Mouso Nikki [Type A] (First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version)
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Technical Information
Product Title: | Mouso Nikki [Type A] (First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version) 妄想日記 [Type A] (初回限定版)(日本版) 妄想日记 [Type A] (初回限定版)(日本版) 妄想日記 [Type A] (初回限定盤)(日本版) Mouso Nikki [Type A] (First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version) |
Singer Name(s): | DaizyStripper DaizyStripper DaizyStripper DaizyStripper DaizyStripper |
Release Date: | 2013-12-11 |
Publisher Product Code: | PLGC-107 |
Language: | Japanese |
Disc Format(s): | CD |
Other Information: | Single |
Package Weight: | 160 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1034443803 |
Product Information / Track List
16th SINGLEシドのインディーズ時代からの名曲「妄想日記」をカヴァー。原曲のイメージを大切にしながらもDaizyStripperらしさをギュっと詰め込んだ仕上がり。「喪服」の衣装も取り入れた、DaizyStripperの新たなヴィジュアルにも大注目してほしい。カップリングは「星空と君の手 -You are (not) mine-」を収録。
01. 妄想日記
02. 星空と君の手 -You are (not)mine-
03. ["DREAMER" 2012.06.03 in 渋谷公会堂] KISS YOU
16th SINGLEシドのインディーズ時代からの名曲「妄想日記」をカヴァー。原曲のイメージを大切にしながらもDaizyStripperらしさをギュっと詰め込んだ仕上がり。「喪服」の衣装も取り入れた、DaizyStripperの新たなヴィジュアルにも大注目してほしい。カップリングは「星空と君の手 -You are (not) mine-」を収録。
01. 妄想日記
02. 星空と君の手 -You are (not)mine-
03. ["DREAMER" 2012.06.03 in 渋谷公会堂] KISS YOU
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language
Other Versions of "Mouso Nikki [Type A] (First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version)"
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Japan Version
- Mouso Nikki [Type A](SINGLE+DVD) (Normal Edition)(Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$20.75
- Usually ships within 7 days
- Mouso Nikki [Type B] (First Press Limited Edition)(Japan Version)
- US$8.75
- Usually ships within 7 days
- Mouso Nikki [Type B](SINGLE+DVD) (Normal Edition)(Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$20.75
- Usually ships within 7 days
- Mouso Nikki [Type C] (Normal Edition)(Japan Version)
- US$14.75
- Usually ships within 7 days
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