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Innocent Curse (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2

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Innocent Curse (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Best known as the creator of the Ju-on: The Grudge series, Japanese horror-meister Shimizu Takashi offers a twist on the scary children trope in the chilling horror film Innocent Curse (a.k.a. Kodomo Tsukai). Johnny's artist Takizawa Hideaki, who regularly stars in stage and television productions, takes on the first leading film role of his career as a mysterious whisperer who can manipulate children's spirits to place curses on adults. Arioka Daiki of Hey! Say! JUMP co-stars as a journalist investigating the mystery while Kadogawa Mugi (Lover's Whirlpool) plays his girlfriend.

In a suburban town, children go missing one after another, and adults around the children also die mysteriously one after another. Rumors circulate online that adults who encounter a returned missing child will die in three days. Local journalist Shunya (Arioka Daiki) develops an interest in the strange incidents and begins chasing after the truth. One night, Shunya's girlfriend Nahomi (Kadowaki Mugi), who works at a preschool, watches over a boy (Nakano Haruto) whose mother has not come to pick him up. A mysterious man appears and the boy soon disappears.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Innocent Curse (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) 死小孩 (DVD) (普通版)(日本版) 死小孩 (DVD) (普通版)(日本版) こどもつかい (通常版) Innocent Curse (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version)
Also known as: Kodomo Tsukai 童使 童使 Kodomo Tsukai Kodomo Tsukai
Artist Name(s): Takizawa Hideaki | Arioka Daiki | Nishida Naomi | Onoue Hiroyuki | Habuka Yuri | Kadowaki Mugi 瀧澤秀明 | 有岡大貴 | 西田尚美 | 尾上寬之 | Habuka Yuri | 門脇麥 泷泽秀明 | 有冈大贵 | 西田尚美 | 尾上宽之 | Habuka Yuri | 门脇麦 滝沢秀明 | 有岡大貴 | 西田尚美 | 尾上寛之 | 羽深由理 | 門脇麦 Takizawa Hideaki | Arioka Daiki | Nishida Naomi | Onoue Hiroyuki | Habuka Yuri | Kadowaki Mugi
Director: Shimizu Takashi 清水崇 清水崇 清水崇 Shimizu Takashi
Release Date: 2017-12-13
Publisher Product Code: DB-978
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: No Subtitle
Place of Origin: Japan
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Disc Format(s): DVD
Region Code: 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it?
Other Information: DVD
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1061940930

Product Information

[アーティスト/ キャスト]
滝沢秀明 / 有岡大貴 / 門脇麦 / 清水崇 (監督、脚本) / 羽深由理 (音楽)



この世で一番怖いのは、こどもの怨み―― 滝沢秀明と『呪怨』の清水崇が仕掛けるホラー革命。――新人記者の駿也は、郊外で起こった連続不審死事件を追ううちに奇妙な偶然に辿りつく。小さなこどもが失踪した3日後に、その周りの大人が死んでいるのだ。死んだ大人たちはこどもに怨まれていたという。街の人々の間に広がる、"こどもの呪い"の噂。これは人の手による殺人なのか? それとも呪いなのか? 失踪し、戻ってきたこどもたちが口ずさむ歌に事件解決の糸口を見出した駿也は、先輩記者からの忠告も聞かず、取材にのめり込んでいく・・・。※バリアフリー再生機能: 音声ガイダンス/バリアフリー日本語字幕(本編のみ)

特典映像: 特報・予告編
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language

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