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Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2

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Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 9 - 9 out of 10 (16)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Over the last two decades, Kitano Takeshi has emerged as one of the most representative figures of Japanese cinema, be it as an actor or as a director. His distinct style and aesthetic, characterized by unflinching violence, bizarre surrealism, and deadpan black humor, has brought him awards and acclaim the world over. When Kitano made the moody and lyrical Dolls in 2002, it was seen as a departure from his previous works, a foray into arthouse and a turning point for the maverick filmmaker.

Inspired by traditional Japanese doll theater, Dolls expounds on love, longing, and modern displacement through three interweaving stories. After attempting suicide, Sawako (Kanno Miho) lives in her own mind, unable to connect with the real world. Giving up on his own life to take care of her, Sawako's guilt-ridden boyfriend Matsumoto (Nishijima Hidetoshi) ties her to him with a red cord in order to keep her from hurting herself. The two leadenly and aimlessly drift through the city and the countryside, wandering past the lives of Ryoko (Matsubara Chieko), an aged woman who has for over three decades gone to the park everyday to wait for her love, and Nukui (Takeshige Tsutomu), a fan who goes to extreme lengths to meet his reclusive disfigured idol (real-life pop star Fukada Kyoko).

Odd, melancholic, and beautifully lensed, Dolls is a visually and emotionally striking experience. Sawako and Matsumoto's story serves as the core and frame, as the two silently journey through the seasons, brilliantly captured on screen in white snows, bright foliage, and cherry blossoms. Hisaishi Joe's superb score perfectly complements the surreal story and beautiful imagery.

This edition comes with making of, theatrical trailer, and director and cast interviews.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) 偶斷絲連 (DVD) (英文字幕) (日本版) 偶断丝连 (DVD) (英文字幕) (日本版) Dolls[ドールズ] Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
Artist Name(s): Kanno Miho | Nishijima Hidetoshi | Mihashi Tatsuya | Matsubara Chieko | Fukada Kyoko | Kishimoto Kayoko | Takeshige Tsutomu | Osugi Ren 菅野美穗 | 西島秀俊 | 三橋達也 | 松原智惠子 | 深田恭子 | 岸本加世子 | 武重勉 | 大杉漣 菅野美穗 | 西岛秀俊 | 三桥达也 | 松原智惠子 | 深田恭子 | 岸本加世子 | 武重勉 | 大杉涟 菅野美穂 | 西島秀俊 | 三橋達也 | 松原智恵子 | 深田恭子 | 岸本加世子 | 武重勉 | オオスギレン Kanno Miho | Nishijima Hidetoshi | Mihashi Tatsuya | Matsubara Chieko | Fukada Kyoko | Kishimoto Kayoko | Takeshige Tsutomu | Osugi Ren
Director: Kitano Takeshi 北野武 北野武 北野武 Kitano Takeshi
Release Date: 2007-10-26
Publisher Product Code: BCBJ-3091
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English, Japanese
Place of Origin: Japan
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Disc Format(s): DVD
Region Code: 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it?
Publisher: Bandai Visual
Other Information: DVD
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1004975873

Product Information

[アーティスト/ キャスト]
北野武 (監督、脚本、編集) / 菅野美穂 / 西島秀俊 / 三橋達也


製作国 : 日本 (Japan)

悲恋の物語「冥途の飛脚」の主人公、梅川と忠兵衛。何かをささやくような二体の人形の視線の先に——。 一本の赤い紐につながれ、あてもなくさまよう男と女。迫り来る死期を感じ取った老境のヤクザと、彼をひたすら待ち続けるひとりの女。事故で人気の絶頂から転落したアイドルと、それでも彼女を慕い続ける孤独な青年。三つの物語が交錯し、四季折々の愛の物語を紡ぎだす。 かつて幸せな恋人同士だった佐和子(菅野美穂)と松本(西島秀俊)。しかし松本は、親が決めた社長令嬢との結婚のため佐和子を捨てる。挙式当日、裏切られた佐和子の自殺未遂の報が届く。佐和子のもとに駆けつけた松本が見たのは、自分自身をも失ってしまった佐和子の姿だった・‥。すべてを失った男と女。互いを赤い紐でつないで、ふたりはあてどなく彷徨い続ける。 ヤクザの世界で頂点までのし上がった男(三橋達也)には、その昔、自ら選んだ道を突き進むために愛する女と別れた過去があった。忍び寄る死を予感したその男は、彼女と過ごした思い出の公園へ向かう。そこでは、ひたすら約束の場所で愛する人を待ち続ける良子(松原智恵子)の姿があった…。 アイドル歌手として人気絶頂期に交通事故に遭遇、心身とも深く傷つき、外界からの接触を絶って生活を送る春奈(深田恭子)。その春菜にデビュー当時から盲目的なまでの愛情を寄せる温井(武重 勉)は、彼女の心情を察し自らの手で両目をつぶす。そして、春奈の元へと向かう…。

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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"

March 7, 2006

This professional review refers to Dolls (Hong Kong Version)

Dolls is the latest work of the renowned Japanese director Takeshi Kitano. It has been invited to participate in a great number of international film festivals worldwide. Similar to his other works, this movie is quite controversial and it has received very mixed response.

