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Highway Star (VCD) (Malaysia Version) VCD

Cha Tae Hyun (Actor) | Lee So Yeon (Actor) | Kim Hyun Soo (Director) | Kim Sang Chan (Director)
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Highway Star (VCD) (Malaysia Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8.7 out of 10 (6)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Film fans recognize Cha Tae Hyun as the lead of romantic favorites like My Sassy Girl and My Girl and I, but the popular actor has also dabbled in music and has two albums under his belt. Merging his acting and singing careers, Cha Tae Hyun gives his vocal cords a stretch in Highway Star, and in the most unlikely of ways - trot! Considered pop music for the middle-aged, trot is a melodramatic folk-style music genre akin to Japanese enka. The genre has been making a popular resurgence in recent years with the crossover success of younger trot singers like Jang Yoon Jeong and boy band Super Junior jumping into the fray, and now it's even getting the big screen treatment - complete with flashy suits, slicked-down hair, and dramatic stage postures. Based on a Saito Hiroshi novel, the film is co-directed by first-timers Kim Hyun Soo and Kim Sang Chan, who fill the movie with just enough humor and zest. With Cha Tae Hyun starring as a rocker-turned-trotter and support from comic veteran Lim Chae Moo and actress Lee So Yeon (Untold Scandal), Highway Star makes for a hilarious, foot-tapping journey.

Stuck in a small town, aspiring rocker Dal Ho (Cha Tae Hyun) makes a living reluctantly playing trot at local clubs. When small-time recording company head Jang (Lim Chae Moo) offers Dal Ho a contract, he eagerly grabs the opportunity, believing that his time has finally come. After he signs, however, Dal Ho discovers that he won't be rocking after all. Instead, he will be singing trot. Unable to back out of his contract, Dal Ho takes to the stage behind a mask to hide his embarrassment, and ends up an overnight sensation. The wannabe rocker seems to have found his true calling, but doing music he dislikes. With the help of Jang and a certain cute trot singer (Lee So Yeon), maybe he'll actually learn the passion of trot.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Highway Star (VCD) (Malaysia Version) 蒙面達虎 (VCD) (馬來西亞版) 蒙面达虎 (VCD) (马来西亚版) 覆面ダルホ ~演歌の花道~ (VCD)(マレーシア版) 복면달호 (VCD) (Malaysia Version)
Artist Name(s): Cha Tae Hyun (Actor) | Lee So Yeon (Actor) 車太鉉 (Actor) | 李素研 (Actor) 车太铉 (Actor) | 李素研 (Actor) チャ・テヒョン (Actor) | イ・ソヨン (Actor) 차 태현 (Actor) | 이소연 (Actor)
Director: Kim Hyun Soo | Kim Sang Chan Kim Hyun Soo | Kim Sang Chan Kim Hyun Soo | Kim Sang Chan キム・ヒョンス | キム・サンチャン 김 현수 | 김상찬
Release Date: 2010-05-24
Language: Korean
Subtitles: Traditional Chinese, Malay
Place of Origin: South Korea
Disc Format(s): VCD
Publisher: PMP Entertainment (M) SDN. BHD.
Other Information: 2VCDs
Package Weight: 200 (g)
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1022749967

Product Information

夢想著成為明日樂壇之星,而事實上卻是在一個小地方的夜總會裡賣零食的奉達虎(車太鉉飾),用他的嗓音徵遇到了音樂製作人張社長(林采武飾)。認為是天籟之音的張社長要他當歌手,而視張社長為神人的達虎也毫不考慮的蓋了章簽了約,從此達虎的人生就變得豐富起來。 達虎堅信培養自己的《大嗓門計劃》,卻進了專門做TROT音樂的唱片公司。 結果被合同約束的達虎在無法逃避的現實下不得不為成為一個TROT歌手,而接受斯巴達式的訓練,於是“大嗓門”計劃就這樣野心勃勃的開始了!奉feel為藝名,由于參賽舞台的某件事情,達虎不得不戴上面具在台上唱歌。一路的激烈拼殺競爭後,出乎意料的是,神秘的外形讓他受到了觀眾的熱烈歡迎,一覺睡醒後竟成了炙手可熱的明星,瞬間一躍而為TROT的皇太子人物。與此同時,壓力和猜忌也如影而來,結果當他連將自己對TROT的真心喚醒的女子也離他而去的時候,也是他最強大的對手步步緊逼的時候,達虎漸漸的感覺透不過氣來…這所有的一切困難和磨煉,達虎究竟能否挺過去嗎? 神秘主義的TROT皇太子地位能守得住嗎?
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "Highway Star (VCD) (Malaysia Version)"

