The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version) DVD Region All
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Middle-aged composer Dong Sik (Kim Jin Kyu) has his hands full trying to provide for his pregnant wife (Ju Jeung Ryu) and two kids. He hires a housemaid (Lee Eun Shim) to help out around the house, but the strange and sultry young woman has other plans in mind as she sets out to seduce Dong Sik. Tragedy begets tragedy, as wife and mistress face off in increasingly manipulative and horrifying manners for power over the household and their clueless lover.
This release comes with a 40-page English-Korean booklet, plus commentary by Bong Joon Ho and film critic Kim Young Jin and pre- and post-restoration image comparisons.
Technical Information
Product Title: | The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version) 下女 (DVD) (韓國版) 下女 (DVD) (韩国版) 下女 (韓国版) 고전의 재창조 : 하녀 (DVD) (한국판) |
Also known as: | Hanyeo Hanyeo Hanyeo Hanyeo Hanyeo |
Artist Name(s): | Kim Ki Young | Kim Jin Kyu (Actor) | Lee Eun Sim (Actor) | Um Yang Lan | Ahn Sung Ki 金綺泳 | 金鎮奎 (Actor) | 李恩心 (Actor) | 嚴鶯蘭 | 安聖基 金绮泳 | 金镇奎 (Actor) | 李恩心 (Actor) | 严莺兰 | 安圣基 キム・ギヨン | キム・ジンギュ (Actor) | Lee Eun Sim (Actor) | オム・エンナン | アン・ソンギ 김기영 | 김 진규 (Actor) | 이은심 (Actor) | 엄앵란 | 안 성기 |
Director: | Kim Ki Young 金綺泳 金绮泳 キム・ギヨン 김기영 |
Release Date: | 2009-07-29 |
Language: | Korean |
Subtitles: | English, Japanese, Korean, French |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | All Region What is it? |
Publisher: | Korean Federation of Film Archives |
Other Information: | 1Disc |
Shipment Unit: | 2 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1020587679 |
Product Information
* Screen format: Anamorphic 1.53:1
* Sound mix: Korean Dolby Digital Mono
* Extra:
- 봉준호 감독, 김영진 영화평론가 코멘터리
- 복원전후 비교 영상
- 이미지 자료 모음
* Director: 김기영
- 마틴 스콜세지 감독이 이끄는 세계영화재단(WCF : World Cinema Foundation)이 디지털 복원작으로 선정한 김기영 감독의 걸작.
- HD 리마스터링 복원작품.
- <살인의 추억>, <괴물>, <마더>의 봉준호 감독 & 씨네 21 김영진 평론가의 코멘터리 수록(코멘터리 한영 자막 수록)
- ‘김기영 푸로덕슌’ 1960년 작품
디지털 복원으로 다시 태어난 <하녀>
- 김기영 감독의 <하녀> DVD로 출시되다!
드디어 김기영 감독의 걸작 <하녀>(1960)가 DVD로 출시되었다. 한국영상자료원(원장 조선희)이 고전영화 컬렉션 DVD의 새로운 하위브랜드인 “고전의 재창조(RE-BIRTH OF THE CLASSICS)”를 통해 디지털 복원판 <하녀>를 출시한 것. 2004년부터 한국영상자료원은 신상옥, 김기영 등 감독 박스세트 시리즈, 일제 강점기 발굴 영상을 DVD에 담은 ‘발굴된 과거’ 시리즈 등을 출시해온 바 있다. 7월 29일(수)부터 인터넷 서점과 상암동 한국영화박물관 아트숍 등을 통해 구입할 수 있다.
