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Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A

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Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8.1 out of 10 (35)
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Product Title: Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) 標殺令 Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (日本版) 标杀令 Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (日本版) キル・ビル Vol.1&2<USバージョン> ツインパック 初回生産限定版 【Blu-rayDisc】 Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)
Artist Name(s): Samuel L. Jackson | Kuriyama Chiaki | Sonny Chiba | Michael Madsen | Daryl Hannah | Uma Thurman 森姆積遜 | 栗山千明 | 千葉真一 | 米高密臣 | 戴露漢娜 | 奧瑪花曼 森姆积逊 | 栗山千明 | 千叶真一 | 米高密臣 | 戴露汉娜 | 奥玛花曼 サミュエル・L.ジャクソン | 栗山千明 | 千葉真一 | マイケル・マドセン | ダリル・ハンナ | ユマ・サーマン | デビッド・キャラダイン | マイケル・パークス | ヴィヴィカ・A.フォックス | ルーシー・リュー | ゴードン・ラウ 사무엘 L. 잭슨 | Kuriyama Chiaki | Sonny Chiba | Michael Madsen | Daryl Hannah | 우마 서먼
Director: Quentin Tarantino 昆頓塔倫天奴 昆顿塔伦天奴 クエンティン・タランティーノ Quentin Tarantino
Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2010-05-26
Publisher Product Code: GNXF-1084
Language: English, Japanese
Subtitles: English, Japanese
Place of Origin: United States
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Publisher: Geneon Universal Entertainment
Other Information: 2 Blu-ray Discs
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1022251874

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[アーティスト/ キャスト]
ユマ・サーマン / クエンティン・タランティーノ (監督、脚本) / The RZA (音楽)


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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"

December 24, 2007

This professional review refers to Kill Bill Vol.1 & 2 Twin Pack (Limited Edition)(Japan Version)
So, now that this tale of bloody revenge has reached its climax, which 'r' do I feel? Relief, that it met my expectations? Regret, that it's all over? A little of both actually, but mostly I feel Respect. From the opening 'Massacre at Two Pines' to the surreal final chapter 'Face to Face,' this proves to be a brilliant film; one quite different to the first half of The Bride's quest to kill Bill, but certainly no less of a success.

Here's the deal. Tarantino's direction and Robert Richardson's cinematography both deserve more time than I'm going to give them here, but it's all good, as they say, and if you've seen Vol. I you'll know what I mean. Instead, I'd rather focus of the performances, as the quality of acting on display here was not nearly so much in evidence in the first film.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Thurman as The Bride is the film's emotional centre and she really sells it; every smile, every tear, every grimace is bang on, and it even hurts just to watch the poor girl eat rice. David Carradine's Bill, however, is just plain cool. Carradine possesses great charisma and when he's on-screen he's impossible to ignore, but he's also damn scary - you can hear the punctuation when he says "Surprise." and it's absolutely terrifying.

Gordon Liu is perfect as beard-stroking kung fu master Pai Mei ("From here you can get an excellent view of my foot! HAHAHA!"), while Darryl Hannah gets possibly the finest moment in the film - or at least, she's on the receiving end of it. Michael...Madsen's his...lines wears a little thin after a while but is otherwise fine as Bill's washed up brother Budd, and Rufus, well, he's The Man. Michael Parks also puts in an impressive, albeit rather brief, appearance playing an 80 year-old Mexican pimp with the most alluring eyelashes I've ever seen. Weird.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 is much more dialogue heavy than Vol. I (much, much more), and with a running time of 137 minutes it's quite a bit longer, but provided Tarantino's particular brand of talky-talk is to your liking, you should find it's just long enough for him to make his point.

10 Morricone samples out of 10

by Jonathan McCoy -

July 18, 2006

This professional review refers to Kill Bill Vol.1 DVD + Kill Bill Vol.1 Original Soundtrack (Japan Version)
I was always going to score this film a 10. This is also the hardest review I've ever had to write. Not, mind you, because Kill Bill failed to meet my 10-out-of-10 expectations - quite the opposite in fact. Tarantino has made a film that is far better than anything I could have (and did) imagine, and the highest compliment that I can pay his work here is that I had to watch it a second time right away. Unfortunately I saw it at a press screening, so I couldn't, and - this is where the difficulty lies - as a result I really don't feel I can write a review that does the film justice. In its entire 111 minute running time not once did Kill Bill slow down enough for me to think, really think, about what I was seeing. I know it's brilliant. I know that there are many, many amazing moments in the film. They just come so thick and fast I can't remember them all.

Rather than write a 'proper' review then, I'm instead going to share three little things that, as fellow devotees of 'Asian' cinema, might help you recognise just how super-cool Kill Bill truly is. Here goes...

