okay, That's Enough
80 Variation 29 Insert 2 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
81 Variation 30 (Coming from Previous Take - Without Take Number - Aborted During Repetition of First Part)
82 Enough of That
83 Variation 29 Insert 2 Take 2 (3 Attempts)
84 Variation 30 (Coming from Previous Take - Without Take Number)
85 Once More Over Insert 2
86 Variation 29 Insert 2 Take 3 (2 Attempts)
87 Variation 30 (Coming from Previous Take - Without Take Number)
88 Okay? - Thank You, Glenn

- Disc 8 -
1 Announcement
2 Aria Da Capo Take 1
3 Thank You, Glenn. I Think That This Is Glorious
4 Aria Da Capo Insert 1 Take 1
5 Don't Like the Phrasing of It
6 Aria Da Capo Insert 1 Take 2
7 Another... I Think That Was Good!
8 Aria Da Capo Insert 2 Take 1
9 I Don't Like the Last Eight Bars
10 Aria Da Capo Insert 2 Take 2
11 "Not Bad. - That Sounded Great!" - Preparation for Next Take
12 Variation 20 Take 1
13 I Never Promised You It's Gonna Be Easy
14 Variation 20 Take 2 - Glenn Gould Announces "Take Three"
15 Variation 20 Take 3
16 Take Four in a Moment
17 Variation 20 Take 4
18 How About That? - Great
19 Variation 20 Take 5 - Annoucement "Take Six"
20 Variation 20 Take 6 - Annoucement "Seven"
21 Variation 20 Take 7 - Annoucement "Eight"
22 Variation 20 Take 8 - Annoucement "Nine"
23 Variation 20 Take 9
24 It Got the Last Section
25 Variation 20 Take 10
26 Unfortunately It Had Some Wrong Notes
27 Variation 20 Take 11
28 The First Half of That Was Very Good
29 Variation 5 Take 1
30 "Basically We Got the First Eight Bars and the Last Eight Bars" - 2 False Starts
31 Variation 5 Take 2
32 How About That? It's Getting Close
33 Variation 5 Take 3
34 Almost Everything
35 Variation 5 Take 4
36 Finally Got the First Four Bars Bang on
37 Variation 5 Take 5
38 We Finally Got Everything
39 Variation 26 Insert 1 Take 1
40 How Did That Look?
41 Variation 26 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
42 How About That? - That Looks Very Close
43 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 1
44 How Did That Look? - That Looked Very Good
45 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
46 How Was That Looking? - Okay, Fine
47 Variation 27 Insert 1 Take 3
48 I Think We Got Them
49 Variation 27 Insert 2 Take 1
50 "We Got the Second Half, Too, Basically." - Annoucement Take 2 (Not Played)
