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illi (Regular Version)

Will Pan (Singer)
Our Price: US$30.59
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YesAsia Editorial Description

Will Pan transforms his dream into music in his 11th album illi, his first release under Warner Music. After experiencing a serious accident during the rehearsal for his 2014 Kingdom of Eve concert, the artist had a strange dream about giving birth to a baby alien whom he believes is his reincarnation. Inspired by the dream, he produces 11 songs dedicated to those who are alienated because of their dreams. The major track Coming Home is an old-school hip-hop jam written and composed by the singer himself.
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Technical Information

Product Title: illi (Regular Version) illi 異類 (正式版) illi 异类 (正式版) illi (Regular Version) illi (Regular Version)
Singer Name(s): Will Pan (Singer) 潘瑋柏 (Singer) 潘玮柏 (Singer) 潘瑋柏 (ウィルバー・パン) (Singer) Will Pan (Singer)
Release Date: 2017-08-18
Language: Mandarin
Place of Origin: Taiwan
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 150 (g)
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
Publisher: Warner Music Taiwan
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1061426724

Product Information / Track List

異中不求同 就自成一類
我們就是同類!! "


➤ 【illi 異類】緣起解密:時間倒轉回2014年的10月24日凌晨,潘瑋柏為演唱會彩排高難度特技動作,發生了頭部嚴重撞擊意外,嚴重的17公分頭皮撕裂傷併發腦震盪,使他在病床上一度意識昏沉,似睡非睡的狀態下,瑋柏卻夢見一個驚人的奇異夢境,夢中的他竟然懷有身孕,並產下一個外星寶寶!! 在人生中最接近瀕死邊緣危難的一刻,竟做了一個如此瘋狂的夢境,或許夢中的外星寶寶是他的重生分身,也或許暗示著他將以超越凡人的異力突破逆境。雖然這個謎題,瑋柏至今也無法獲得解答,卻因此成為第拾1張專輯最源頭的創作靈感

➤ 【illi異類】符號解密:
突破華語專輯命名公式,將專輯概念化為一組符號密碼” illi ”,由兩個i與數字11組合而成,象徵加倍的自我努力以及第拾1張心血作品的意涵

➤ 【illi異類】用法與發音解密:
用法:潘瑋柏獨創新流行形容詞:” illi ”可形容一個人異於常人地厲害到讓人覺得不可思議。

《illi 異類》專輯完整曲目
I. Coming Home
II. 第三類接觸 Close Encounter
III. 硬鬧 Go Hard
IV. 致青春 Dear Memories
V. 啞巴 Numb
VI. 根本沒愛過 Never Loved
VII. 失眠 Insomnia
VIII. 鏘 Crank
IX. Fight For You
X. 稀罕沒理由 (feat. 吳昕) No Reasons (feat. Orfila)
Bonus Tracks:
XI. 第三類接觸 (寂寞版) Close Encounter (Lonely Version)
XII. 漫動作 (feat.關曉彤) Slow Motion (feat. Gabrielle Guan)
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