Firstly, there's a reason why H-C has decided to cover Kill Bill, and that's because the film draws heavily on Hong Kong and Japanese (generic) traditions of filmmmaking. It's more than that - having actually seen the film I can now say that it actually locates itself very specifically within the cultural contexts of those traditions too. (Volume One of the film largely orients itself around Japan, while Volume Two - out in February - has a lot more fu.) Yes, The Bride be might be a "silly Caucasian girl," but she hasn't been taught to fight by a computer programme. She knows what it means to carry Japanese steel, and what it means to use it. The climactic showdown at the House of Blue Leaves is one of the most incredible fight sequences I've ever seen, mostly because each one of its constituent elements works together so magnificently. Yuen Woo Ping and Sonny Chiba's choreography/instruction, Robert Richardson's cinematography, Uma Thurman's performances and, of course, Tarantino's direction, combine to create something as near to perfect as can be. The music. The production design. The editing. Incredible stuff.

Secondly, the film also features an anime sequence from Production I.G. (Ghost in the Shell, Blood: The Last Vampire) that serves to tell the story of Lucy Liu's character O-Ren Ishii. It is beautiful work that stands alone as one of the best things I've seen in a cinema all year and is reason enough to see Kill Bill even if anime doesn't usually do it for you.

Finally, Sonny Chiba and Gordon Liu both play fairly significant roles in the film and, as might be expected, they're really, REALLY cool.

Ultimately though, Kill Bill is much more than the some of these (and many other) parts. It's just...brilliant. Simple as that. See it.

10 what-else-were-you-expecting?'s out of 10

by Jonathan McCoy -

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Customer Review of "Kill Bill - Vol.1 & Vol.2 Twin Pack (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8.1 out of 10 (35)

See all my reviews

May 5, 2010

This customer review refers to Kill Bill Vol.1 (US Theatrical Cut) (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)
Missed chance...this is NOT the Japanese cut!! Customer Review Rated Bad 0 - 0 out of 10
My rating is not for the movie, but for this particular release. I was looking forward for Kill Bill vol.1 to appear in Blu-Ray in Japan. I already have the Japanese version on DVD, with extra bloody footage and the tea-house fight in glourious color. Well, they dediced to release the US theatrical version instead...too bad, I will either stick to my Japan version DVD or buy the standard Blu-Ray version anywhere else. It really is a missed chance, because the Japanese version is really the director's cut...but Tarantino was too coward and turned the tea-house massacre into a pathetic black and white everywhere else...
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March 7, 2008

This customer review refers to Kill Bill (DVD) (DTS) (Hong Kong Version)
Kill Bill 1 Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
I think Tarantino, being a kungfu and asian cinema enthusiast himself (memories of Shaw Brothers intro sequence complete with soundtrack), has done a great job with this movie. A little subtle joke here and there, the 'gore' at the House of Blue Leaves (as would be with Japanese samurai movies), humour and conversation at the little sushi bar (glad they had english subtitles), yellow tracksuit worn by Uma and music from Green Hornet (tribute to Bruce Lee) and the casting of Lucy Liu was perfect. I purchased this dvd version when I was in Hongkong and was disappointed when everyone was interviewed except for Gordon Liu. He wasnt' even shown at the premier (red carpet) although he was there. Although he played a very minor role here as head of the Crazy 88s and later as Pai Mei in KB2, I think the western and newer generation of fans should be reintroduced to this fantastic real kungfu master (he's a genuine kungfu master as is legendary director Lau Kar Leung). Can you mention one other kungfu master/actor who, at age 50, still looks hot in both physique and incredible action!! (with exception of Yuen Biao and Jackie Chan).

Uma carried off well in this movie cause she spent 6 months learning from Yuen Woo Ping. The only scene I don't agree with is the child seeing her dead mum in the kitchen (first revenge).

One for the collection for Tarantino's quirkiness!! Can't think of another director who can put together a movie like this.
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Best Review
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December 19, 2004

This customer review refers to Kill Bill Vol.1 (Japan Version)
1 people found this review helpful

"Kill Bill:Volume One: More Blood, More Fun Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
I've first heard of this version on the Quentin Tarantino web site and search was on to find the DVD. My first reaction was WOW!!! with the uncut Japan amine. Then the main event "the Battle at the House of Blue Leaves" in full color. I don't know how many times I had too rewind or hit the slow motion as The Bride was slicing and dicing through the Crazy 88's. It was worth the wait when I ordered it. As Quentin said before, THIS is the version that he wants YOU to see!!!!! So order it and enjoy it.
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October 11, 2004

This customer review refers to Kill Bill Vol.1 (Japan Version)
Tarantinos best. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
This is one of the coolest movies ever. If you want to see the movie in full length plus extra gore and in full color the japanese version is the one to buy. People that like movies like Shogun Assassin and Ichi the killer will love this one. BUY IT NOW!!!
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June 10, 2004

This customer review refers to KILL BILL Vol.1 Premium Box DVD (Limited Edition) + Kill Bill & Tarantino Movie Insider (Japan Version)
KILL BILL vol. 1 Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
This is an excellent film. Actually the best I've seen in a long long time. In many ways it is a flirt with old Kung Fu-films and good ol' westerns. One reviewer didn't get that Kill Bill is SUPPOSED to be over the top and not to be taken too seriously. If it was all serious, however, the graphic violence would most certainly make the film unwatchable. I for one enjoyed every minute of it and look forward to the DVD-release of the second part, vol. 2!
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  • Region & Language: Hong Kong United States - English
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