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Scandal Makers (VCD) (Korea Version) VCD

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Scandal Makers (VCD) (Korea Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (4)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Comedic favorite Cha Tae Hyun (My Sassy Girl) stars in the surprise box-office hit Scandal Makers (a.k.a. Speedy Scandal), Korea's highest-grossing comedy of all time. Written and directed by first-time filmmaker Kang Hyung Chul and produced by A.P.T. director Ahn Byung Ki, Scandal Makers serves up hearty laughter with the story of a former pop idol who enters panic mode when he discovers he may have a teen daughter. Mixing family sitcom laughs with winking jabs at the entertainment industry, the film is the perfect vehicle for Cha Tae Hyun to flex his comedic muscles and hapless faces. Adding to the fun are breakthrough actress Park Bo Young (Our School E.T.), who won Best Newcomer Actress at the 45th Baeksang Arts Awards, and adorable scene-stealing child actor Hwang Suk Hyun, whose priceless facial expressions had moviegoers up in stitches. Already picked up for a Hollywood remake, Scandal Makers collected over eight million admissions during its amazing run from December 2008 to spring 2009 to become one of Korea's biggest hits of all time.

Thirty-something former pop singer Hyun Su (Cha Tae Hyun) is now a popular radio DJ who spends too much time reminiscing about his idol past. He's got plenty more to occupy his mind though when Jung Nam (Park Bo Young) shows up claiming to be his daughter. What's more, she's brought along a mischievous little boy, Ki Dong (Hwang Suk Hyun), whom she claims to be her son. In the blink of an eye, Hyun Su has become a father and a grandfather. His career is over if the media catches scent of this!

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Technical Information

Product Title: Scandal Makers (VCD) (Korea Version) 極速緋聞 (VCD) (韓國版) 极速绯闻 (VCD) (韩国版) 過速スキャンダル (韓国版) 과속스캔들 (VCD) (한국판)
Also known as: Speed Scandal / Speedy Scandal / Overspeed Scandal Speed Scandal / Speedy Scandal / Overspeed Scandal Speed Scandal / Speedy Scandal / Overspeed Scandal スピードオーバー・スキャンダル Speed Scandal / Speedy Scandal / Overspeed Scandal
Artist Name(s): Park Bo Young (Actor) | Hwang Suk Hyun (Actor) | Hwang Woo Seul Hye | Cha Tae Hyun (Actor) 朴寶英 (Actor) | 王晢鉉 (Actor) | 黃雨瑟惠 | 車太鉉 (Actor) 朴宝英 (Actor) | 王晢铉 (Actor) | 黄雨瑟惠 | 车太铉 (Actor) パク・ボヨン (Actor) | ワン・ソクヒョン (Actor) | ファンウ・スルヘ | チャ・テヒョン (Actor) 박보영 (Actor) | 왕석현 (Actor) | 황우슬혜 | 차 태현 (Actor)
Director: Kang Hyung Chul 姜炯徹 姜炯彻 カン・ヒョンチョル 강형철
Release Date: 2009-09-23
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English
Place of Origin: South Korea
Disc Format(s): VCD
Publisher: Daekyung DVD
Other Information: 2 Discs
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1021340507

Product Information

과속스캔들 (VCD)(한국판)

“나 진짜 스캔들 좀 만들어주라! 신문 일면에 나와보게”
아직은 잘나가는 라디오 DJ _ 남현수

변함없는 순수함과 유쾌함을 간직한 배우 _ 차태현

영화와 드라마, 음반, MC, 그리고 DJ까지 다방면에서 뛰어난 재능을 보이는 원조 만능 엔터테이너 차태현. 그는 한 아이의 아빠라고는 믿겨지지 않을 만큼 동안 페이스를 고수하며 특유의 천진난만함과 유쾌함으로 전 세대를 막론, 여전히 폭넓은 팬 층을 가진 배우다. 그런 그가 <과속스캔들>에서는 딸이라고 우기는 스토커의 등장으로 스캔들에 휘말릴 위기에 놓인 라디오 DJ 남현수로 분해, 재치 발랄한 대사와 천연덕스러운 코믹연기를 선보이며 다시 한번 차태현의 위력을 과시한다. 특히, 얼마 전까지 라디오 DJ 활동을 한 차태현은 맞춤옷을 입은 듯 남현수를 자연스럽게 소화, 올 겨울 극장가에 <과속스캔들>의 통쾌한 웃음과 즐거움을 선사 할 것이다