51 Variation 27 Insert 2 Take 3 (Restart at Beginning of 2nd Half)
52 That Last Note Keeps Defeating Me
53 Variation 27 Insert 3 Take 1
54 Okay, I Think We Should Come and Listen
55 Variation 29 Insert 1 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
56 It Was Perfect for the Bar That We Needed
57 Variation 29 Insert 1 Take 2
58 That Was As Clean As Anything Can Be
59 Variation 24 Remake Take 1
60 I Don't Like It Too Much
61 Variation 24 Remake Take 2 (2 Attempts)
62 Despite One Wrong Note Near the End
63 Variation 24 Remake Take 3 (2 Attempts)
64 Not Quite Together at the End
65 Variation 24 Remake Take 4
66 Was That Any Better?
67 Variation 24 Remake Take 5
68 I Know That Wasn't Any Better
69 Variation 24 Remake Take 6
70 Not Good Voicing at the End
71 Variation 24 Remake Take 7
72 That Got It As Best As I Can Possibly Do It
73 Variation 24 Remake Take 8
74 Well, That Had a Certain Charme
75 Variation 24 Remake Take 9
76 How Did That Sound? - That Sounded Very Nice, Glenn
77 Variation 24 Remake Take 10 (4 Attempts)
78 It's Getting Silly, I'm Gonna Try It Tomorrow
79 Variation 30 Remake Take 1
80 Again - Take Two
81 Variation 30 Remake Take 2
82 "Not a Bad Take - Very Good." - False Starts
83 Variation 30 Remake Take 3
84 Okay? - I Liked That One Very Much, Glenn
85 Aria Remake Take 1
86 The Piano Is Hiccuping, I'm Afraid
87 Aria Remake Take 2
88 A Lot of Very Good Things
89 Aria Remake Take 3
90 Well, Can't Do Any Better Under the Circumstances It Is Hiccuping

- Disc 9 -
1 Let Me Just Clean My Glasses for a Second Here
2 Aria 2nd Remake Take 1 - Aborted
3 Glenn, I'm Sorry, We Heard, We Had Noise from Outside
4 Aria 2nd Remake Take 1 (With Restart in Bar 25)
5 How Was That? - That's Very Good, Glenn
6 Aria 2nd Remake Take 2 (With 2 Restarts in Bar 21)
7 How About That? - That's Lovely
8 Aria 2nd Remake Take 3 (With Restart in Bar 16)
9 "That Had a Beautiful Opening" - 1 False Start
10 Aria 2nd Remake Take 4
11 "I Cannot Do It Any Better Than That." - Preparation for Next Take - 1 False Star
12 Aria 2nd Remake Take 5
13 "How About That for a Stylish Aria?" - Preparation - 2 False Starts
14 Aria 2nd Remake Take 6
15 How About That? - That's Very Fine
16 Aria Da Capo Insert 1 Take 1
17 How Is the Tempo?
18 Aria Da Capo Insert 1 Take 2
19 How About That? - That Just May Be the Whole Thing
20 Variation 25 Remake Take 1 (2 Restarts in Bar 7 and 1 Restart in Bar 13) - Aborted
21 No, I Don't Like It
22 Variation 25 Remake Take 2
23 How About That? - That's a Very Beautiful Take, Glenn
24 Variation 25 Remake Take 3 (Restart in Bar 16)
25 "What Was the Timing on That One?" - Announcement Var. 20, Ins 1, Take 1 (Not Played)
26 Variation 20 Insert 1 Take 2 (9 Attempts)
27 Did They Look in the Right
28 Aria Da Capo Insert Into Insert 1 Take 2 - Take 1 (2 Attempts)
29 The Specific Spot Was Fine
30 Aria Da Capo Insert Into Insert 1 Take 2 - Take 2
31 Okay, I'm Not Persuaded That the
32 Aria Da Capo Insert Into Insert 1 Take 2 - Take 3 (2 Attempts)
33 We Got Them in All Shapes

- Disc 10 -
1 101010 Annoucement Variation 25, Insert 1, for Bar 7-12, Take 1
2 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 1 (2 Attempts)
3 Until the Hiccup This Was Absolutely Gorgeous
4 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
5 I Better Have Another Feed
6 Variation 25 Insert 1 Take 3 (2 Attempts)
7 Well, I Think We've Got It
8 Variation 25 Insert 2 Take 1
9 "Again, Please" - Rehearsal
10 Variation 25 Insert 2 Take 2
11 Oh, SH.. Well, We Got the First One
12 Variation 25 Insert 3 Take 1
13 I Thought I Give You One of the Big Climax Once
14 Variation 25 Insert 3 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
15 That Was Certainly Good at the Spot
16 Variation 25 Insert 3 Take 3
17 I Think That One May Turn Out to Be the One That Saves Us
18 Variation 5 Insert 1 Take 1 (3 Attempts)
19 That Got the Hiccup Note, Too
20 Variation 5 Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
21 That Certainly Felt Very Close
22 Variation 5 Insert 1 Take 3 (2 Attempts)
23 Okay, You Got One Till the End
24 Variation 24 Remake Insert for 2nd Half Take 1 (3 Attempts)
