House Of Devil - Evil Sledge DVD Region All
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Rock and roll partners Roland Leung and Ricky Fan make their movie debut in House Of Devil - Evil Sledge. The two play music producers who are dating a pair of cousins. Ricky moves into a new house with girlfriend Christina (Chan Man Chi), but soon he starts behaving oddly. He even picks up a suspicious sledge hammer left in the house, and begins using it to smash things. Christina becomes worried, and looks into the history of the house, only to discover that the home - and the sledge hammer - used to belong to a killer (Wayne Lai) who once used the hammer on his own father! Can Christina free her boyfriend from the evil sledge's grasp? Also featuring pop group E-kids, House of Devil - Evil Sledge is a tense and haunting psychological thriller.
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Technical Information
Product Title: | House Of Devil - Evil Sledge 魔宅之鐵鎚凶靈 魔宅之铁鎚凶灵 House Of Devil - Evil Sledge House Of Devil - Evil Sledge |
Artist Name(s): | Wayne Lai | E-kids | Sharon Chan | Roland Leung | Ricky Fan 黎耀祥 | E-kids | 陳敏之 | 梁梓禧 梁 | 范振鋒 黎耀祥 | E-kids | 陈敏之 | 梁梓禧 梁 | 范振锋 ライ・ユーチョン | E-kids | Sharon Chan | 梁奕倫(ロナルド・リョン) | 范振鋒 (リッキー・ファン) Wayne Lai | E-kids | Sharon Chan | Roland Leung | Ricky Fan |
Release Date: | 2003-03-17 |
Language: | Cantonese, Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | All Region What is it? |
Publisher: | Modern Audio |
Package Weight: | 100 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1002585437 |
Product Information
Director: Zhu Yi Lin
音樂人Ricky(范振鋒飾)與律師女友 Christina(陳霽平飾)搬進一間空置很久的住所,當他們搬進這住宅的時候,全間屋只剩下一把鐵鎚。起初他們亦不以為意,豈料Ricky開始了變化,終日拿著鐵錘四處敲打,Ricky拍擋兼好友阿倫(梁弈倫飾)開始發覺事件不尋常,怎料Ricky更變本加厲拿著鐵鎚襲擊Christina表妹Milk(黃榕飾)。Christina細查後,原來他們住的地方,3年前發生了一宗滅絕人性的凶案,一青年阿明(黎耀祥飾)以鐵鎚將父母打死。Christina為著解開疑團,前往監獄探訪阿明,細問之下,原來阿明自幼被父親虐打,某日從地盤中拾到一把鐵鎚,從此性情大變,在一次與父親爭執時,更不能自控地以鐵鎚殺死父母。Christina知道一切一切都與這把鐵鎚有關,回到家後,她拿起鐵鎚對著說希望"它"放過Ricky,但鐵鎚並無任何反應,最後Christina只好…
Musician Ricky move in a new house with girlfriend Christina, when they get in, nothing left in the house except a sledge, afterwards Ricky used the sledge punch everywhere all the times. His friend Alan thought it was kind of strange, Ricky more even assault Christina's cousin Milk with the sledge, Christina was curious, she found out there was a murder case in this house 3 years ago. In order to know more, she went to jail to visit Ming, an only son of the family, he always got brutal by his father, one day he picked up a sledge, while he was arguing with his father, he could not control himself to kill his parents by the sledge. Angel found out all this happens to Ricky and Ming is related to the sledge, she ...
* Dolby Digital
* Full Screen
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Customer Review of "House Of Devil - Evil Sledge"
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Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: (2)
Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: (2)
January 30, 2004
This customer review refers to House Of Devil - Evil Sledge
January 30, 2004
This customer review refers to House Of Devil - Evil Sledge
so wicked
wow! it was so scary. Everyone did a good job acting. Ricky Fan and E-kids were so wicked. Their acting skills have improved. |
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July 14, 2003
July 14, 2003
Must see if you are a fan of Roland and Ricky
This is probably the first movie double.r (roland and ricky) act the main cast. It is not as horror as the cover shown. Just support it if you like the actors. All other casts are good and not disgusting. A relax movie backgrounded in a studio. It is somewhat like watching the lively roland and also good acting ricky fan.
The vcd quality is already very good. |
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