김기영 영화세계의 원형 <하녀>
아내가 친정에 간 사이 하녀와 관계를 가진 남자가 파멸에 이른다는 줄거리의 <하녀>는 1960년에 만들어졌지만 지금 봐도 손색이 없는 영화적 완성도를 갖췄다. 당시 김기영 감독은 이층집 세트를 직접 지어 모든 제작 상황을 통제하며 연출했다 한다. 촬영, 조명 등 당대의 기술 수준을 뛰어넘는 ‘룩(look)’과 김진규, 이은심, 주증녀, 엄앵란 등 성격파 배우들이 펼치는 연기 앙상블은 이 작품을 걸작의 반열에 올리는 데 주저하지 않게 만든다. 안성기, 이유리 등 아역배우들의 호연도 빼놓을 수 없는 볼거리. 이후 김기영은 <하녀>의 설정을 10년의 간격을 두고 반복, <화녀>(71) <화녀'82>로 변주했다.
<하녀> 디지털 복원으로 다시 태어나다.
<하녀>는 2007년 <열녀문> <미몽> <시집가는 날>에 이은 한국영상자료원 디지털 복원 프로젝트 4번째 작품이다. 마틴 스콜세지 감독이 이끄는 세계영화재단(WCF : World Cinema Foundation)의 지원으로 한국영상자료원과 디지털 영상전문업체 HFR이 복원작업을 진행했다. 이번 DVD는 칸 상영 버전에서 미처 작업하지 못했던 ‘자막 제거 복원’ 및 일부 화질, 색보정의 추가 개선작업이 반영된 최종 복원본이다. 특히 세계 초유의 자막 제거 작업에는 한국영상자료원이 한국콘텐츠진흥원의 문화기술(CT)지원사업 보조금으로 서울대 정보신호처리연구소(조남익 교수), HFR 영상시스템 연구소(한병희 소장)와 산․학․연 프로젝트로 연구 개발한 자막복원솔루션이 사용되었다. 여러분들은 HD 리마스터링 <하녀> DVD를 통해 현재 전 세계 디지털 복원 사업의 현주소를 확인할 수 있다.
‘코멘터리 드림팀’ 봉준호, 김영진의 음성해설
한국영상자료원은 국내 최초로 고전한국영화 DVD에 후배 감독들과 영화평론가들의 음성해설을 수록하고 있다. 이번에는 2008년 <충녀>에 이어 ‘코멘터리 드림팀’ 김영진 평론가와 <마더>의 봉준호 감독이 다시 만나 음성해설을 맡았다. <하녀>라는 뛰어난 스릴러 영화와 그 영화 전체를 빈틈없이 분석한 그들의 음성이 만난 것은 세상에서 가장 훌륭한 영화 교과서라 불러도 좋을 것이다.
풍성한 부록도 빠질 수 없다.
부록영상으로는 ‘복원전후 비교 영상’과 영화 장면을 책처럼 구성한 ‘이미지 갤러리’가 포함되었다. 한국영상자료원 고전영화 컬렉션 시리즈에서 많은 이들이 관심을 갖는 부록소책자 역시 알차게 구성되었다. 국영문으로 된 40페이지 분량의 소책자에는 영화평론가 이연호가 <하녀>에 대해 꼼꼼히 분석한「50여 년간의 생성과 진화」그리고 한국영상자료원 보존기술센터 연구원 김기호가 디지털 복원 작업의 경험담을 기록한 「‘하녀’의 유혹은 계속 된다:디지털 복원의 현주소와 과제」가 각각 수록되었다.
한국영상자료원 고전영화 컬렉션 시리즈는 계속된다.
한국영상자료원 고전영화 컬렉션 DVD의 다음 출시작은 70년대 대표작 단품 DVD들이다. ‘얄개’시리즈의 원조인 <고교얄개>(1976, 석래명)와 ‘386 컬트 무비’로 회자되는 <소나기>(1978, 고영남)는 각각 9월 초와 10월 초 만나보실 수 있다.
