The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3
Wu Jing (Actor)
| Jackson Yee (Actor)
| Tang Guo Qiang (Actor)
| Lu Chi (Actor)
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Co-directed by Chen Kaige, Dante Lam and Tsui Hark, the 2021 war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin became China's biggest film of all time with a box office gross of over 5.7 billion yuan (US$900 million). Set in the 1950s during the Korean War, the Chinese blockbuster depicts the Battle of Lake Changjin, also known as the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, between China's People's Volunteer Army and the U.S. army. Billed as China's most expensive film production ever, the big-budget war film viscerally recreates the grueling magnitude of large-scale ground and air warfare in freezing cold environs. Action star Wu Jing (Wolf Warrior) and top young actor Jackson Yee (Better Days) lead the cast as brothers and soldiers of the 7th Company who are deployed to fight a devastating and decisive battle in North Korea in the winter of 1950. The ensemble cast also includes Zhang Hanyu, Hu Jun, Duan Yihong, Zhu Yawen, Li Chen, Elvis Han, Oho Ou, Huang Xuan and Tang Guoqiang.
This edition comes with trailers and making-of features.
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Technical Information
Product Title: | The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) 長津湖 (2021) (DVD) (香港版) 长津湖 (2021) (DVD) (香港版) The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Wu Jing (Actor) | Jackson Yee (Actor) | Tang Guo Qiang (Actor) | Lu Chi (Actor) | Geng Le (Actor) | Hu Jun (Actor) | Wang Wu Fu (Actor) | Zhang Han Yu (Actor) | Zhu Ya Wen (Actor) | Lin Yong Jian (Actor) | Zhou Xiao Bin (Actor) | Wang Tong Hui (Actor) | Li Jun (Actor) | Xu Ming Hu (Actor) | Li Chen (Actor) | CAO YANG (Actor) | Wang Zhu (Actor) | Huang Xuan (Actor) | Liu Jing (Actor) | Duan Yi Hong (Actor) | Li Min Cheng (Actor) | Ai Mi (Actor) | Oho Ou (Actor) | Elvis Han (Actor) | Shi Hao Zheng (Actor) | Shi Peng Yuan (Actor) | Yang Yi Wei (Actor) 吳京 (Actor) | 易烊千璽 (Actor) | 唐國強 (Actor) | 盧奇 (Actor) | 耿樂 (Actor) | 胡軍 (Actor) | 王伍福 (Actor) | 張涵予 (Actor) | 朱 亞文 (Actor) | 林永健 (Actor) | 周小斌 (Actor) | 王同輝 (Actor) | 李軍 (Actor) | 許明虎 (Actor) | 李晨 (Actor) | 曹陽 (Actor) | 王寧 (Actor) | 黃 軒 (Actor) | 劉勁 (Actor) | 段奕宏 (Actor) | 李 岷城 (Actor) | 艾米 (Actor) | 歐 豪 (Actor) | 韓 東君 (Actor) | 石昊正 (Actor) | 史彭元 (Actor) | 楊一威 (Actor) 吴京 (Actor) | 易烊千玺 (Actor) | 唐国强 国强 (Actor) | 卢奇 (Actor) | 耿乐 (Actor) | 胡军 (Actor) | 王伍福 (Actor) | 张涵予 (Actor) | 朱 亚文 (Actor) | 林永健 (Actor) | 周小斌 (Actor) | 王同辉 (Actor) | 李军 (Actor) | 许明虎 (Actor) | 李晨 (Actor) | 曹阳 (Actor) | 王宁 (Actor) | 黄 轩 (Actor) | 刘劲 (Actor) | 段奕宏 (Actor) | 李 岷城 (Actor) | 艾米 (Actor) | 欧 豪 (Actor) | 韩 东君 (Actor) | 