Yi San (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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Product Title: | Yi San (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (Japan Version) 李算 (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (日本版) 李算 (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (日本版) イ・サン DVD-BOX(5) <NHK DVD> Yi San (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (Japan Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Park Eun Hye | Kim Yeo Jin | Sung Hyun Ah | Lee Seo Jin | Han Ji Min | Kyun Mi Ri 朴恩惠 | 金麗珍 | 成賢荷 | 李 瑞真 | 韓智敏 | 甄美里 朴恩惠 | 金丽珍 | Sung Hyun Ah | 李 瑞真 | 韩智敏 | 甄美里 パク・ウネ | キム・ヨジン | ソン・ヒョナ | イ・ソジン | ハン・ジミン | イ・ジョンス | チョ・ヨヌ | キョン・ミリ | イ・スンジュ 박 은혜 | 김 여진 | 성 현아 | 이서진 | 한지민 | 견미리 |
Director: | イ・ビョンフン |
Release Date: | 2010-12-22 |
Publisher Product Code: | VPBU-15969 |
Language: | Japanese, Korean |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it? |
Publisher: | NHK Enterprise |
Other Information: | 5DVDs |
Shipment Unit: | 3 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1023628393 |
Product Information
イ・サンの父、思悼世子(サドセジャ)は、何者かの陰謀により謀反を企てた罪を着せられ、米びつに閉じ込められ、水も与えられぬまま6日目を迎えていた。 父の無実を信じる幼いサンはなんとか食べものを届けようと、内官見習いを装い夜の闇の中、米びつの置かれた場所へ向う。その途中、女官見習いのソン・ソンヨンと、内官見習いのパク・テスに出会う。願いもむなしく父を救えなかった無念の思いを抱きつつ、強い意志で王位継承者となったサンはやがて成人し、立派な若者に。だが、朝廷内には次々と彼を貶めようする謀略、暗殺の企てが……。そんな中、サンを救ったことで身に危険が迫り都から離れていたソンヨンとテスが、密かに都に戻り、サンとの再会を期していた……。 第45話~第54話収録。 映像特典:ハン・サンジン(ホン・クギョン役)インタビュー/韓国版エンディング
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language
Other Versions of "Yi San (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (Japan Version)"
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Japan Version
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (DVD) (Box 1) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$47.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (DVD) (Box 2) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$47.99
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- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (DVD) (Box 3) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$47.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (DVD) (Box 4) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$47.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (DVD) (Box 5) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- US$47.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Yi San (DVD) (Box 1) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Yi San (DVD) (Box 2) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Yi San (DVD) (Box 4) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Yi San (DVD) (Box 6) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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Korea Version
- Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 1) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
- Out of Print
- Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 2) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
- Out of Print
- Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 3) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
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Taiwan Version
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (AKA: Yi San) (DVD) (Vol.1 of 4) (Multi-audio) (MBC TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (AKA: Yi San) (DVD) (Vol.2 of 4) (Multi-audio) (MBC TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
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- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (AKA: Yi San) (DVD) (Vol.4 of 4) (End) (Multi-audio) (MBC TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
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US Version
- Yi San Vol.1 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version) DVD Region 1, 4
- Out of Print
- Yi San Vol.2 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version) DVD Region 1, 4
- Out of Print
- Yi San Vol.3 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version) DVD Region 1, 4
- Out of Print
- Yi San Vol.4 of 4 (DVD) (End) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version) DVD Region 1, 4
- Out of Print
- Lee San, Wind of the Palace (AKA: Yi San) (DVD) (Vol.3 of 4) (Multi-audio) (MBC TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
- Temporarily Out of Stock
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Customer Review of "Yi San (DVD Box 5) (DVD) (Japan Version)"
Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product:
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November 26, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.4 of 4 (DVD) (End) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
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November 26, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.4 of 4 (DVD) (End) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
2 people found this review helpful
I have just finished watching the whole series yesterday and believed this has to be one of the best dramas. All characters were well performed by everyone. The picture quality is also excellent. However, soundtrack is not up to par as it was being presented in Mono only not the original stereo. I hope the future releases would be better because it is quite expensive for the whole set and if future releases could be in Bluray format that would be even better. |
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cuddley bear
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November 3, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 1) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version)
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November 3, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 1) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version)
1 people found this review helpful
well done
well done
This drama starts off extremely slow pace. I almost gave up because it was so depressing seeing yi San's enemies forever having the upper hand. However if you can patiently sit through the first one third of the series I promise you will be rewarded with the rest of the very interesting drama right through to the very end. It was when Hung KR came into the picture when the game slowly turned round in Yi San's favour. Without Hung, Yi san would have died a couple of times over let alone got to the throne. Hung's character is one of the best ever written. His loyalty always lies with his emperor although he did keep you guessing all the time(and you never completely trust him). Despite of his many blunders the emperor found heart to forgive him every time. Sadly he spent his last days in exile thinking he would never be able to see his emperor again. This desperation eventually led to his prematured death. Song Yeon's life is in a way quite tragic. Having forced to be separated from her baby brother after she lost her parents, she was not well treated by her 'colleagues' in the beginning. The emperor's mother also rejected her. She lost her young son and finally died of an incurable disease. Yi San (King Jeong Jo) on the other hand had a hard life also. Having lost his father through power struggle he was continuously doubted by his grandfather. He survived a few assassination attempts, had to fight hard to marry the only girl he loved, only to lose her as well as his beloved young son to illnesses. There are two outstanding saintly characters in the story. The first being Dai Shao's uncle who tenderly brought up his nephew and friend of nephew - Song Yeon and cared for the two of them more than a father would. The other one is the empress-Yi San's wife. Knowing her husband did not love her (though he greatly respected her) she made sure that he could marry the girl he so loved. She was kind and loving towards Song Yeon,sharing her happiness and misfortunes. Near the end I still feel sad that Hung KR was no longer there to see the emperor's many achievements. The last epistle is sad but very touching with all the memories flushing back. After all this is a very long series. |
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October 3, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.3 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
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October 3, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.3 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
Vol 1 & Vol 2
I was quite pleased with the excellent English subtitle in Vols. 1 & 2, and I believe it will continue throughout the entire drama. Thank you.
The relentless plot is quite scary at times for me the viewer against the Crown Prince and wishes more expressed romance instead of an implied one between the Crown Prince and the Maiden. Let's hope Vol 3 will be the turning point for me. |
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September 1, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.1 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
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September 1, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San Vol.1 of 4 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (MBC TV Drama) (US Version)
Moving and dramatic
This drama is exactly that.................dramatic. It really tells you the story about power and greed.
Although my ultimate drama is still Jewel in the Palace, this comes in second. I think the child actors make the movie and really inspire the story's beginning. You really need to see it from the beginning to know how and why the things that happen, happened. However, I do agree with some reviewers that at times it became frustrating when the characters passiveness or ignorance dragged on too long. Although, they did seem to recover when the twists of the story turns things around. I love the character of Daigu though as he seem to become more and more intelligent as time passed. All in all I loved this drama and will get all volumes to share with my sisters who are also drama addicts. |
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July 27, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 3) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version)
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July 27, 2008
This customer review refers to Yi San (DVD) (Vol. 3) (Limited Edition) (MBC TV Drama) (Korea Version)
Yi San
I thoroughly enjoy most Korean Historical Drama. I started out enjoying Vol. 1 but Vol. 2 is too mean for me to continue enjoying Yi San. The plots are relentless and I don't know if I can continue watching Vols. 3 and 4. I realize the schemes are what keeps you interested but the writer is being unrealistic. But keep showing Korean historical dramas! |
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