One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Special Limited Edition) (Random Cover) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray Region A
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Chow Tin Yan (Endy Chow) was born with the ability to see one second into the future. This special power, however, isn't special enough to get him ahead in life. At middle age, he's a go-nowhere single father who spends too much time at the bar and lets his son down. He mainly uses his power to slip away from debt collectors. After seeing Tin Yan's ability in action, boxing enthusiast Shun (Chiu Sin Hang) convinces him to use his one-second precognition to win in the ring. Trying hard for the first time in his life, Tin Yan trains to take on boxing champion Joe (Chanon Santinatornkul).
This edition comes with trailer, theme song music video and making-of features. First Press comes with two postcards, five character photo cards and a leaflet with Lin Men Chen yoga lecture note and film theme song lyrics, all only available while supplies last.
Note: This edition is released with two different covers. Customers who purchase this product will have one of the versions selected for them at random.
Technical Information
Product Title: | One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Special Limited Edition) (Random Cover) (Hong Kong Version) 一秒拳王 (2021) (Blu-ray) (特別限量版) (隨機封面) (香港版) 一秒拳王 (2021) (Blu-ray) (特别限量版) (随机封面) (香港版) One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Special Limited Edition) (Random Cover) (Hong Kong Version) One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Special Limited Edition) (Random Cover) (Hong Kong Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Endy Chow (Actor) | Justin Cheung (Actor) | Lin Min Chen (Actor) | Chiu Sin Hang (Actor) | Nonkul Chanon Santinatornkul (Actor) | Xiong Zhuo Le (Actor) | Lo Hoi Pang (Actor) | Wong Yau Nam (Actor) | Aaron Chow (Actor) | Deon Cheung (Actor) | Ben Yuen (Actor) | Babyjohn Choi (Actor) | Kaki Sham (Actor) | Huang Yi Hao (Actor) 周國賢 (Actor) | 張 建聲 (Actor) | 林 明禎 (Actor) | 趙善恆 (Actor) | 查農·桑提納同庫 (Actor) | 熊倬樂 (Actor) | 盧海鵬 (Actor) | 黃又南 (Actor) | 周 祉君 (Actor) | 張 松枝 (Actor) | 袁 富華 (Actor) | 蔡瀚億 (Actor) | 岑 珈其 (Actor) | 黃 溢濠 (Actor) 周国贤 (Actor) | 张 建声 (Actor) | 林 明祯 (Actor) | 赵善恒 (Actor) | Nonkul Chanon Santinatornkul (Actor) | 熊倬乐 (Actor) | 卢海鹏 (Actor) | 黄又南 (Actor) | 周 祉君 (Actor) | 张 松枝 (Actor) | 袁 富华 (Actor) | 蔡瀚亿 (Actor) | 岑 珈其 (Actor) | 黄 溢濠 (Actor) 周國賢(エンディ・チャウ) (Actor) | ジャスティン・チャン (Actor) | 林明禎(リン・ミンチェン) (Actor) | チウ・シン・ハン (Actor) | チャーノン・サンティナトーンクン(ノンクン) (Actor) | Xiong Zhuo Le (Actor) | 廬海鵬(ロー・ホイパン) (Actor) | 黄又南(ウォン・ヤウナム) (Actor) | Aaron Chow (Actor) | Deon Cheung (Actor) | Ben Yuen (Actor) | ベイビージョン・チョイ (Actor) | 岑珈其(カーキ・サム) (Actor) | Huang Yi Hao (Actor) Endy Chow (Actor) | Justin Cheung (Actor) | Lin Min Chen (Actor) | Chiu Sin Hang (Actor) | Nonkul Chanon Santinatornkul (Actor) | Xiong Zhuo Le (Actor) | Lo Hoi Pang (Actor) | Wong Yau Nam (Actor) | Aaron Chow (Actor) | Deon Cheung (Actor) | Ben Yuen (Actor) | Babyjohn Choi (Actor) | Kaki Sham (Actor) | Huang Yi Hao (Actor) |
