Ready or Knot (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3
Carlos Chan (Actor)
| Michelle Wai (Actor)
| Chu Pak Hong (Actor)
| Siu Yam Yam (Actor)
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YesAsia Editorial Description
To marry, or not to marry? Carlos Chan (You Are the One) and Michelle Wai (77 Heartbreaks) engage in a battle of the sexes in the Hong Kong comedy-drama Ready Or Knot that mines both laughs and lessons out of the different expectations of men and women in modern relationships. Selected for the Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival, the film is the directorial debut of screenwriter Anselm Chan, who has worked on comedies like Hotel Deluxe, Hello Babies and Keep Calm and Be a Superstar.
Guy (Carlos Chan) and Heidi (Michelle Wai) met at a wedding and hit it off immediately. After five years together, the couple reaches the make-or-break point of their relationship - marriage. Heidi believes walking down the aisle is the confirmation of love; Guy sees getting married as the end of romance. Both refuse to back down on the topic, and bring in their friends to strategize. Heidi's BFFs advise her on how to force Guy into marriage, while Guy's buddies help him defend his anti-marriage position. In the end, the battle of sexes results in breakup. It's only then that Guy realizes what he's lost.
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Technical Information
Product Title: | Ready or Knot (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) 不日成婚 (2021) (DVD) (香港版) 不日成婚 (2021) (DVD) (香港版) Ready or Knot (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) Ready or Knot (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Carlos Chan (Actor) | Michelle Wai (Actor) | Chu Pak Hong (Actor) | Siu Yam Yam (Actor) | Hedwig Tam (Actor) | Kaki Sham (Actor) | Renci Yeung (Actor) 陳家樂 (Actor) | 詩雅 (Actor) | 朱柏康 (Actor) | 邵音音 (Actor) | 談 善言 (Actor) | 岑 珈其 (Actor) | 楊偲泳 (Actor) 陈家乐 (Actor) | 诗雅 (Actor) | 朱柏康 (Actor) | 邵音音 (Actor) | 谈 善言 (Actor) | 岑 珈其 (Actor) | 杨偲泳 (Actor) 陳家樂(カルロス・チャン) (Actor) | 詩雅 (ミシェル・ワイ) (Actor) | Chu Pak Hong (Actor) | 邵音音(シウ・ヤムヤム) (Actor) | 談善言(ヘドウィグ・タム) (Actor) | 岑珈其(カーキ・サム) (Actor) | 楊偲泳(レンシ・ヨン) (Actor) Carlos Chan (Actor) | Michelle Wai (Actor) | Chu Pak Hong (Actor) | Siu Yam Yam (Actor) | Hedwig Tam (Actor) | Kaki Sham (Actor) | Renci Yeung (Actor) |
Director: | Anselm Chan 陳茂賢 陈茂贤 Anselm Chan Anselm Chan |
Release Date: | 2021-08-19 |
Language: | Cantonese, Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Sound Information: | Dolby Digital 5.1 |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Duration: | 104 (mins) |
Publisher: | Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK) |
Package Weight: | 120 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1104972127 |
Product Information
* 特別收錄:
- Deleted Scenes「絕密電影片段」
- 制作花絮 Making Of
- Is it me? MV
- 預告片 Trailer
~~ 榮獲2021年「台灣金馬奇幻影展」入圍電影
~~ 2021年度「美國芝加哥亞洲躍動影展」~ 閉幕電影
阿佳 (陳家樂 飾) 與可怡 (衛詩雅 飾) 在一個婚禮上相識,兩人一拍即合,相愛五年,終於迎來最大的感情危機-「結婚」!女方視結婚為愛的證明;男方視結婚為愛的墳墓,二人在這議題上互有攻守,展開了一場男女之間深層次的角力!可怡的閨蜜Jenny (談善言 飾) 與Jessica (楊偲泳 飾) 出謀獻策,教她以鋼管舞及Cosplay之術,嘗試引誘阿佳進入圈套,務求在沒有安全措施之下一擊即中!一旦懷孕,婚事不就勢在必行?!阿佳眼見可怡對自己展開「逼婚計劃」,惟有在兄弟灰熊 (朱栢康 飾) 與阿健 (岑珈其 飾) 的幫忙下積極迎戰,誓要堅守不婚底線!女方計謀被連番識破,Jessica只好掏出殺著-春藥!得知消息的灰熊冒著生命危險通風報信,阿佳雖已有所防範,但還是百密一疏,中了可怡的圈套,渡過了極爽快的「無套一夜」!事後阿佳提心吊膽,最反對結婚的浪子阿健立即提出「事後大行動」— 務求在黃金三十六小時內,將事後避孕丸偷偷讓可怡服下!然而,阿佳冷靜過後,還是打消了念頭,但事情最終敗露。阿佳百口莫辯,可怡心灰意冷,決絕提出分手。回復單身的二人心境大不相同,可怡在姐妹的陪伴下走出陰霾,重新出發,將生活的重心放回自身,重拾Working Holiday的心願。那邊廂阿佳自以為瀟灑,盡情享受單身的自由,但隨時間推移卻愈發空虛難耐,此時他才明白相比於面對婚姻,他更恐懼的,原來是永遠失去可怡!為追回即將飛往他國的女友,他當機立斷,誓要策劃一場「不日成婚」大行動!
- Deleted Scenes「絕密電影片段」
- 制作花絮 Making Of
- Is it me? MV
- 預告片 Trailer
~~ 榮獲2021年「台灣金馬奇幻影展」入圍電影
~~ 2021年度「美國芝加哥亞洲躍動影展」~ 閉幕電影
阿佳 (陳家樂 飾) 與可怡 (衛詩雅 飾) 在一個婚禮上相識,兩人一拍即合,相愛五年,終於迎來最大的感情危機-「結婚」!女方視結婚為愛的證明;男方視結婚為愛的墳墓,二人在這議題上互有攻守,展開了一場男女之間深層次的角力!可怡的閨蜜Jenny (談善言 飾) 與Jessica (楊偲泳 飾) 出謀獻策,教她以鋼管舞及Cosplay之術,嘗試引誘阿佳進入圈套,務求在沒有安全措施之下一擊即中!一旦懷孕,婚事不就勢在必行?!阿佳眼見可怡對自己展開「逼婚計劃」,惟有在兄弟灰熊 (朱栢康 飾) 與阿健 (岑珈其 飾) 的幫忙下積極迎戰,誓要堅守不婚底線!女方計謀被連番識破,Jessica只好掏出殺著-春藥!得知消息的灰熊冒著生命危險通風報信,阿佳雖已有所防範,但還是百密一疏,中了可怡的圈套,渡過了極爽快的「無套一夜」!事後阿佳提心吊膽,最反對結婚的浪子阿健立即提出「事後大行動」— 務求在黃金三十六小時內,將事後避孕丸偷偷讓可怡服下!然而,阿佳冷靜過後,還是打消了念頭,但事情最終敗露。阿佳百口莫辯,可怡心灰意冷,決絕提出分手。回復單身的二人心境大不相同,可怡在姐妹的陪伴下走出陰霾,重新出發,將生活的重心放回自身,重拾Working Holiday的心願。那邊廂阿佳自以為瀟灑,盡情享受單身的自由,但隨時間推移卻愈發空虛難耐,此時他才明白相比於面對婚姻,他更恐懼的,原來是永遠失去可怡!為追回即將飛往他國的女友,他當機立斷,誓要策劃一場「不日成婚」大行動!
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