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Rage in Peace

Serrini (Singer)
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Rage in Peace
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Serrini embraces and expresses her temper in a calm way through lyrics and melodies in her seventh full-length album Rage in Peace! The Hong Kong singer-songwriter captures her growth from a girl to a woman in 17 self-produced tunes, from her hit singles "Tree" and "Kiki Mami" to unreleased tracks like Blue Song, "Faery Queen," "Miss Serri" and "Melancholia."
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Technical Information

Product Title: Rage in Peace Rage in Peace Rage in Peace Rage in Peace Rage in Peace
Singer Name(s): Serrini (Singer) 梁嘉茵 (Singer) 梁嘉茵 (Singer) Serrini (Singer) Serrini (Singer)
Release Date: 2024-07-13
Language: Cantonese
Place of Origin: Hong Kong
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 180 (g)
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
Publisher: Rinaland
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1129749771

Product Information / Track List


全長17首曲目的大碟以精心設計的間奏串連,由靜謐到跳脫,昇華至瘋狂後以一曲獨白式流行作結,一氣呵成,為近年難得的長內容音樂作品。其中《Blue Song》、《樹妖》、《悲哀妄想症》、《風邪》為從未曝光的新歌;《不要靜靜》乃已發行歌曲《靜靜》的變化形歌曲,也屬於新發行版本。
- 詞曲包辦
- 面向內心
與2017發行的Don’t Text Him專輯同為17首曲目,接著播放會讓聽眾聽出7年後創作者由女生成長至女人的心境的變化
- 面向世界
新專輯的《樹仔》在英國錄音、《Into the Forest》由荷蘭團隊製作,Serrini近年越來越努力到更多地方尋找自己的聲音,2023 年末也出了全新7曲的國語概念專輯《真美》
產品描述:Serrini最新17曲目實體碟《Rage in Peace》設計取材袖珍書,方便聽眾捧在掌心觀賞。精裝書皮和內頁以全黑優質紙張製作,配合經多番實驗的特別印刷技術,完美呈現歌者各樣文字和小巧思。專輯照由近年灸手可熱的時裝攝影師Issac Lam(林俊彥)執鏡,盡現歌者剛柔之美。

01. 樹 (Tree)
02. Interlude: 放意識書寫 (Scribbler)
03. 樹之呼吸 (Tree Breathing)
04. Blue Song
05. Interlude: Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty.
06. 樹木真美 (Kiki Mami)
07. 樹仔 (Tree Baby)
08. Into the Forest
09. 不冷淡不熱情 (Temperance)
10. 靜靜 (Shhhhh)
11. 樹妖 (Faery Queen)
12. 不要靜靜 (Speak Now)
13. Interlude:Transcendence
14. 愉快動物病 (Ma’lady)
15. 悲哀妄想症 (Miss Serri)
16. 風邪 (Melancholia)
17. 月色魔美 (Moon Dance)
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