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System Crasher (2019) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3

Gabriela Maria Schmeide (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor)
Our Price: US$19.99
Availability: Usually ships within 30 days
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System Crasher (2019) (DVD) (Taiwan Version)
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Technical Information

Product Title: System Crasher (2019) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) 蘿莉破壞王 (2019) (DVD) (台灣版) 萝莉破坏王 (2019) (DVD) (台湾版) System Crasher (2019) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) System Crasher (2019) (DVD) (Taiwan Version)
Also known as: Systemsprenger Systemsprenger Systemsprenger Systemsprenger Systemsprenger
Artist Name(s): Gabriela Maria Schmeide (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor) | Lisa Hagmeister (Actor) Gabriela Maria Schmeide (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor) | Lisa Hagmeister (Actor) Gabriela Maria Schmeide (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor) | Lisa Hagmeister (Actor) Gabriela Maria Schmeide (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor) | Lisa Hagmeister (Actor) 가브리엘라 마리아 슈마이더 (Actor) | Albrecht Schuch (Actor) | Helena Zengel (Actor) | Maryam Zaree (Actor) | Lisa Hagmeister (Actor)
Director: Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt
Writer: Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt Nora Fingscheidt
Release Date: 2021-01-01
Language: German
Subtitles: Traditional Chinese
Place of Origin: Germany
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Aspect Ratio: 1.78 : 1
Sound Information: Dolby Digital 2.0
Disc Format(s): DVD
Region Code: 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it?
Duration: 125 (mins)
Publisher: Baoteng Media
Package Weight: 120 (g)
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1098128417

Product Information

★橫掃歐洲各大影展 勇奪8項德國奧斯卡蘿拉獎
★天才童星海倫娜·澤格爾 震撼影壇 奪影史最年輕影后


教室裡,年僅九歲的貝妮(海倫娜·澤格爾 飾)臉上掛彩,發出死亡般的吼叫聲咒罵著同學。憤怒沖腦的她是社福機構裡最危險的不定時炸彈。數度被強制送醫的她,總在看似情緒好轉後又急轉直下。在貝妮一次次情緒失控之下,也逐漸動搖週遭人們對她的寬容與憐憫,輔導員對她束手無策、無可奈何;而貝妮的唯一心願就是「回家」與媽媽同住,這看似再平凡不過的小小請求,卻因她的病情不穩而無法實現。她宛如披著混世魔王的外衣,獨自行走在瀕臨崩潰的世界邊緣…

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  • Region & Language: No Region Selected - English
  • *Reference Currency: No Reference Currency
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