"아빠 맞거든요!!"
딸이라 우기는 연예인 ‘남현수’ 스토커 _ 황정남

차세대 스크린을 이끌고 갈 여배우의 발견 _ 박보영

아기 같은 피부와 순수한 미소가 아름다운 신인배우 박보영. 그녀는 드라마 <왕과 나>에서 폐비 윤씨인 어린 ‘소화’ 역으로 신인답지 않은 안정된 연기를 펼치며 대중에게 알려지기 시작했다. 본격적으로 김수로 주연의 <울학교 이티>로 스크린 신고식을 치른 박보영은 <과속스캔들>에서 라디오 DJ 남현수가 자신의 '아빠'라고 우기며 그를 따라다니는 스토커 황정남으로 분해, 지금껏 한국영화에서 보기 드문 엽기적인 여성 캐릭터를 완성했다. 더욱이 어린 나이에도 불구하고 여섯 살 난 아들을 둔 어린 엄마 연기를 능청스럽게 해낸 박보영은 아역배우 왕석현과 함께 스토커 모자(母子)로 환상적인 연기 호흡을 선보이며 관객들의 마음을 사로잡을 예정이다. 청순한 마스크를 뒤로하고 뻔뻔스러운 표정연기와 상대방을 무시하는 당황스러운 행동들로 선배 연기자 차태현을 궁지로 몰고 가는 박보영은 <과속스캔들>을 통해 차세대 한국영화를 이끌고 갈 여 배우로서의 가능성을 보여준다.

"아빠네 할아버지네 둘째 아들 삼촌이요" 황기동 - 왕석현

어른 뺨치는 고스톱 실력과 썩은 미소가 매력적인 황정남의 눈치 구단 아들 황기동. 엄마 정남과 함께 라디오 DJ 남현수를 상대로 여섯 살 같지 않은 능숙함과 노련함으로 엽기적인 스토커 행각을 벌이며 현수를 괴롭힌다. 일반 아역배우들의 틀에 박힌 연기가 아닌 몸에 배어있는 자연스러운 연기로 1000대 1의 치열한 경쟁률을 뚫고 <과속스캔들>의 황기동 역을 따낸 아역배우 왕석현. 실제 나이 역시 여섯 살인 왕석현은 대선배 연기자인 차태현으로부터 비장의 표정연기 지도를 받는가 하면, 엄마 황정남의 박보영을 실제 엄마처럼 따르며 영화의 활력을 불어넣는다. 왕석현은 <과속스캔들>의 비장의 카드답게 관객들의 기대를 저버리지 않을 것이다.

2008년, 사건 사고는 아직 시작되지 않았다!
마약, 성형, 섹스 스캔들보다 무서운 과속스캔들이 온다!

한때 아이돌 스타로 10대 소녀 팬들의 영원한 우상이었던 ‘남현수’(차태현).
지금은 서른 중반의 나이지만, 그래도 아직까지는 잘나가는 연예인이자, 청취율 1위의 인기 라디오 DJ.

어느 날 애청자를 자처하며 하루도 빠짐없이 라디오에 사연을 보내오던 황.정.남(박보영)이 느닷없이 찾아와 자신이 현수가 과속해서 낳은 딸이라며 바득바득 우겨대기 시작하는데!! 그것도 애까지 달고 나타나서……
현수의 집은 물론 나와바리인 방송국까지. 어디든 물불 안 가리고 쫓아다니는 스토커 정남으로 인해 완벽했던 인생에 태클 한방 제대로 걸린 현수. 설상가상 안 그래도 머리 복잡한 그에게 정남과 스캔들까지 휩싸이게 되는데…… 나 이제, 이거 한방 터지면 정말 끝이다! 끝!!
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "Scandal Makers (VCD) (Korea Version)"

July 3, 2009

This professional review refers to Scandal Makers (DVD) (2-Disc) (Korea Version)
The Scandal Makers broke box office records in Korea, and after seeing the film it's hard to fault audiences for spending their box-office dollars. An enjoyable comedy made for popular appeal, Scandal Makers features many commercial elements: a likable and proven leading man, a young and photogenic leading lady, a sitcom-worthy premise, family-friendly laughs and – perhaps most important of all - an adorable little kid. Director-screenwriter Kang Hyoung-Chul has made a film for the masses, but Scandal Makers earns its "thumbs up" for more than just the obvious - it's got a solid script and smart direction, too. The adorable little kid still helps a lot, though.

