Joy of Life (DVD) (Box 1) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Fan Xian (Zhang Ruoyun) was raised by his grandmother in a small coastal town. He knew from birth that he was different, because he had memories of a world different from his own. A mysterious teacher and a blindfolded bodyguard appeared before Fan Xian at a young age, and trained him in martial arts. After Fan Xian reaches adulthood, his estranged father summons him to the capital to take up an important position for the court. There, he meets the Emperor (Chen Daoming) and Chen Pingping (Wu Gang), the powerful and notorious head of the Emperor's monitoring authority, not to mention various scheming princes. Everyone seems to have a secret agenda. Fan Xian must navigate the dangers of the capital while wooing his love (Li Qin) and investigating the fantastical mystery surrounding his identity and his legendary late mother who left behind quite the legacy.
Technical Information
Product Title: | Joy of Life (DVD) (Box 1) (Japan Version) 慶餘年 (DVD) (Box 1 ) (日本版) 庆馀年 (DVD) (Box 1 ) (日本版) 慶余年〜麒麟児、現る〜DVD−BOX1 Joy of Life (DVD) (Box 1) (Japan Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Chen Dao Ming (Actor) | Zhang Ruo Yun (Actor) | Li Qin (Actor) | Yu Rong Guang (Actor) | Li Qiang (Actor) | Ko Chu Kong (Actor) | Yolanda Yuan (Actor) | Yu Yeung (Actor) | Li Xiao Ran (Actor) | Yu Xiao Wei (Actor) | Hai Yi Tian (Actor) | Wang Yang (Actor) | Song Yi (Actor) | Tian Yu (Actor) | Liu Hua (Actor) | Li Chun (Actor) | Wu Gang | Jia Jing Hui (Actor) | Xin Zhi Lei (Actor) | Liu Duan Duan (Actor) | Liu Mei Tong (Actor) | Li Shen (Actor) | Zhang Hao Wei (Actor) | Xiao Zhan (Actor) | Guo Qi Lin 陳道明 (Actor) | 張若昀 (Actor) | 李沁 (Actor) | 于榮光 (Actor) | 李強 (Actor) | 高曙光 (Actor) | 袁 泉 (Actor) | 于洋 (Actor) | 李小冉 (Actor) | 于小偉 (Actor) | 海一天 (Actor) | 王陽 (Actor) | 宋軼 (Actor) | 田雨 (Actor) | 劉樺 (Actor) | 李純 (Actor) | 吳 剛 | 賈景暉 (Actor) | 辛 芷蕾 (Actor) | 劉 端端 (Actor) | 劉 美彤 (Actor) | 李燊 (Actor) | 張 昊唯 (Actor) | 肖戰 (Actor) | 郭麒麟 陈道明 (Actor) | 张若昀 (Actor) | 李沁 (Actor) | 于荣光 (Actor) | Li Qiang (Actor) | 高曙光 (Actor) | 袁 泉 (Actor) | 于洋 (Actor) | 李小冉 (Actor) | 于小伟 (Actor) | 海一天 (Actor) | 王阳 (Actor) | 宋轶 (Actor) | 田雨 (Actor) | 刘桦 (Actor) | 李纯 (Actor) | 吴 刚 | 贾景晖 (Actor) | 辛 芷蕾 (Actor) | 刘 端端 (Actor) | 刘 美彤 (Actor) | 李燊 (Actor) | 张 昊唯 (Actor) | 肖战 (Actor) | 郭麒麟 陳道明 (チェン・ダオミン) (Actor) | 張若昀(チャン・ルオユン) (Actor) | 李沁( リー・チン) (Actor) | 于榮光 (ユー・ロングァン) (Actor) | Li Qiang (Actor) | 高曙光(カオ・チュークヮン) (Actor) | 袁泉(ユアン・チュアン) (Actor) | Yu Yeung (Actor) | 李小冉(リー・シャオラン) (Actor) | Yu Xiao Wei (Actor) | Hai Yi Tian (Actor) | ワン・ヤン[王陽] (Actor) | 宋軼(ソン・イー) (Actor) | Tian Yu (Actor) | 劉樺(リウ・ホア) (Actor) | Li Chun (Actor) | ウー・ガン[呉剛] | Jia Jing Hui (Actor) | 辛芷蕾(シン・ジーレイ) (Actor) | Liu Duan Duan (Actor) | Liu Mei Tong (Actor) | リー・シェン[李燊] (Actor) | 張昊唯(チャン・ハオウェイ) (Actor) | 肖戦(シャオ・ジャン) (Actor) | 郭麒麟(グオ・チーリン) Chen Dao Ming (Actor) | Zhang Ruo Yun (Actor) | Li Qin (Actor) | Yu Rong Guang (Actor) | Li Qiang (Actor) | Ko Chu Kong (Actor) | Yolanda Yuan (Actor) | Yu Yeung (Actor) | Li Xiao Ran (Actor) | Yu Xiao Wei (Actor) | Hai Yi Tian (Actor) | Wang Yang (Actor) | Song Yi (Actor) | Tian Yu (Actor) | Liu Hua (Actor) | Li Chun (Actor) | Wu Gang | Jia Jing Hui (Actor) | Xin Zhi Lei (Actor) | Liu Duan Duan (Actor) | Liu Mei Tong (Actor) | Li Shen (Actor) | Zhang Hao Wei (Actor) | Xiao Zhan (Actor) | Guo Qi Lin |
Director: | Sun Hao 孫皓 孙皓 Sun Hao Sun Hao |
Release Date: | 2021-12-03 |
Publisher Product Code: | KEDV-758 |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | Japanese |
Place of Origin: | China |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it? |
Other Information: | DVD |
Shipment Unit: | 3 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1106968611 |
Product Information
チャン・ルオユン[張若?ホ] / リー・チン[李沁] / チェン・ダオミン[陳道明] / シン・ジーレイ[辛□蕾] / シャオ・ジャン[肖戦] / マオニー[猫膩] (原作)
愛し、守るのは俺の責務。第26回白玉蘭賞 最優秀脚色賞ほか、総計16冠! キレ者×破天荒 英雄〈ヒーロー〉、爆誕!! 離脱不能の爽快歴史エンターテイメント! DVD-BOX第1巻。――大学生の張慶は教授に自身の研究を認めてもらうため、難病に侵された青年・范閑が、現代の記憶を持ったまま乱世に転生する物語「慶余年」を書き上げる。物語の舞台・南慶国では、皇子たちが皇位継承を巡って争い、陰謀が渦巻いていた。笵閑は高官の隠し子として生まれるが、生後すぐに母を失い、田舎で武術や医術を叩き込まれて成長する。ある日、都からの使者がやってくるが、同時に命を狙われてしまう笵閑。その理由と母の死の真相を明らかにするため、笵閑は上京を決意するが、都に到着した范閑を待ち受けていたのは、皇帝・慶帝の命による縁談だった。莫大な富を生む商売・「内庫」を管理している慶帝の異母妹・李雲睿の娘、林婉児と結婚し、その権利を取り戻せというのだ。実は「内庫」は笵閑の亡き母が起ち上げた一大事業であった。しかし、笵閑は、都に向かう道すがら偶然出会った、鶏肉の足を食べていた娘に一目惚れしていた。"鶏肉の君"と結ばれるため何とかして破談に持ち込もうと画策する笵閑は、図らずも宮中の権力闘争に巻き込まれ、数々の謎の核心に迫っていくことになる。第1話~第16話収録。ブックレット(8P)封入。
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