November 16, 2009

This professional review refers to Highway Star (DVD) (Korea Version)
Highway Star, the debut film from directors Kim Hyun Soo and Kim Sang Chan, is based around the unlikely subject of trot singing, which for the uninitiated is a much mocked melodramatic Korean folk music tradition enjoyed mainly by the middle-aged. Although this might not seem like a good idea on paper, there has been of late a trend of musically themed films in Korean cinema, and so perhaps trot was one of the few remaining genres to be tackled. Furthermore, the practice itself has been enjoying a resurgence in Korean popular culture, and as such the film can be seen as a timely means of introducing the masses to its flamboyant charms.

The plot follows Dal Ho (Cha Tae Hyun, best known as the lead in the phenomenally successful romantic comedy My Sassy Girl), a small town rocker who is one day offered a contract by a Seoul recording studio. Although he jumps at the chance, he soon finds out to his dismay that he has in fact been recruited to train as a trot singer, something which embarrasses him so much that he decides to wear a mask for his first television performance. To the shock of everyone, his gimmicky appearance captures the public imagination and he promptly becomes an overnight star, threatening his relationship with fellow trotter So Yeon (actress Lee So Yeon, also in Untold Scandal) and forcing him to think long and hard about his life.

Like the recent Radio Star, the film is one of personal growth and self-realisation through music, with Dal Ho gradually changing from an insecure brat who is happy enough to dump his friends at the merest sniff of stardom, to an all-caring, all-sharing confident man - such is the power of trot. Dal Ho makes for a likeable protagonist, and his journey is an entertaining one, even though its outcome is never in any doubt. This is thanks in part to a solid performance by Cha Tae Hyun who manages to bring a vague emotional depth to a fairly two dimensional role - it certainly also helps that he can sing, with the film giving him plenty of chances to show off his lung power.

In essence, the plot is very close to that of 200 Pounds Beauty, also tackling themes of acceptance and identity, though here through less drastic means of transformation, and the two films are similar in a number of ways, both basically revolving around frequent musical montages and leading up to a revelation packed climatic concert scene. This is by no means a bad thing, and although Highway Star is wholly predictable, never straying from the formula for films of this type, it works well enough due to a character driven approach and having plenty of heart.

Directors Kim and Kim manage to strike a comfortable balance between comedy and drama, and although there are a good number of gags, there is little in the way of slapstick or mugging for the camera. Wisely, though they poke gentle fun at some of the many tacky aspects of trot singing, they never go so far as to mock it or to try and devalue its appeal in a way which would have undermined the story. The plot does flounder somewhat due to the fact that Dal Ho's manager (stony faced actor Lim Chae Moo) is played mainly for laughs, something which leaves a gaping narrative hole usually occupied by some kind of father figure or guiding light, robbing the film of potential substance. The upside to this is that the proceedings are reasonably free from melodrama, and even the inevitable romantic subplot for once functions as more than a mere afterthought as is so often the case.

The film has an appropriately bright and colourful look, filled with the gaudy costumes and slick hairdos which are apparently a prerequisite for trot singers, and though these can be a little painful on the eye at times, they do give the action an authentically flashy feel. Kim and Kim have a good eye for detail, and they bring the film to life through an interesting choice of concert venues which range from seedy lounge clubs to small rural gatherings. Thankfully, there isn't too much in the way of padding or unnecessary subplots, and although basic, the film moves along at a pleasingly brisk pace and never outstays its welcome.

