Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.46-90) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
The insurmountable responsibility cast upon parents with mentally challenged offspring can be quite daunting. For Chang Su (Huh Jun Ho), father of a young daughter and an autistic son, the pressure was too much. He ends up cheating on his wife Sung Shil (Kim Hee Ae) with another woman, and eventually the two split up. But the bitter medicine of divorce soon brings Chang Su to realize the preciousness of family and his love for his two children. Full of regrets and desire for redemption, Chang Su closes in on Sung Shil in hopes of rekindling their love. Just then, Chang Su faces another fallback in his life as his company nears bankruptcy. Now the dice is in Sung Shil's hands who must decide whether to turn her back on the man who once stabbed her in the heart, or to embrace the changed man that he has become over the years.
Technical Information
Product Title: | Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.46-90) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) 給父母親的信 (2004) (DVD) (46-90集) (完) (韓/國語配音) (KBS劇集) (台灣版) 给父母亲的信 (2004) (DVD) (46-90集) (完) (韩/国语配音) (KBS剧集) (台湾版) 給父母親的信 (2004) (DVD) (46-90集) (完) (韓/国語配音) (KBS劇集) (台湾版) 부모님 전상서 |
Also known as: | 致父親母親 / 說不出的愛 致父亲母亲 / 说不出的爱 |
Artist Name(s): | Lee Dong Wook (Actor) | Kim Hee Ae (Actor) | Lee Min Young (Actor) | Hur Jun Ho (Actor) | Yoo Seung Ho (Actor) | Kim Hae Sook (Actor) | Jeong Jun (Actor) | Song Seon Mi (Actor) | Jang Hyun Sung (Actor) | Kim Bo Yeon (Actor) 李東旭 (Actor) | 金喜愛 (Actor) | 李敏英 (Actor) | 許俊浩 (Actor) | 俞承豪 (Actor) | 金海淑 (Actor) | 鄭俊 (Actor) | 宋仙美 (Actor) | 張鉉誠 (Actor) | 金寶妍 (Actor) 李东旭 (Actor) | 金喜爱 (Actor) | 李敏英 (Actor) | 许俊浩 (Actor) | 俞承豪 (Actor) | 金海淑 (Actor) | 郑俊 (Actor) | 宋仙美 (Actor) | 张铉诚 (Actor) | 金宝妍 (Actor) イ・ドンウク (Actor) | キム・ヒエ (Actor) | イ・ミニョン (Actor) | ホ・ジュノ (Actor) | ユ・スンホ (Actor) | キム・ヘスク (Actor) | チョン・ジュン (Actor) | Song Seon Mi (Actor) | チャン・ヒョンソン (Actor) | キム・ボヨン (Actor) 이 동욱 (Actor) | 김희애 (Actor) | 이민영 (Actor) | 허 준호 (Actor) | 유승호 (Actor) | 김해숙 (Actor) | Jeong Jun (Actor) | 송선미 (Actor) | 장현성 (Actor) | 김보연 (Actor) |
Director: | Jung Eul Young 鄭乙永 郑乙永 Jung Eul Young 정 을영 |
Release Date: | 2016-03-23 |
Language: | Korean, Mandarin |
Subtitles: | Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.33 : 1 |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Video Codecs: | MPEG-2 (H.262) |
Duration: | 1,710 (mins) |
Publisher: | Horng En Culture Co., Ltd. |
Other Information: | 5DVD (Ep.46-90) |
Package Weight: | 200 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1049402414 |
Product Information
誠實(金喜愛 飾)高雅漂亮,高中時因富家子弟昌修(許峻豪 飾)不斷追求,大學沒畢業,年紀輕輕就結了婚,本來是人人羨慕的恩愛夫妻,但在生下一個自閉症的兒子之後,丈夫開始對她冷淡,婆家也對她不諒解,開始虐待她,她還是非常堅強。
Other Versions of "Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.46-90) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version)"
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Japan Version
- Haike Goryoshin Sama (DVD) (Boxset 1) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Haike Goryoshin Sama (DVD) (Boxset 2) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Haike Goryoshin Sama (DVD) (Boxset 3) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Haike Goryoshin Sama (DVD) (Boxset 4) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Haike Goryoshin Sama (DVD) (Boxset 5) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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Taiwan Version
- Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.1-45) (To Be Continued) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- US$19.99
- Usually ships within 21 days
- Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.1-90) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- US$19.99
- Usually ships within 21 days
- Precious Family (AKA: Letter To Parent) (DVD) (Vol.1 of 4) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Precious Family (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Precious Family (XDVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Precious Family (AKA: Letter To Parent) (DVD) (Vol.2 of 4) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
- Precious Family (AKA: Letter To Parent) (DVD) (Vol.3 of 4) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
- Precious Family (AKA: Letter To Parent) (DVD) (Vol.4 of 4) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
- Precious Family (XDVD) (Vol.1 Of 3) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
- Precious Family (XDVD) (Vol.2 Of 3) (To Be Continued) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
- Precious Family (XDVD) (Vol.3 Of 3) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
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Customer Review of "Precious Family (2004) (DVD) (Ep.46-90) (End) (Multi-audio) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version)"
See all my reviews
August 14, 2006
This customer review refers to Precious Family (AKA: Letter To Parent) (DVD) (Vol.1 of 4) (KBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version)
It's a great drama that explores relationships between family members and marriage among other topics. The main storylines: eldest struggles with her marriage, the second wonders whether his love can be happy despite his more modest background, the third stumbles on love, and fourth copes with her dissatisfaction on life. The support from parents and other family members enable them to grow and overcome their challenges. This drama excels and entertains through its dialogue and character development. A seemingly mundane topics of family and marital relations are made entertaining and thought-provoking. It's also does well in blending in humor. I rarely watch same drama twice, but this one is an exception. |
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