25 This Piano Is Not Made for Such Things
26 Variation 24 Remake Insert for 2nd Half Take 2 (3 Attempts)
27 That Had a Very Good Beginning
28 Variation 24 Remake Insert for 2nd Half Take 3 (2 Attempts)
29 "I Think That Got It" - Trouble with Feed
30 Variation 24 Remake Insert for 2nd Half Take 4 (3 Attempts)
31 Okay, This One Was
32 Variation 24 Remake Insert for 2nd Half Take 5
33 Well, I Think the One Two Back Is Still It
34 Variation 10 Remake Insert 1 Take 1
35 I Had Forgotten How Fast I Played It
36 Variation 10 Remake Insert 1 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
37 How Did That Sound? - Sounds Good
38 Variation 10 Remake Insert 1 Take 3 (4 Attempts)
39 One More Time, Please
40 Variation 10 Remake Insert 1 Take 4 (2 Attempts)
41 "That Got It Very, Very..." - Rehearsal - Preparation for Next Take
42 Variation 10 Remake Insert 2 Take 1
43 It Sounded Good - Fine
44 Variation 10 Remake Insert 2 Take 2
45 Okay, We Got a Choice - Very Good
46 Variation 10 Remake Insert 3 Take 1
47 You Know, That Felt a Little Bit Fast to Me
48 Variation 10 Remake Insert 3 Take 2
49 I Think One Thing You're Hearing Is
50 Variation 10 Remake Insert 3 Take 3
51 "Very Good - Okay?" - Annoucement of Next Take Missing
52 Variation 10 Remake Insert 3 Take 4
53 Okay, That Is As Loud As I Would Have Played It
54 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 1 (4 Attempts)
55 "That's Too Slow
56 Variation 14 Insert 1 Take 2 (3 Attempts)
57 Some Place in There We Got It
58 Variation 14 Insert 1 for CBS Take 1 (2 Attempts)
59 You Know Something, I Should Have Been Coming Out of 1-4 for CBS
60 Variation 14 Insert 1 for CBS Take 2
61 Okay - Good
62 Variation 25 Remake Insert 1 Take 1
63 Yes, Sam - Yes
64 Variation 25 Remake Insert 1 Take 2
65 Okay, I Think That One Got the Thing
66 Variation 25 Remake Insert 1 Take 3
67 Okay, I Think We Have a Choice
68 Variation 25 Remake Insert 2 Take 1
69 That Certainly Got What We're Looking for
70 Variation 25 Remake Insert 2 Take 2 (2 Attempts)
71 Well, We Got Another One
72 Variation 25 Remake Insert 2 Take 3 (2 Attempts)
73 How About That? - a Very Dramatic Ending
74 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 1
75 Believe It or Not
76 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 2 (2 Attempts)
77 Ya, Well, We Got the Bars Again
78 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 3 (3 Attempts)
79 Ya, I'll Do It One More Time
80 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 4
81 Not Bad, Considering I Have
82 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 5 (2 Attempts)
83 We Got the Bars, Finally We Got the Bars
84 Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 6 (7 Attempts)
85 Okay, Between All These Things

- Disc 11 -
1 Aria
2 Variation 1 a 1 Clav
3 Variation 2 a 1 Clav
4 Variation 3 a 1 Clav. Canone All'unisono
5 Variation 4 a 1 Clav
6 Variation 5 a 1 Ovvero 2 Clav
7 Variation 6 a 1 Clav. Canone Alla Seconda
8 Variation 7 a 1 Ovvero 2 Clav
9 Variation 8 a 2 Clav
10 Variation 9 a 1 Clav. Canone Alla Terza
11 Variation 10 a 1 Clav. Fughetta
12 Variation 11 a 2 Clav
13 Variation 12 Canone Alla Quarta
14 Variation 13 a 2 Clav
15 Variation 14 a 2 Clav
16 Variation 15 a 1 Clav. Canone Alla Quinta. Andante
17 Variation 16 a 1 Clav. Overture
18 Variation 17 a 2 Clav
19 Variation 18 a 1 Clav. Canone Alla Sesta
20 Variation 19 a 1 Clav
21 Variation 20 a 2 Clav
22 Variation 21 Canone Alla Settima
23 Variation 22 a 1 Clav. Alla Breve
24 Variation 23 a 2 Clav
25 Variation 24 Canone All' Ottava a 1 Clav
26 Variation 25 a 2 Clav
27 Variation 26 a 2 Clav
28 Variation 27 a 2 Clav. Canone Alla Nona
29 Variation 28 a 2 Clav
30 Variation 29 a 1 Ovvero 2 Clav
31 Variation 30 a 1 Clav. Quodlibet
32 Aria Da Capo
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RIIZE - Lucky Tae Min - ETERNAL YOUNG POSSE - ATE THAT Hi MIRO! Official Merchandise: Baby Mirror NMIXX - Fe3O4: STICK OUT ANSON KONG THE GAME OF LIFE IN MY SIGHT SOLO CONCERT 2024 Official Merchandise A Place Called Silence
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