Marriage Blue (2013) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Baseball coach Tae Kyu (Kim Kang Woo) and his fiancee Joo Young (Kim Hyo Jin) are happily preparing for their wedding, but Tae Kyu feels conflicted when he finds out that Joo Young was married before. Nail artist So Mi (Lee Yeon Hee) can't help feeling like there's a spark missing from her relationship with chef Won Chul (Ok Taec Yeon), her boyfriend of seven years. Right before their wedding, she takes a trip to Jeju and meets tour guide Kyung Soo (Ju Ji Hoon). Florist Gun Ho (Ma Dong Seok) suddenly becomes impotent as he worries that his young and beautiful wife-to-be (Guzal Tursunova) from Uzbekistan might actually be marrying him for Korean citizenship. Dae Bok (Lee Hee Joon) promptly proposes when his wedding planner girlfriend Yi Ra (Ko Joon Hee) informs him she's pregnant, but their relationship takes a turn for the worse during wedding preparations.
Technical Information
Product Title: | Marriage Blue (2013) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) 婚禮行不行 (2013) (DVD) (台灣版) 婚礼行不行 (2013) (DVD) (台湾版) 結婚前夜 (DVD) (台湾版) 결혼전야 |
Also known as: | 婚前撻Q日記 / 結婚前夜 婚前挞Q日记 / 结婚前夜 |
Artist Name(s): | Kim Kang Woo (Actor) | Ok Taec Yeon (2PM) (Actor) | Ju Ji Hoon (Actor) | Lee Yeon Hee (Actor) | Ma Dong Seok (Actor) 金剛于 (Actor) | 玉澤演 (Actor) | 朱智勛 (Actor) | 李研熙 (Actor) | 馬東石 (Actor) 金刚于 (Actor) | 玉泽演 (Actor) | 朱智勋 (Actor) | 李研熙 (Actor) | 马东石 (Actor) キム・ガンウ (Actor) | オク・テギョン (2PM) (Actor) | チュ・ジフン (Actor) | イ・ヨニ (Actor) | マ・ドンソク (Actor) 김강우 (Actor) | 옥택연 (2PM) (Actor) | 주지훈 (Actor) | 이연희 (Actor) | 마동석 (Actor) |
Director: | Hong Ji Young 洪志英 洪志英 ホン・ジヨン 홍지영 |
Release Date: | 2014-09-29 |
Language: | Korean |
Subtitles: | Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.78 : 1 |
Sound Information: | Dolby Digital 2.0 |
Disc Format(s): | DVD, DVD-9 |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Duration: | 118 (mins) |
Publisher: | AV-Jet International Media Co., Ltd |
Package Weight: | 105 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1036911965 |
Product Information
《幽靈》李妍熙 《我們結婚了》玉澤演
棒球國手泰奎(金康宇 飾)和女醫生珠英(金孝珍 飾)分手12年後舊情復燃決定結婚,就在婚禮前夕發現彼此隱藏的秘密。
步入中年的光棍建浩(馬東錫 飾)遇到來自烏茲別克的絕世美女薇卡(Guzal 飾),一段宅男配辣妹的異國戀曲就此展開。
千金大小姐以蘿(高濬熙 飾)和媽寶大福(李熙俊 飾)熱戀沖昏頭決定閃婚,緊接而來的果然就是兩家人的大吵大鬧。
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- Marriage Blue (DVD) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
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Customer Review of "Marriage Blue (2013) (DVD) (Taiwan Version)"
See all my reviews
December 15, 2014
This customer review refers to Marriage Blue (DVD) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
Crazy little thing called marriage
The D-day countdown commences by introduction as four happy couples decide to tie the knot, but joy and celebration soon turn to ‘marriage blues’ and lots of verbal fracas (and even a male crotch’s near miss with a pair of manic scissors) as all four couples hit problem after problem about....getting married.
Tae Kyu (Kang woo) is a baseball player and about to get hitched to medial practitioner Joo Young (Hyo Jin) when to his horror learns that his beloved has been married before – to another doctor in her profession. What doesn’t help Tae Kyu’s side of the argument though is that Tae Kyu has also been playing the field (other than with his baseballs) for three years with another woman, to one year ignorant about Joo Young’s previous marriage. Nail artist So Mi (Yeon Hee) is about to wed chef Won Chul (2PM’s Taec Yeon) but with limited joy So Mi is unsure about her betrothal to the chef. But when travelling to Jeju island So Mi meets an online romance writer Kyung Soo (Ji Hoon) as her guide and although getting annoyed with Kyung Soo on the road, gently begins to fall in love with him. Gun Ho (Dong Seok) works in a florist and adores his leggy Uzbekistan girlfriend Vika (Guzal Tursunova) - as do some removal men outside Gun Ho’s shop - and is ready to be married. Gun Ho’s marriage blue though is he can’t get his man servant to fly at full mast and gets very concerned about his honeymoon night. He even relates to a wilting tree in his shop that seems to reflect his problem. So Gun Ho seeks medical help from Joo Young (with some embarrassing results). But when Gun Ho is hit with some gossip about Vika wanting to marry him for Korean citizen ship, he becomes frantic, his man servant not even flying at half mast then. And Joo Young’s medical assistant Dae Bok (Hee Joon) is to marry wedding planner Yi Ra (Joon Hee). Their problem? Yi Ra tells Dae Bok she is pregnant and they must marry - all due to the ethics of her father being a Christian minister and Dae Bok must now wait until he is finally married to Yi Ra before getting down and dirty again at the nuptial bed. But Yi Ra is quite a rebel, going clubbing and drinking. But having differing values with Dae Boks own mother’s dogma ways (especially by the imposition of some antique furniture she hopes Yi Ra will adore), Yi Ra gets concerned about the different values both have – which upsets Dae Bok as he worships his girlfriend as much as Yi Ra seems to by her faith. |
See all my reviews
December 15, 2014
This customer review refers to Marriage Blue (DVD) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
Four couples and their marriage blues
‘Marriage Blue’ is another well weaved together script like Naked Kitchen with a good sense of satire and irony going for it and its 117mins went very quickly as I watched this, which is always a good thing. The interchangeable fluidity of associated dialogues, characters, and scenes throughout are spot on – it works and it keeps you watching. Director Ji Young Hong I think as another hit here! All four sets of characters are intricately interconnected throughout (in a clever way) and as there are quite a number of characters here it could get a bit messy or imbalanced I suppose. But scene after scene works very well and nothing really ever goes out of kilter. It’s certainly funny with some slapstick mirth (especially when focusing on the male groin) but with a good eye on the ball about what the craziness of planning a wedding amidst the social trappings of strict and differing values, indecisions about sharing a future with someone, wrongful misperceptions about soul mates and their ‘dodgy’ pasts etc, can express. Its all of course amplified madness but very close to the mark.
The cast are all very good and it’s interesting to see more serious drama actors doing light humour again (Kang Woo and Dong Seok). Also good to see Ji Hoon back in action again as he does have some valuable talent and good charisma. As do many! This version of the DVD also includes a thin booklet with some movie scene photos and the DVD extras, although not English subtitled, have easy to appreciates additions. One is the main song making off ‘Marriage Blue’ that is written by Taec Yeon and another the usual promotional photo shoot. Other stuff on set is also quite watchable without paining for translation (never know maybe one day there will be an audio plugin that can translate languages). Overall this is good movie to recommend and one you may watch again and again – especially if you ever get married. For this slip case and booklet edition the DVD is also Region ALL. |
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