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The Earth Is Actually Not That Dangerous (EP+Book)

R-chord Hsieh (Singer)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Is the planet Earth in danger? Are we human beings an endangered species? Maybe, but before that day comes, we still have Hsieh He Hsian (a.k.a. R-chord) for entertainment and, possibly, enlightenment. The Taiwanese singer-songwriter comforts listeners with his multimedia project named The Earth is Actually Not That Dangerous, which comprises a book and a CD. The book contains R-chord's select blog articles, photographic works, his first novel, and the exclusive comic strips telling his puppy love stories. The all-round creative talent also collaborates with the Sea Level band on a new EP that contains five rock numbers, namely "Sea Level", "The Earth is Actually Not That Dangerous", "Shepherd", "One Sentence", and "White Humor".
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Technical Information

Product Title: The Earth Is Actually Not That Dangerous (EP+Book) 地球其實沒有那麼危險 (圖文誌+樂團創作EP) 地球其实没有那麽危险 (图文志+乐团创作EP) 地球其實沒有那麼危險 (EP+ブックレット) The Earth Is Actually Not That Dangerous (EP+Book)
Singer Name(s): R-chord Hsieh (Singer) 謝和弦 (Singer) 谢和弦 (Singer) 謝和弦 (シェ・フーシェン) (Singer) R-chord Hsieh (Singer)
Release Date: 2009-12-18
Language: Mandarin
Place of Origin: Taiwan
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 430 (g)
Shipment Unit: 3 What is it?
Publisher: AsiaMuse Entertainment Co., Ltd.
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1021609575

Product Information / Track List

地球其實沒有那麼危險 圖文誌
地球其實沒有那麼危險 樂團創作EP

謝和弦 R.CHORD 地球其實沒有那麼危險 圖文誌+樂團創作EP

親愛的朋友,你知道嗎? 海平面的高度,決定著我們地球的存亡!
德國波茨坦氣候影響研究所的Stefan Rahmsdorf則認為
到2200年 海平面估計將上升1.5到3.5米,海平面若持續上升,我們的地球會出現以下症狀:
* 全球大部分城市和農田遭水淹沒
* 陸地減少
* 人口密度大幅增加
* 農作物產量減少
* 島國消失
* 全球氣候變暖
* 地震更加頻繁
* 火山爆發增加
* 海嘯
* 氣候變兩極化,天然災害加劇




危險的 其實是我們 人類!!!!!

圖文誌精選謝和弦網誌文章、攝影集、首部長篇小說【當你的不成熟在裝熟】完整版 獨家附錄【牽心萬苦】謝和弦初戀情事漫畫別冊
樂團創作EP謝和弦v.s海平面樂團合體第一發創作EP 收錄5首搖滾曲目「海平面」「地球其實沒有那麼危險」「牧羊人」「一句話」「白色幽默」

01. 海平面
02. 地球其實沒有那麼危險
03. 牧羊人
04. 一句話
05. 白色幽默
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