石昊正 (Actor) | 史彭元 (Actor) | 杨一威 (Actor) 呉京(ウー・ジン) (Actor) | 易烊千璽(イー・ヤンチェンシー) (Actor) | 唐國強(トン・コッキョン) (Actor) | 盧奇(ルー・チー) (Actor) | 耿樂(グン・ロー) (Actor) | 胡軍(フー・ジュン) (Actor) | 王伍福(ワン・ウーフー) (Actor) | 張涵予 (チャン・ハンユー) (Actor) | 朱亞文(チュー・ヤーウェン) (Actor) | Lin Yong Jian (Actor) | Zhou Xiao Bin (Actor) | Wang Tong Hui (Actor) | Li Jun (Actor) | Xu Ming Hu (Actor) | 李晨 (リー・チェン) (Actor) | CAO YANG (Actor) | 王寧(ワン・ニン) (Actor) | 黃軒(ホアン・シュアン) (Actor) | Liu Jing (Actor) | 段奕宏(ドアン・イーホン) (Actor) | 李岷城(リー・ミンチョン) (Actor) | Ai Mi (Actor) | 歐豪(オウ・ハオ) (Actor) | 韓東君(エルビス・ハン) (Actor) | Shi Hao Zheng (Actor) | Shi Peng Yuan (Actor) | Yang Yi Wei (Actor) Wu Jing (Actor) | Jackson Yee (Actor) | Tang Guo Qiang (Actor) | Lu Chi (Actor) | Geng Le (Actor) | 후 준 (Actor) | Wang Wu Fu (Actor) | Zhang Han Yu (Actor) | Zhu Ya Wen (Actor) | Lin Yong Jian (Actor) | Zhou Xiao Bin (Actor) | Wang Tong Hui (Actor) | Li Jun (Actor) | Xu Ming Hu (Actor) | Li Chen (Actor) | CAO YANG (Actor) | Wang Zhu (Actor) | Huang Xuan (Actor) | Liu Jing (Actor) | Duan Yi Hong (Actor) | Li Min Cheng (Actor) | Ai Mi (Actor) | Oho Ou (Actor) | Elvis Han (Actor) | Shi Hao Zheng (Actor) | Shi Peng Yuan (Actor) | Yang Yi Wei (Actor) |
Director: | Tsui Hark | Chen Kaige | Dante Lam 徐 克 | 陳凱歌 | 林 超賢 徐 克 | 陈凯歌 | 林 超贤 徐克(ツイ・ハーク) | 陳凱歌 (チェン・カイコー) | 林超賢(ダンテ・ラム) 서극 | Chen Kaige | Dante Lam |
Release Date: | 2022-02-01 |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong, China |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Widescreen Anamorphic: | Yes |
Sound Information: | Dolby Digital EX(TM) / THX Surround EX(TM) |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Duration: | 176 (mins) |
Publisher: | Panorama (HK) |
Package Weight: | 120 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1110365451 |
Product Information
* 特別收錄 (12mins):
- Trailer預告片1,2
- 製作特輯 Making of
三大導演 陳凱歌 徐克 林超賢 聯合執導
領銜主演 吳京
領銜主演 易烊千璽
領銜主演 張涵予 胡軍 李晨 黃軒 歐豪
朱亞文 段奕宏 韓東君 唐國強
1950 年冬天,冰天雪地的長津湖區域,一場美國與中國煉獄般的血戰即將拉開序幕。中、美雙方分別派遣最為精銳的王牌部隊出戰——中國人民志願軍第 9 兵團、美軍陸戰第 1 師,步兵第 7 師。兩支部隊在戰役中多次展開驚心動魄的殊死較量,中方在面臨極端嚴寒、食不果腹、以及巨大武器差距等諸多艱險條件時,依舊毫無懼色、頑強抗戰、視死如歸,最終成功炸毀水門橋,並取得了抗美援朝戰爭中最為關鍵的一場決定性勝利。
- Trailer預告片1,2
- 製作特輯 Making of
三大導演 陳凱歌 徐克 林超賢 聯合執導
領銜主演 吳京
領銜主演 易烊千璽
領銜主演 張涵予 胡軍 李晨 黃軒 歐豪
朱亞文 段奕宏 韓東君 唐國強
1950 年冬天,冰天雪地的長津湖區域,一場美國與中國煉獄般的血戰即將拉開序幕。中、美雙方分別派遣最為精銳的王牌部隊出戰——中國人民志願軍第 9 兵團、美軍陸戰第 1 師,步兵第 7 師。兩支部隊在戰役中多次展開驚心動魄的殊死較量,中方在面臨極端嚴寒、食不果腹、以及巨大武器差距等諸多艱險條件時,依舊毫無懼色、頑強抗戰、視死如歸,最終成功炸毀水門橋,並取得了抗美援朝戰爭中最為關鍵的一場決定性勝利。
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- The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray Region A
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Japan Version
- The Battle at Lake Changjin (DVD) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$31.99
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