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Suzume (2022) (Blu-ray) (2-Disc Edition) (Taiwan Version) Blu-ray Region A

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YesAsia Editorial Description

Your Name and Weathering With You writer-director Shinkai Makoto returns with another stirringly magical and breathtakingly beautiful animated blockbuster in Suzume! Characteristic of Shinkai Makoto's works, Suzume is a coming-of-age adventure with stunning fantasy elements, whimsical details and adolescent etudes that reveal a greater story of grief, remembrance and renewal. The film features character design by Tanaka Masayoshi, animation direction by Tsuchiya Kenichi, and art direction by Tanji Takumi, the same team behind Your Name.

Suzume is a 17-year-old girl who lives with her aunt in a quiet town in Kyushu. On her way to school one day, she meets a young man named Sota who is searching for a door, and she follows him to an abandoned resort. There, Suzume comes upon a strange lone door amid the ruins. Drawn to the door, she reaches for the knob and sees into another world that she cannot enter. Unwittingly, Suzume has removed a keystone and opened a door to disaster, releasing a mythical creature capable of wreaking great damage. It is Sota's job to close these doors to stop damaging earthquakes from striking, but he gets sidelined by a curse. With doors of disaster beginning to appear all around Japan, Suzume and Sota set out on a journey to close the doors and restore the keystone before another disaster occurs.

This edition comes with a 108-page booklet, a sticker sheet and a Taiwan-exclusive postcard set.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Suzume (2022) (Blu-ray) (2-Disc Edition) (Taiwan Version) 鈴芽之旅 (2022) (Blu-ray) (雙碟版) (台灣版) 铃芽之旅 (2022) (Blu-ray) (双碟版) (台湾版) 鈴芽之旅 (2022) (Blu-ray) (雙碟版) (台灣版) Suzume (2022) (Blu-ray) (2-Disc Edition) (Taiwan Version)
Artist Name(s): Fukatsu Eri | Matsumoto Hakuo | Kamiki Ryunosuke | Hanazawa Kana | Itoh Sairi | Sometani Shota | Hara Nanoka 深津繪里 | 松本白鸚 | 神木隆之介 | 花澤香菜 | 伊藤沙莉 | 染谷將太 | 原菜乃華 深津绘里 | 松本白鹦 | 神木隆之介 | 花泽香菜 | 伊藤沙莉 | 染谷将太 | 原菜乃华 深津絵里 | 松本白鸚 | 神木隆之介 | 花澤香菜 | 伊藤沙莉 | 染谷将太 | 原菜乃華 Fukatsu Eri | Matsumoto Hakuo | Kamiki Ryunosuke | Hanazawa Kana | Itoh Sairi | Sometani Shota | Hara Nanoka
Director: Shinkai Makoto 新海誠 新海诚 新海誠 Shinkai Makoto
Writer: Shinkai Makoto 新海誠 新海诚 新海誠 Shinkai Makoto
Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2025-01-06
Language: Japanese, Mandarin
Subtitles: Traditional Chinese
Place of Origin: Japan
Aspect Ratio: 1.78 : 1
Sound Information: Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Duration: 121 (mins)
Publisher: GaragePlay Inc.
Package Weight: 500 (g)
Shipment Unit: 3 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1132784939

Product Information

.正片BD + 特典BD
.繁體中文翻譯全彩電影手冊 (108頁)
.台灣限定特製明信片組 (一組12張)

★ 新海誠親自監修,共273幕畫面細節重新繪製,作畫品質再升級!
★ 全台票房賣破2.4億,台灣影史日本電影賣座No. 4
★ 新海誠生涯最高傑作!醞釀8年,根據311東日本大地震創作的真誠之作
★ 20年來唯一正式入選「柏林影展主競賽片」日本動畫電影
★ 日本首週末賣破18.8億,超越《你的名字》《天氣之子》打破新海誠導演個人開片票房紀錄
★ 蟬聯日本票房3週冠軍,票房突破147億,觀影人數破千萬人次
★ 《你的名字》《天氣之子》導演新海誠最新作品
★ 日本搖滾天團 RADWIMPS 攜手《攻殼機動隊SAC_2045》作曲家陣內一真打造動人配樂
★ 1700人海選脫穎而出新生代女演員 原菜乃華 X 「SixTONES」成員 松村北斗 獻聲演出男女主角
★ 集結深津繪里、染谷將太、伊藤沙莉、花瀬琴音、花澤香菜等超人氣演員及聲優陣容擔綱配音
★ TikTok 歌手「十明」感動獻唱主題曲《すずめ》
★ 門的另一端,存在著所有的時間――

生活在九州鄉間的17歲少女鈴芽(原菜乃華 配音),某日遇到一名「為了尋找門」而四處旅行的神祕青年草太(松村北斗 配音)。好奇的鈴芽尾隨草太進入山中的廢墟後,在那裡發現了一扇宛如遭逢崩塌毀壞後,所留下的陳舊之門。受到某種神祕力量的吸引,鈴芽將手伸向了那扇門……。




.上映紀念特輯《OPEN THE DOOR ―新的旅程―》
.上映紀念特輯《BEHIND THE DOOR ―啟程之時―》
.製作紀錄片 跟著《鈴芽之旅》前進
.新海誠x野田洋次郎x陣內一真 特別座談會「音樂之門」

傑尼斯新世代人氣組合「SixTONES」成員 松村北斗
《劇場版 五等分的新娘》花澤香菜

約121分鐘 (正片)
約194分鐘 (特別收錄影像特典)
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  • Region & Language: No Region Selected - English
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