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Product Title: EAT LOCAL 食本地鮮 食本地鲜 EAT LOCAL EAT LOCAL
Author Name(s): Joey Leung 梁 祖堯 梁 祖尧 Joey Leung Joey Leung
ISBN: 9628888749
Release Date: 2024-12-11
Language: Traditional Chinese
Pages: 207 Pages
Publisher: Zi Zi Yan Jiu Suo You Xian Gong Si
Package Weight: 420 (g)
Shipment Unit: 3 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1132434164

Product Information

舞台劇演員梁祖堯(阿祖)對於本土產物,有著濃厚情意結。今次阿祖走訪發掘香港14位本地食物生產者,包括不餵藥物養豬人、人道養魚專家、香港種植咖啡實驗者、夠薑在香港種薑的農夫等,並記錄這群有心人如何以智慧、心機與汗水,克服重重困難,為大家生產良心優質食物,為香港原始產業找出路!阿祖更就地取材,採用本地豬肉雞肉、天然生曬麵豉、本地養殖海魚、土生土長香港菇菌、火龍果、醃菜等,即場炮製出 42 道風味料理!讀阿祖的訪談筆記,試用本地材料烹調,就會明白為何香港需要農業,為何買餸要揀本地先,要食本地鮮!
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  • Region & Language: Hong Kong United States - English
  • *Reference Currency: No Reference Currency
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