Director: | Chiu Sin Hang 趙善恆 赵善恒 チウ・シン・ハン Chiu Sin Hang |
Blu-ray Region Code: | A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it? |
Release Date: | 2021-08-01 |
Language: | Cantonese, Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong |
Picture Format: | [HD] High Definition What is it? |
Sound Information: | 7.1, Dolby TrueHD |
Disc Format(s): | Blu-ray |
Screen Resolution: | 1080p (1920 x 1080 progressive scan) |
Duration: | 97 (mins) |
Publisher: | Panorama (HK) |
Package Weight: | 120 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1104374419 |
Product Information
- 預告片
- 主題曲 "時間的初衷" MV 主唱:周國賢、ToNick
- 製作特輯 (詳細內容請看附頁)
* Blu-ray 特別收錄:
- 製作特輯:
• 2019年2月 一秒拳王 拍攝前半年
• 向周天仁出發 - 周國賢操練篇
• 進化成葉志信 - 趙善恆操練篇
• 當鮮肉升級成肌肉 - 查朗全方位操練篇
• 人人腹肌可達到 - 黃溢濠操練篇
• 為兄弟 我願意 - 張建聲給導演的話
• 減廿磅 小意思 - 張建聲操練篇
• 周天仁的辛酸 - 周國賢訪問篇
• 我所認識的葉志信 - 趙善恆訪問篇
• Boxing Joe的初體驗 - 查朗訪問篇
• 好似太陽一樣的小瑤 - 林明禎訪問篇
• 周國賢眼中的導演 - 周國賢訪問篇
• 10歲的前輩 - 周國賢與熊倬樂篇
• 良仔的世界 - 熊倬樂角色介紹篇
• 全場最年輕的老前輩 - 熊倬樂花絮篇
• 阿信覺得你骨骼精奇 - 趙善恆花絮篇
• 大笑瑜伽讓你笑哈哈 - 林明禎花絮篇
• 一秒救殭拳王清道夫? - BabyJohn花絮篇
• 出貓特攻隊 高清無碼小鮮肉 流出
• 沿途與一秒拳王有過一幀風景 - 周國賢花絮篇
• 肌肉的發源地 - 武術指導訪問篇
• 查朗點解要道歉!? 查朗道歉之謎
• 導演為何心有愧!? 趙善恆訪問篇
• 當事人現身解畫 - 周國賢受傷篇
• 當導演遇上演員 - 趙善恆導演訪問篇
• 熱血到最後 - 周國賢煞科篇
• 黑色的眼睛 低清老翻肥仔波 流出
• 廢佬也有出頭天 - 周國賢看周天仁篇
• 共同作戰的伙伴 - 製作幕後花絮
大獎 - 推薦電影
年度大獎 - 最佳男主角 周國賢
香港亞洲電影節 閉幕電影
芝加哥「亞洲躍動電影節」 參展電影
西班牙「亞洲夏日電影節」 競賽單元
意大利「烏甸尼遠東電影節」 參展電影
加拿大「奇幻電影節」 參展電影
紐約亞洲電影節 參展電影
《救殭清道夫》導演 / 故事 / 音樂
導演 / 原創故事 趙善恆
領銜主演 周國賢
查朗桑提納托古 趙善恆
林明禎 張建聲 熊倬樂
盧海鵬 袁富華 黃又南 蔡瀚億
黃溢濠 周祉君 岑珈其 張松枝
*** 此版本有2個不同封面,將會隨機送出,不便之處,敬請原諒。***
Blu-ray 首批附送
- 精美明信片 (乙套) (1套2張)
- 拳手角色咭 (乙套) (1套5張)
- 林明禎瑜珈 lecture note X 《一秒拳王》主題曲《時間的初衷》歌詞集 (乙本)
(數量有限 送完即止)
「香港亞洲電影節」閉幕電影秒速爆滿,45分鐘內售罄一票難求!年度壓軸本地熱血力作《一秒拳王》,由《救殭清道夫》賣座班底炮製,原創故事更是源自導演趙善恆 (ToNick主音恆仔) 靈感。「我最喜愛的」周國賢奮身大蛻變,激戰《出貓特攻隊》泰國天菜男神查朗桑提納托古 (Chanon Santinatornkul),拳拳到肉打到爆缸,林明禎、趙善恆、盧海鵬、袁富華、張建聲和天才童星熊倬樂攜手演出。
廢中周天仁(周國賢 飾)終日在酒吧渾噩,兒子(熊倬樂 飾)對他毫無寄望,為了躲避債主,天仁運用一秒預知超能力成功逃脫,意外被屢戰屢敗的拳擊教練阿信(趙善恆 飾)發現,拉攏他合作挑戰秒殺拳王Joe(查朗桑提納托古 飾),堂妹小瑤(林明禎 飾)多番阻撓也無補於事。一秒雖然很短,卻能創出宇宙;從未認真看待自己的天仁,決定藉此難得機會,運用這個超能力,在擂台上尋回失落已久的人生初衷,為了自己,為了兒子,好好活一次!其實輸怎會一世,贏又真的只在一秒?
Other Versions of "One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Special Limited Edition) (Random Cover) (Hong Kong Version)"
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Hong Kong Version
- One Second Champion (2021) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray Region A
- US$26.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- One Second Champion (2021) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3
- US$18.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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