日本アカデミー賞は、1978年に日本アカデミー協会により設立されました。毎年2-3月の時期に、優れた邦画に対し「最優秀作品賞」を初めとする各賞を授与します。オフィシャル・サイト http://www.japan-academy-prize.jp
- 受賞年: 2013
Picture of the Year
Director of the Year
Screen Play of the Year
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography
Outstanding Achievement in Film Editing
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction
Outstanding Achievement in Music
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Recording
Outstanding Achievement in Lighting Direction