As such, whilst somewhat lacking in depth, rather like a band playing an overly familiar though well-loved song, Highway Star still manages to entertain and satisfy. Viewers should not be put off by the trot theme, as liking or even having heard of this obscure musical genre is by no means required, and the film should be enjoyed by all fans of personal growth tales and underdog success stories.

by James Mudge -

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Customer Review of "Highway Star (VCD) (Malaysia Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8.7 out of 10 (6)

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April 30, 2009

This customer review refers to Highway Star
I like it Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
I bought quite a few of Korean VCD's last year and now finally started to watch most of them. I have to say there were
some disappointments but I think Highway star is a little gem. I like Cha Tae Hyun and I like the storyline. I am so glad
I did not really know what the story was about before I watched it. As far as the quality of the picture, I think it
can be better. For this price, I think we should get a better quality DVD version. But , overall,I recommend this show.
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September 10, 2007

This customer review refers to Highway Star (DVD) (Special Edition) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
PURE ENTERTAINMENT!!! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
I have 2 words to describe this movie.... PURE ENTERTAINMENT!!! Cha Tae Hyun is just one of the most entertaining actors/performers/singers I have ever seen. This movie makes you feel happy... while watching it and long after you have watched it. It took me a couple days to stop thinking and talking about it with friends. Now I have everyone watching it. This is a must see.
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July 9, 2007

This customer review refers to Highway Star (DVD) (Special Edition) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
1 people found this review helpful

Tae Hyun gets the Trots Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
As some people may spot by this movie's English translated title, there is a same titled rock number by the rock band Deep Purple, and although this number isn't featured here - even though maybe it could have been as Tae Huyn Cha performs with his rock band at the beginning - Tae Hyun does throw out a couple of 'silver throated screams' for good measure. No, what you do get is a very entertaining music oriented comedy drama with Tae Hyun, drawing on his musical past (I don't know a lot about his singing, but Tae Hyun sang before his days in My Sassy Girl, right?) and sings in a 4 piece rock band only to get thrust out of this style into trot music by an over enthusiastic recording company manager specializing in the trot genre, and believing that TH has the voice of trot, gets him to sign a deal. At first Tae Hyun doesn't realize what he has got himself into (he just wants a record deal) and after discovering his mistake that its trot not rock, wants out. But discovering that a gorgeous female trot singer is also in the troupe, he then, eh?....changes his mind for some reason. From then on THC gets a hair do "not to die for ", trains to sing in the trot tradition, gets the trots (sorry the hots) for the girl and ends up with a face mask straight out of "The Foul King".

I found this film nice and light, funny, well performed, a nice central song and overall an all round enjoyable movie. Its more a comedy than anything and as for the type of music here its a form of crooner/vaudeville mix, but its more the satire and comedy you will watch this for than anything. Loved the part where THC has lashings of face make up applied, so to hide his embarrassment of appearing in live television doing trot singing, only for the harassed make up girl to over do it and give THC a Japanese Kabuki performer look. Golly, for those who have seen Tae Hyun before, you can just imagine his shocked face as he looks in the mirror with this, can't you? Its all good fun and Tae Hyun is on high form in this film and you end up with a pleasant feeling after watching it all. Actress So Yeon Lee is very nice and pleasant to watch, too, and the two managers give really good performances also. Worth seeing! If you like this I would also recommend "Radio Star", too, a bit different, but certainly a gem of a movie and somehow seems to have slipped through the net and out of vogue now for some reason. So check that you out, too.
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July 8, 2007

This customer review refers to Highway Star
love it Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
Cha Tae Hyun the BEST!!!!~
must is funny!!!!!!!
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June 12, 2007

This customer review refers to Highway Star (DVD) (Special Edition) (Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
Cha Tae Hyun CAN SING!! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
I haven't watched this movie yet, I just ordered it today. I just had to share.... Cha Tae Hyun can sing. I have both of his CDs. He is one of the most entertaining performers I have heard or seen. His CDs are a must have if you like music that makes you feel good.
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