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Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (Korea Version)

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Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (Korea Version)
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Customer Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (4)
All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (19)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Super Junior M starts anew in 2011 with their second mini-album, and they're still the picture of Perfection! Fans have been worried about the future of Super Junior M since the departure of Han Geng, but the group is now back with two more members. The too perfect boy band has added Eun Hyuk and Sung Min to the comeback lineup, bringing the member count to eight this time. Their highly anticipated new album features six brand new Mandarin songs including the dance title song Perfection, Henry and Zhou Mi's compositions Off My Mind and True Love, and the Jay Chou-composed Love is Sweet.

Korea Version comes with the Korean-language version of Perfection. First Press includes randomly selected member photo card; only while supplies last.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (Korea Version) Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - 太完美 (韓國版) Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - 太完美 (韩国版) Super Junior - M 2nd Mini Album - 太完美 (韓国版) 슈퍼주니어 엠 두번째 미니 앨범 - 태완미(Korea Version)
Singer Name(s): Super Junior-M Super Junior-M Super Junior-M Super Junior-M (スーパージュニア・エム) 슈퍼주니어 엠
Release Date: 2011-03-03
Language: Korean, Mandarin
Disc Format(s): CD
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
Publisher: SM Entertainment
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1024071950

Product Information / Track List

슈퍼주니어 엠 두번째 미니 앨범 - 태완미(Korea Version)

01. 태완미 (太完美; Perfection)_Korean Ver.
02. 太完美 (Perfection)
03. 命運線 (Destiny)
04. 幸福微甜 (Love is sweet)
05. 表白 (Off my mind)
06. True Love
07. 吹一樣的風 (My all is in you)

슈퍼주니어 중국어권 유닛 ‘슈퍼주니어-M’
새 미니앨범 ‘太完美’ 2월 28일 국내 발매! 아시아 석권 예고!

중국어권에서 폭발적인 인기를 얻고 있는 슈퍼주니어의 유닛 ‘슈퍼주니어-M’이 1년 5개월 만에
발표하는 새 미니앨범 ‘太完美(태완미)’가 오는 2월 28일 국내에서도 발매된다.

슈퍼주니어-M은 지난 2008년 4월 중국어 앨범을 발표하며 정식 데뷔해, 각종 음악차트 1위석권은 물론 중국 연말 시상식 최고 그룹상 그랜드슬램을 달성한 바 있으며, 한국 아티스트 최초 중국 우표모델 선정, 세계적인 음료브랜드 ‘펩시콜라’ CF모델, 휴대폰 ‘OPPO’ CF모델로도 활동하는 등 가수뿐만 아니라 다방면에서 활발한 활약을 펼쳐, 이번 활동에 대한 기대가 더욱 큰 상황.

특히, 2009년 9월 출시한 ‘SUPER GIRL’ 이후 약 1년 5개월 만에 발표하는 두 번째 미니앨범
‘太完美’에는 기존 멤버 시원, 동해, 려욱, 규현, 헨리, 조미 외에 은혁과 성민이 특별히 참여해 함께 활동을 펼칠 계획이어서, 중국, 대만을 비롯한 아시아를 강타할 슈퍼주니어-M 열풍은
더욱 거세질 전망이다.

이번 미니앨범에는 세련된 댄스곡인 타이틀 곡 ‘太完美’를 비롯해 멤버 헨리의 자작곡 ‘表白’, 조미가 작사한 ‘True Love’ 등 슈퍼주니어-M의 다양한 매력을 느낄 수 있는 6곡의 중국어 노래가 수록되어 있으며, 한국 앨범에는 특별히 타이틀 곡 ‘太完美’의 한국어 버전까지 총 7곡을 담아 국내 팬들에게도 뜨거운 반응을 얻을 것으로 보인다.

한편, 슈퍼주니어-M의 새 미니앨범 ‘太完美’은 2월 25일 중국, 대만에서 온라인 공개와 오프라인 발매를 시작으로 아시아 지역에서 순차적으로 출시될 예정이다.

**The 1st press already sold out.
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Customer Review of "Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (Korea Version)"

Average Customer Rating for this Edition: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (4)
Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (19)

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June 26, 2012

This customer review refers to Perfection (Poster Preorder Version)
Perfection Indeed Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
So so good, must have for SuJu-M fans or even ELFs in general.

Great songs. Perfection is perfect. My All is in You is an amazing ballad and omg, Kyu's voice really shines in this version. I also totally love Henry's solo Off My Mind! The rest were nice but those 3 are my definite favourites.

The poster is HUUUUGGGEEEE. So big, I love it. One of my favourite posters ever.

The photobook is lovely, I adore this concept and it would be the best concept of theirs ever if it wasn't for some of those fluffy hats. But the Victorian suits and their perfect hair. *swoons* I wish the album packaging was a bit bigger so the photos were bigger but it is nice and small and can fit next to normal sized Western cds so that's a plus for some.