The film is composed of three short stories. The first one is about the aimless journey of a pair of lovers (Hidetoshi Nishijima and Miho Kanno); The second one involves the reunion of a yakuza boss and his old lover after a thirty years interval; The third story talks about the fanatical love of a fan to his idol singer (Kyoko Fukada). Although the characters of these three stories do come across each other at certain moment of the movie, the stories do not intertwine or have any explicit connection at all. Each one of them is just presented on its own. Among the three short stories, the reunion of the yakuza boss and his old lover is the most easy-going one, while the focus of the movie, that is, the aimless journey of Nishijima and Kanno, is the one that is most difficult to appreciate.

Kitano's unique style is always highly acclaimed by his fans. This time, he is not as frenetic as before. Violence is minimized and replaced with dark romance. Yes, there are still some killing scenes in the movie, but it is depicted in a very euphemistic manner, you wouldn't see any blood shedding or head blowing scenes as you see in Brother. This change of style is quite interesting, and it is probably a new try for Kitano.

The inspiration of Dolls is from traditional bunraku performance. Bunraku is a kind of performing art in which puppets are manipulated by puppeteers on the stage. The red rope tying the two lovers up is probably a symbol of the puppet string. The elegant costume of the lovers make them look like puppet as well. While Kitano keeps reminding us these characters are based on puppet play, he also subverts the tradition of bunraku performance by minimizing the influence of dialogue in his film. Therefore it is not easy to comprehend what exactly Kitano wants to explore with the theme of the bunraku performance. Is he trying to embrace it or challenge it? Hard to say.

The collaboration of Kitano, Yohji Yamamoto and Joe Hisaishi guarantee top notch production design and background music. To the foreign audiences who are baffled by the lunatic narrative, the strong visual element is no doubt the major factor that keeps them sitting through the screening. The beautiful costumes and splendid landscapes are very eye-catching. Kitano abandons his favorite use of cold color in his composition. The cinematography turns into a vivid and colorful combination of costumes and landscapes instead. Acting wise, Miho Kanno and Tatsuya Mihashi are the two you would want to keep an eye on. Without the use of too many dialogues, these two are able to bring out the emotions of their characters perfectly and deliver their part merely with the use of their eyes and body gestures.

I darenot say Dolls is a successful film, and it is also definitely not mainstream material. If you have picked up this movie expecting another Brother or Violent Cop, you'll be disappointed for sure. Nevertheless, as a first formal attempt at the romance genre, Takeshi Kitano's performance is qualified. Not only does he retain his unique style, he has also tried his very best to explore and bring in some of his own interpretation of extreme love and sacrifice to the genre.

Cool guy(s) - Miho Kanno, Tatsuya Mihashi

Reviewed by Kantorates -

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Customer Review of "Dolls (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 9 - 9 out of 10 (16)

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August 29, 2010

This customer review refers to Dolls (US Version)
Oops! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
The Spanish painter's name should be spelled as Salvador Dali, not Salvatore as in my previous review. I apologize for my mistake!
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August 29, 2010

This customer review refers to Dolls (US Version)
Memorable Arthouse Movie! 9/10 Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
I have recently watched the movies, The Dolls, Kikujiro and Zatoichi by the director, Kitano Takeshi and I like them all. I think he is a director of substance who has depth and is an excellent social commentator.

From this movie of three separate stories, The Dolls, the story of Sawako and Matsumoto is most memorable. I enjoy the story with the crime boss, but the story of the pop star fan is rather weak. Kitano tends not to make smooth transitions nor does he like to go into details in this movie. All three stories in this movie are disjointed in its own. I can see why the movie is hard for some to digest and it is the reason for my non perfect score.

The story of Sawako and Matsumoto is surrealistic, artistic, beautiful and tragically sad. I recommend this movie to art lovers who are the sympathetic and sensitive types. I think they will enjoy the beautiful colors on the costume designs, cinematography and most beautiful landscapes, and the storyline. The music by Hisaishi Joe is excellent. Spoiler here: The ending scene is a huge surprise that is unforgettable, cruelest and haunting. It's a picture influenced by Salvatore Dali's folding clock or time. Also, the beautiful robes worn by Sawako and Matsumoto remind me of a painting by Monet. It is called Portrait of a Geisha if I'm not mistaken. Watch the beautiful red color!
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June 28, 2006

This customer review refers to Dolls (Japan Version - English Subtitles)
4 people found this review helpful

waste Customer Review Rated Bad 1 - 1 out of 10
I really did not like the movie. It was not happy nor sad... it was more like a drag that went on and on. The three stories were weird.
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March 12, 2005

This customer review refers to Dolls (Japan Version - English Subtitles)
1 people found this review helpful

Tragic/stunning/excellent movie Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
"Dolls" is a movie about love. Not that teen movie, romantic comedy, cutesy pie, candlelit dinner sort of love but that fierce, hopeless, epic sort of love, the type of love that makes you completely lose yourself in someone else...there are three different storylines and they all give a different aspect of this type of self-sacrificing affection (I especially liked the one with yakuza). Plus, this is one of the most breathtakingly gorgeous films I've ever seen. So many of the shots and backgrounds are just insanely beautiful, like paintings come to life, serving as the setting for this amazing film. Check out "Dolls". Be moved by the stories and stunned by the shots. It's by far one of my favorite Japanese movies of all time.
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February 24, 2005

This customer review refers to Dolls (Korean Version)
the most beautiful colors ever Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
I think Dolls is one or the most beautiful Kitano's movie to be seen, an spectacular cinematography and the most beautiful mixture of colors that define each one of the 4 histories.
This dvd brings 6 post cards and a nice box, that make of it a great dvd version, I'm happy to have it.
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