Re Xie Yong Shi (2017) (DVD) (Ep. 1-39) (End) (China Version) DVD Region All
Joe Ma (Actor)
| Lin Yu Shen (Actor)
| Zhang Xuan (Actor)
| Qin Bo Kun (Actor)
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Product Title: | Re Xie Yong Shi (2017) (DVD) (Ep. 1-39) (End) (China Version) 熱血勇士 (2017) (DVD) (1-39集) (完) (中國版) 热血勇士 (2017) (DVD) (1-39集) (完) (中国版) 熱血勇士 (2017) (DVD) (1-39集) (完) (中國版) Re Xie Yong Shi (2017) (DVD) (Ep. 1-39) (End) (China Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Joe Ma (Actor) | Lin Yu Shen (Actor) | Zhang Xuan (Actor) | Qin Bo Kun (Actor) | Yu Tong (Actor) | SUN CHEN (Actor) | Dong Yan Lin (Actor) | Li Duo (Actor) | Yang Yue Xin (Actor) | Yan Lin Fei (Actor) 馬德鐘 (Actor) | 林 雨申 (Actor) | 張璇 (Actor) | 秦 伯坤 (Actor) | 於 童 (Actor) | 孫晨 (Actor) | 董彥麟 (Actor) | 李朵 (Actor) | 楊 悅心 (Actor) | 閆 霖飛 (Actor) 马德钟 (Actor) | 林 雨申 (Actor) | 张璇 (Actor) | 秦 伯坤 (Actor) | 于 童 (Actor) | 孙晨 (Actor) | 董彦麟 (Actor) | 李朵 (Actor) | 杨 悦心 (Actor) | 闫 霖飞 (Actor) 馬徳鐘(マ・タクチョン) (Actor) | 林雨申(リン・ユーシェン) (Actor) | Zhang Xuan (Actor) | Qin Bo Kun (Actor) | Yu Tong (Actor) | SUN CHEN (Actor) | Dong Yan Lin (Actor) | Li Duo (Actor) | Yang Yue Xin (Actor) | Yan Lin Fei (Actor) Joe Ma (Actor) | Lin Yu Shen (Actor) | Zhang Xuan (Actor) | Qin Bo Kun (Actor) | Yu Tong (Actor) | SUN CHEN (Actor) | Dong Yan Lin (Actor) | Li Duo (Actor) | Yang Yue Xin (Actor) | Yan Lin Fei (Actor) |
Director: | Liu Tao 劉濤 刘涛 劉涛(リウ・タオ) Liu Tao |
Release Date: | 2018-04-04 |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | Simplified Chinese |
Place of Origin: | China |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | All Region What is it? |
Other Information: | 12DVDs (Ep.1-39) |
Package Weight: | 580 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 3 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1065719089 |
Product Information
三十年代初魯南鬧匪患﹐青年軍官高臨峰為報家仇﹐主動請纓去陵沂城剿匪。當地駐軍、安青幫、日本黑龍 會與土匪沆瀣一氣﹐剿匪舉步維艱。中共地下黨員高華君和沈嵐嵐為他指點迷津﹐幫他識破了昔日戀人安藤加代的真面目﹐擺脫了姐夫白龍飛的親情拉攏﹐以蒙面俠黑旋風的方式伸張正義﹐并收獲了沈嵐嵐的愛情。為粉碎日本人的細菌T計劃﹐及掠奪山東煤礦的黑金計劃﹐高臨峰九死一生。他從沈嵐嵐等人身上受到革命熏陶﹐自願接受黨組織的領導﹐組織起神勇的黑旋風分隊與敵人熱血抗爭。為保護抗日救亡物資﹐高臨峰與制造家門慘案的白龍飛和黑龍會等展開殊死搏鬥﹐zui終將敵人一網打盡。加代以血洗恥﹐沈嵐嵐不幸犧牲﹐高臨峰率黑旋風分隊奔赴抗日救亡戰場﹐成長為一名革命戰士。
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