66series - Liang Xing Bo / Tan Lan Qing
Leung Sing Bor (Singer)
| Tam Lan Hing (Singer)
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Technical Information
Product Title: | 66series - Liang Xing Bo / Tan Lan Qing 66series - 梁醒波 譚蘭卿 66series - 梁醒波 谭兰卿 66series - 梁醒波 譚蘭卿 66series - Liang Xing Bo / Tan Lan Qing |
Singer Name(s): | Leung Sing Bor (Singer) | Tam Lan Hing (Singer) 梁醒波 (Singer) | 譚蘭卿 (Singer) 梁醒波 (Singer) | 谭兰卿 (Singer) 梁醒波(リョン・シンボ) (Singer) | 譚蘭卿(タン・ランヒン) (Singer) Leung Sing Bor (Singer) | Tam Lan Hing (Singer) |
Release Date: | 2024-06-30 |
Language: | Cantonese |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong |
Disc Format(s): | CD |
Package Weight: | 100 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
Publisher: | New Century Workshop (HK) |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1129554703 |
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