Cha Tae-Hyun (My Sassy Girl) stars as Hyun-Su, a former TV actor turned popular radio personality. Hyun-Su's ratings rise when he counsels a single mother over the airwaves to seek out her long-lost father and show up on his doorstep with her young son. Despite his advice, Hyun-Su pities the unsuspecting grandfather because he's an avowed player and happy with the single life. Too bad that he's actually the unsuspecting grandfather; single mother Jung-Nam (Park Bo-Young) is his daughter from his ninth grade affair with an older woman, and Jung-Nam was pretty young herself when she conceived her son Ki-Dong (Wang Seok-Hyun). Together, the combined age of the three generations barely cracks 60. Planned Parenthood would have a fit.

Scandals can spell doom for popular personalities, and with his star currently on the rise, Hyun-Su would like to avoid bad publicity. However, Jung-Nam forces her way into his home and life, demanding shelter in exchange for her silence. Meanwhile, she pursues her dream of becoming a singer, and coincidentally Hyun-Su's radio show is hosting a singing competition. Jung-Nam soon shows up at Hyun-Su's studio to audition, while Hyun-Su fumes in the background and little Ki-Dong heads off to school. Hyun-Su lightens up a bit when he develops a crush on Ki-Dong's babelicious teacher (Hwangwoo Seulhae) and recruits young Ki-Dong to be his assistant matchmaker. Predictably, bonds develop between the three, but conflict isn't far off, either. Besides the omnipresent threat of scandal, there's the simple trial of adjustment. Can Hyun-Su finally give up his swinging bachelor ways for a three-generation household?

Spoiler alert! Of course he can, but like all commercial movies in our modern "seen-that-before" film consumption culture, the trick to a quality film isn't really what happens, but how. In that, Scandal Makers does its job exceptionally, moving at an entertaining pace and developing its story well. There's some convenience going on, but director Kang makes good use of all his characters and situations. There are no extraneous parts here; every element that's introduced returns in a welcome and appropriate fashion. Also, the filmmakers shows restraint, choosing not to lean on sappy montages or out-of-nowhere plot devices to grab the audience. There's a third act dip into drama, but by then the characters have endeared themselves to the audience - and hey, it's only drama, not melodrama. Simply for not going over the top, the filmmakers receive extra points.

The performances help quite a bit. Cha Tae-Hyun is dependable as the older-than-he-looks Hyun-Su, and nineteen year-old Park Bo-Young has the makings of a real star. However, little Wang Seok-Hyun steals the show; his curly-haired Ki-Dong is cute and precocious, and doesn't become annoying despite possessing a loaded character trait like sleepwalking. Ki-Dong's sleepwalking hook is milked for a couple of gags, but - in yet another moment of restraint - that's all the focus it gets: just a couple of gags. Kang Hyoung-Chul reportedly went through numerous screenplay drafts before the film finally entered production, and the final result seems well-thought and complete. The Scandal Makers never strays far from convention, but it seems to relish its commercial status, giving audiences what they want in a polished, smart and enjoyable fashion. If only all commercial films could be as agreeable.

by Kozo -

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Customer Review of "Scandal Makers (VCD) (Korea Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (4)

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September 17, 2009

This customer review refers to Scandal Makers (DVD) (2-Disc) (Korea Version)
1 people found this review helpful