방직공장의 음악부 선생 동식(김진규)은 금천에서 일어난 살인사건 기사에 흥미를 보인다. 어느 날 여공 곽선영에게서 연애편지를 받은 그는 이 사실을 공장 기숙사 사감에게 알리고 선영은 일을 그만두게 된다. 한편 선영에게 편지를 쓰도록 부추겼던 친구 조경희(엄앵란)가 피아노 레슨을 이유로 그의 새 집을 드나들기 시작한다. 새 집을 짓기 위해 무리해 재봉일을 하던 아내의 몸이 쇠약해지자 동식은 경희에 게 부탁해 하녀(이은심)를 소개받는다. 임신한 아내가 친정에 다니러 간 어느 날, 경희는 동식에게 사랑을 고백하지만 모욕을 당하고 쫓겨난다. 이를 창 밖에서 몰래 지켜보던 하녀는 동식을 유혹해 관계를 맺는다.
Other Versions of "The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version)"
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Japan Version
- THE HOUSEMAID (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- THE HOUSEMAID (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
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Korea Version
- The Housemaid (1960) (Blu-ray) (Korea Version) Blu-ray Region A
- US$29.99
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features
Professional Review of "The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version)"
Fans of Korean cinema have a real reason to be excited with the long awaited release of the 1960 classic The Housemaid on DVD. The film was directed by Kim Ki Young, who was known for his controversial features, which often tackled head on themes of sexual obsession through horrific subjects. Although a popular box office hit on its original release, the film has remained unavailable for years, despite persistent rumours of its quality. Following a successful retrospective of Kim Ki Young's works at the 1997 Pusan International Film Festival, it has gained praise and popularity around the world, and has been digitally restored and re-mastered by the Korean Film Archive and World Cinema Foundation so that modern audiences can see it as never before. This new release features some gorgeous packaging, and comes with an informative and interesting booklet, which is handily in English as well as Korean. The film begins as middle-aged composer and music teacher Dong Sik (Kim Jin Kyu) reports a girl from the local factory for having sent him a love letter, which results in her leaving, and later dying. Her friend, Dong Sik is having problems of his own, having moved into a new, bigger house at the request of his pregnant wife (Ju Jeung Ryu) which he found difficult to afford. To earn more money, he takes on a girl from the factory called Cho as a piano student, not knowing that she was the best friend of the dead girl, and that it was in fact her who had been in love with him. When Dong Sik decides to hire a housemaid to help his wife, Cho provides a girl from the factory, who immediately sets about making a place for herself in the household, attempting to seduce him and oust his family in his affections. Inevitably, this leads to obsession and murder, and the social order comes crashing down as the two women jostle for position. The restoration work on The Housemaid has been very worthwhile, and has resulted in a mostly immaculate print, aside from a few patchy scenes, and the black and white photography is wonderfully sharp. Kim Ki Young is a master director of suspense, arguably rivalling Hitchcock or Henri-Georges Clouzot at their best, and he is on fine form here, showing a subtle use of angles to increase the tension and imply psychological undertones, a far cry from the blatant spoon feeding of motivations and emotions so common in modern cinema. The film is filled with quietly sinister images, which are unsettling rather than overtly horrific, and which help to make for an ominous and oppressive mood throughout. The camera work is excellent and surprisingly versatile, being both inventive and rare for the period, and really helps to pull the viewer not only into the story, but into the characters themselves and their various points of view. Kim shows a great use of simple suspense devices to keep the tension notching up, including an all important bottle of rat poison and the quiet tinkling of the piano, which quickly becomes a herald of dread. The film is filled with symbolism, such as the fact that the maid seems forever on the outside, sneaking in through windows and watching the family from her isolated position, and this also helps to generate a feeling of discomfort. Things do get quite shocking in places, and although obviously not particularly graphic, the film has a real sense of threat, as well a tangible air of sexual obsession and lust. Though the setup may seem straightforward, the film is both narratively and morally complex, with many twists and shifts along the way as power in the household is gradually usurped. The film is thematically rich, and works on many different levels, charting not only a battle between the sexes, but an attack on the social class system, and the breakdown of the Confucian order. The film works superbly as a grim morality tale, criticising sexual appetites and the chasing of material