Lastly, IT HAS A PHOTOCARD~ And I've bought two so I got Kyuhyun's (my bias yay, Perfection era looks great on him) and Sungmin. Both look so lovely. ;u; Photocards are always worth it.

In conclusion: 10/10. Definitely worth it~
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February 6, 2012

This customer review refers to Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (CD+DVD) (Repackage) (Korea Version)
Better than expected <3 Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
It's my first time buying an Super Junior M album, (I have so far bought only 3rd, 4th and 5th jib of Super Junior Albums), and let me tell you... the songs are really amazing, especially my favorite "My all is in You" made in Chinese version was as good as the Korean version <3 Especially KyuHyuns voice... *swoons*
This is probably the best package I have seen out of all the Suju CD's I have bought. It contains a DVD which includes making of and the 2 versions of "Perfection" (chinese and korean).
The Photo booklet have tons of good HQ photos of each members, including some of behind the scenes of Perfection MV.
Unfortunately there is no photo card T_T Oh well thats the only negative.
Overall is a must have! Either ELF or K-pop lover
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December 16, 2011

This customer review refers to Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (CD+DVD) (Repackage) (Korea Version)
GOOD. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
Have always wanted this album ever since my friends got it. the photobook is pretty thick and all the pics are so nice! As soon as I saw it was on sale I knew I had to buy it! I mean $4.99 is dirt cheap! It would be a waste if I didn't buy it. :D anyway waiting for mine to be shipped to me! I'm excited!!!!
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November 30, 2011

This customer review refers to Perfection (Version B) (CD+DVD)
2 people found this review helpful

Never fail to disappoint. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
As soon as I saw this had become available for pre-order I instantly got in there and got myself a copy, which can sometimes be really risky, but in this case was a very good choice!

I did the same with Version A of this CD (it was my first Super Junior M release and I just couldn't wait), and I can easily say that both times I haven't regretted it for a second. :)

This version comes with a CD and DVD - the CD has more or less the same content on as version A, just with another few tracks added onto it, and the DVD has the two Music Videos of Perfection, some making of material and behind the scenes stuff. The CD folds out twice - once with the CD on one side, the DVD on the other side, and then the photobook is in the middle.

For a lot of CDs I tend to buy them mostly for the Photobooks inside - the bigger the photobook that comes with a CD the happier I am, and this one hits the spot nicely. Inside the photobook you get two foldouts, one has song lyrics on and the other is the generic advertisement leaflet you get with most Korean CDs. Inside the photobook you get pictures of each members in little segments dedicated to them, with their name and a little 'thanks to' part, with one time being a photoshoot styled posing and another being pictures of them just before filming. Then it moves onto a section of them actually filming the music video for Perfection, and the whole thing just looks really great and well laid out. There isn't really any wasted space (something a fair few SMEnt albums can be guilty of), and the paper is of a fairly glossy, high quality paper.

Overall I think this is a really great repackage album, the design is great and all of the songs are really nice too. A must have for all Super junior M fans. :)
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September 10, 2011

This customer review refers to Super Junior M 2nd Mini Album - Perfection (CD+DVD) (Repackage) (Korea Version)
3 people found this review helpful

西風的話 ♪♭♯ Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
Best release of Super Junior M so far!

The new bonus track, '西風的話', in my opinion, is the best song. Too bad they didn't release an MV for it :(. I love the opera-like sound and how they were singing acoustic really boosted their voices up and showed off our boys' vocal skills ♡. Especially Kyuhyun! His voice was just beautiful :3. The melody was gentle and soft, not exactly sweet but nothing sad or dark either. It's like one of those songs they sing in the church, mixed with the catchy, modern feeling (but not too much) and '西風的話' became perfect. Really, it's something you should check out! Officially became my ultimate favourite Super Junior M's song XD

About the packaging and designing, there's nothing to complain. I love how the CD front is white while the DVD front is black. Perfect color arrangements. The blue, pink and yellow stripes are pretty cute and unique too! And the booklet's thick and included the usual lyrics paper and filled with nice pictures ♡ I love how the boys are still wearing black&white tuxes this time yet they still managed to look so bright and fresh and cute, not exactly in contrast with their previous mature, charismatic concept, but less serious, I think :). I love them like this! They look more like our prom dates than some princes from far far away XD. Also, there are behind-the-scene shots of the boys, they looked gorgeous as always, plus there're some cute selcas and funny shots XD. I just wanna say Eunhyuk's a creep. But why, purchase the EP to find out LOL. And Kyuhyun looked extremely adorable :3. He's so pretty :"33333.

I also received the poster and it was the same size with the CD version, which means it's HUGEEEEEEEEE. Another giant copy of the front cover XD. But sadly there's no special photocards this time :(. However, the DVD was also very nice. Since GomTV didn't release the 1080p Chinese MV so I can only watch the high quality video by this DVD :(. The DVD includes both Korean & Chinese versions of the MV, plus jacket+MV making (which I never watched since it wasn't that much interesting and plus I don't know Korean nor Chinese :/). 

Still, overall, great EP. Must-have for all Super Junior M's fans :).
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