Fabulous Comedy Drama Hit Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
As an ex-silver trouser pop star Hyun Su succumbs to being a local radio station 'celebrity' DJ, whose main forte is talk shows with low ratings. Hyun Su though boosts those pesky ratings by regularly reading letters over the airwaves from a single mother Jung Nam (Bo Young Park), who with her young son desperately needs to see her estranged father again. With strong encouragement from Hyun Su, his positive encouragement leads both girl and son to appear un-announced at the doorstep of Hyun Su’s plush apartment, dropping a bomb shell that HE is actually Jung Nam’s father. With a big classic Tae Hyun Cha shocked face at such a revelation, especially as it’s the same time Hyun Su is expecting a hot date to appear, he suddenly remembers a relationship in his youth that would have produced such an offspring. Reluctantly Hyun Su accommodates his two new ‘house guests’ and then decides to get a DNA test to clarify if Jung Nam is actually his daughter. So he bundles them over to a dog surgery where Hyun Su’s old rock band drummer mate makes a DNA test, which proves 100% positive; Jung Nam is his daughter. Fearing an embarrassing scandal, he lets Jang Nam and her son live with him and promises to help Jung Nam become a singer if she keeps mum. But Jung Nam only dreams of reconciling with the father she never knew and enters a pop singer talent competition at Hyun Su’s radio station as a means of expressing the love to her father she feels she cannot reveal.

This is a brilliant blend of drama comedy romp and the importance of family values, of how important a parent is to a child. With incredible quick fire visuals and comedy, its pure family entertainment. Tae Chae’s well-timed satire is on form and Bo Young Park as his single mum daughter is brilliant (I was convinced by her talent after “The ESP Couple”) and the lad Suk Hyun Hwang as Ki Dong’s son is so funny cute by his facial reactions and subtle gestures. He even keeps beating Hyun Su at playing cards and tries to fix a date with a nursery assistant Hyun Su falls in love with. Watching the scene at the nursery where Hyun Su and Ki Dong become infatuated and mesmerized by a nursery assistant and a young schoolgirl respectively is a gem. Fascinatingly this is a ‘Toilet Pictures’ film also produced by Byung Ki Ahn who previously directed horror films like “Phone” and “Apt” and amazing to see how he’s contributed to a different genre and a massive hit. Buy without hesitation children.
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Best Review
Kevin Kennedy
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August 14, 2009

This customer review refers to Scandal Makers (DVD) (2-Disc) (Korea Version)
1 people found this review helpful

Just might be the perfect date movie Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
Every once in a while you come across a movie in which everything fits together beautifully. "Scandal Makers" is just such a film. Its success begins with an ingenious premise -- a 30-something womanizing failed-pop-star-turned-radio-host is shocked when a teenaged girl shows up on his doorstep claiming to be his daughter ... and she has a son in tow, thus turning the childish playboy into an instant granddad!

Cha Tae Hyun is brilliant as the irresponsible celebrity unwilling to accept his abrupt change in circumstances. Park Bo Young is equally good as the spunky daughter-with-a-dream. Hwang Suk Hyun is an adorable little tyke and Hwangwoo Seul Hye is appealing as the boy's kindergarten teacher.

The film's clever premise is fleshed out brilliantly with a script that offers lots of humor while effectively tugging at the viewer's heart strings and allowing its characters to develop in a natural, unforced manner. "Scandal Makers" is darn near flawless -- I recommend it highly for a perfect evening of light entertainment.
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July 14, 2009

This customer review refers to Scandal Makers (DVD) (2-Disc) (Korea Version)
2 people found this review helpful

Awesome movie. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
Best Korean movie I've seen in years. This movie made me laugh, cry, happy, and mad!
Going into the theaters to watch this movie, I had NO IDEA what this movie was about.
All I know was that Cha Tae Hyun was in it.
When I came out, the one thought in my head was that I needed to buy the DVD when it comes out. It's just so good. Although Cha Tae Hyun is one of the best in Korea, I think Park Bo Young outshined him in this movie. Her acting was superb. That one scene just made my heartache, I almost wanted to get up and help her myself. Storyline was great, I just wish they made the movie longer.
A must buy for all Korean movie lovers.
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July 5, 2009

This customer review refers to Scandal Makers (DVD) (2-Disc) (Korea Version)
1 people found this review helpful

Great Film! Very entertaining! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
I wasn't too sure what to expectd of the film after watching the trailer but went ahead and ordered it from
YA, base on all of the hype (and ticket sales in korea). I didn't think Cha Tae Hyun still had anything left in him, after a bunch of bad films, but he definitely came back with this one. Park Bo Young did an excellent job in the film as well. The film has already been picked up by a US company in plans for doing a remake. The Director that is on the remake project commented "It's very entertaining and very universal." After watching the film, I know what he meant now, and yes it's a very entertaining. I highly recommend to watch this film before the remake - so many bad remakes (e.g. My Sassy Girl), although with this one they might be able to pull this one off.
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