Hey Handsome The Movie (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Ito Kentaro (Yoshida Kotaro) is a caring father who's a bit nosy and annoying, but he's striving his hardest for the happiness of his family. Eldest daughter Yuka (Kinami Haruka) is doing great at work, but she's lonely and also hungry due to her diet. She ends up remembering Omori (Hamano Kenta) whom she thought she broke up with because of his looks. Second daughter Rika (Sakuma Yui) was cheated on and now divorced, but she's probably falling for someone (Fujiwara Tatsuya) she shouldn't fall for. Deciding to leave that behind, she reunites with her childhood friend Takao (Miyase Ryubi). Third daughter Mika (Takeda Rena), who has a probably bad feeling about her fiance, is troubled by the advances of two men, Isao (Nomura Shuhei) and Suguru (Naito Shuichiro). One day, Kentaro hears something shocking from his wife Chizuru (Megumi), and he appears on television and makes a series of erratic remarks. What does the future hold for the ever-complicated Ito family?
This edition comes with special features including interviews, special program, preview screening, Father's Day screening, stage greetings and trailers.
Technical Information
Product Title: | Hey Handsome The Movie (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) 電影 喂!帥哥!! (DVD) (英文字幕)(日本版) 电影 喂!帅哥!! (DVD) (英文字幕)(日本版) 映画『おいハンサム!!』 Hey Handsome The Movie (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) |
Also known as: | Oi! Handsome!! Oi! Handsome!! Oi! Handsome!! Oi! Handsome!! Oi! Handsome!! |
Artist Name(s): | Kinami Haruka | Takeda Rena | Sakuma Yui | Miyase Ryubi | Fujiwara Tatsuya | Megumi | Ito Risa | Ohta Rina | Nakao Akiyoshi | Yoshida Kotaro | Nomura Shuhei 木南晴夏 | Takeda Rena | 佐久間由衣 | 宮世琉彌 | 藤原龍也 | MEGUMI | Ito Risa | 太田莉菜 | 中尾明慶 | 吉田鋼太郎 | 野村周平 木南晴夏 | Takeda Rena | 佐久间由衣 | 宫世琉弥 | 藤原龙也 | MEGUMI | Ito Risa | 太田莉菜 | 中尾明庆 | 吉田钢太郎 | 野村周平 木南晴夏 | 武田玲奈 | 佐久間由衣 | 宮世琉弥 | 藤原竜也 | MEGUMI | 伊藤理佐/著 | Ohta Rina | 中尾明慶 | 吉田鋼太郎 | 野村周平 Kinami Haruka | Takeda Rena | Sakuma Yui | Miyase Ryubi | Fujiwara Tatsuya | Megumi | Ito Risa | Ohta Rina | Nakao Akiyoshi | Yoshida Kotaro | Nomura Shuhei |
Director: | Yamaguchi Masatoshi Yamaguchi Masatoshi Yamaguchi Masatoshi 山口雅俊 Yamaguchi Masatoshi |
Release Date: | 2024-12-18 |
Publisher Product Code: | TDV-34282D |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitles: | English |
Place of Origin: | Japan |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it? |
Other Information: | DVD |
Shipment Unit: | 2 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1131490443 |
Product Information
吉田鋼太郎 / 木南晴夏 / 佐久間由衣 / 武田玲奈 / MEGUMI / 宮世琉弥 / 山口雅俊 (監督、脚本) / 伊藤理佐 (原作)
クスッと笑えて、お腹もすく―― 「恋」と「家族」と「ゴハン」をめぐる新感覚コメディ! 連続ドラマ「おいハンサム!!」が、ファンからの熱烈な支持の声を受け、ドラマのseason2を経て、まさかの映画化!! 幸せを求めて疾走する伊藤家が、予測不能な災難にノンストップで立ち向かう!! ――伊藤源太郎 (吉田鋼太郎) は家族の幸せを願う、ちょっとウザいけど強いパパである。長女・由香 (木南晴夏) は仕事は絶好調、恋愛は絶不調、ダイエット中でお腹もペコペコ。次女・里香 (佐久間由衣) は浮気されて離婚したのに「好きになってはいけない」原さん (藤原竜也) を「たぶん好き」になってしまう。三女・美香 (武田玲奈) は婚約者と「たぶんダメな感じ」。ある日、妻・千鶴 (MEGUMI) からショッキングな告白をされた源太郎は、テレビに出演して不規則発言を連発。由香は知らない男からの間違い留守電メッセージを心待ちにするほどロンリーで、「男は見た目」という理由で別れたはずの大森 (浜野謙太) を思い出してしまう始末。里香は原さんからの逃亡を決めた「恋愛疎開」先の京都で、幼なじみのたかお (宮世琉弥) と再会。美香は、声をかけてきたノリのいいイサオ (野村周平) やスグル (内藤秀一郎) の猛烈なアプローチを断れず悩む。波乱に満ちた伊藤家の明日はどっちだ!? 本編DVD+特典DVDの2枚組。アウターケース仕様。
特典: ■キャスト蔵出しインタビュー!! ■映画公開記念特番~こじらせ三姉妹の恋愛編歴トーク!!~ ■完成披露試写会 ■6.16 父の日試写会 ■初日舞台挨拶 ■特報・予告
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Japan Version
- Hey Handsome The Movie (Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
- US$58.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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