things, and how they can bring ruin to the family unit. The fact that Kim seems to be suggesting that such obsessions are inevitable, both in men and women, does give it a nihilistic feel, not least since he refuses to provide an easy answer. All such themes are obviously still relevant today, and the potent mix of suspense, subtext and psychological depth makes for gripping and taut viewing. All the of the characters are cruel and incredibly self centred, right down to the children, with a young Ahn Sung Ki on great form as the nasty little son, who takes great pleasure in teasing his crippled sister and lording it over the housemaid. Lee Eun Shim is perfect as the titular villainess, although interestingly, Kim seems to portray her as a vaguely sympathetic, or at least fully fleshed out character rather than a simple figure of destruction or femme fatale. Nevertheless, as a force of bitter nature, she apparently had audiences screaming angrily at the screen on the film's original release, and it's easy to see why. Kim Jin Kyu is similarly great as the (arguably self) tortured male protagonist, both controlling and being controlled by the women in his life, and pushed back and forth by his own desires and need to maintain a sense of order. The Housemaid is a film which has more than stood the test of time, and which compares favourably with the vast majority of modern suspense thrillers. Still very much relevant today, it stands as a classic of cinema, and should be required viewing for any self respecting fan of Korean film. byJames Mudge - |
Feature articles that mention "The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version)"
Customer Review of "The Housemaid (1960) (DVD) (Korea Version)"
See all my reviews
September 15, 2009
70% Digitally Restored
For me nothing bothers me more then the visual aspects of a film; camera work, editing, audio, proper aspect ratio, etc.
This is a fun story, an entertaining ride, and filled with great moments - but the thing that bothered me the most is they puff-up about it being restored. Now I understand lost frames (which could be added for more money) but when the noise and lines are removed from most of the movie but not all of it...I just don't understand. It seems to flow as 30 minutes cleaned - 10 minutes dirty - 30 cleaned - 10 dirty and repeat. And I admit, the sections they cleaned were beautiful. Truly restored to it's glory. The audio was wonderful. The storytelling was nice. And doing some Google searching multiple people considering this to be one of the best Korean films ever made. And to appreciate it as such understand when it was filmed; during a two year term of film making freedom. So this movie does not follow the idea of realism but instead expressionism (especially at the last sequence - my favorite). |
See all my reviews
August 30, 2009
Lee Eun-shim as the housemaid from hell
Take a theme similar to "Fatal Attraction", set it in a creepily claustrophobic atmosphere a bit like "Psycho", and you have the lurid shocker, "The Housemaid". It astonishes me that this film could have been made in 1960; I'm sure that its contemporary audience must have been stunned by its frankness. Dong Sik (Kim Jin-kyu) takes a job as choir director in a factory dormitory. He quickly becomes an object of fascination to the women employees, with two of them developing a serious crush on him. One gives him a love note, which quickly leads to her firing. Crushed, she commits suicide. Cheong-yeon (the lovely Lak Ok-joo), the other infatuated worker, asks the teacher to give her private piano lessons and arranges for her friend Myeong-sook (Lee Eun-shim) to become housemaid to the teacher's family.
When the teacher's wife takes the kids to visit her mother, Cheong-yeon takes the opportunity to turn her piano lesson into a more intimate encounter with the teacher. However, the teacher resists and throws her out of the house. The housemaid, after observing this encounter, insinuates herself into the teacher's arms. He gives in to her advances, with consequences that prove disastrous for the entire family. This restored and remastered version of the movie presents a clear black-and-white picture, with the exception of two ten minute stretches during which the restorers had to resort to piecing together parts of film from less well-preserved copies of the movie. It appears that the filmmakers were concerned about the tawdry nature of their subject matter; they chose to end the film with a peculiar scene in which Kim Jin-kyu speaks directly to the audience and, with a comic wink, tells them that this could happen to anyone. "The Housemaid" is a gripping tale well-told that will continue to shock audiences today just as it did when it was made in 1960. |
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