Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (SBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Yoo Bang (Lee Bum Soo) sneaks into a villa at night and discovers the dead body of Chunha Medical Group executive Ho Hae (Park Sang Myun). His niece Yeo Chi (Jeong Ryeo Won) is hiding in the room. At the funeral, both Yoo Bang and Yeo Chi get arrested for murder. How did things come to this? It all began three months ago when Chunha began trial testing for their new medicine. In exchange for a job recommendation from Ho Hae, Yoo Bang agrees to join the trial testing and steal information about the drug. Rival company director Hang Woo (Jung Gyu Woon) is also there undercover to find out about the new drug. Spoiled rich girl Yeo Chi is undergoing training because her grandfather wants her to inherit Chunha one day, though she herself is completely uninterested. For the trial testing, 30 testers, including Yoo Bang and Hang Woo, are shut off from the outside world for 10 days. During the trial period, strange things begin to happen...
Technical Information
Product Title: | Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (SBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) 愛情要不藥 (又名:工薪族楚漢志) (DVD) (完) (韓/國語配音) (SBS劇集) (台灣版) 爱情要不药 (又名:工薪族楚汉志) (DVD) (完) (韩/国语配音) (SBS剧集) (台湾版) Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (SBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version) 샐러리맨 초한지 |
Also known as: | Salaryman Cho Han Ji Salaryman Cho Han Ji Salaryman Cho Han Ji Salaryman Cho Han Ji Salaryman Cho Han Ji |
Artist Name(s): | Lee Bum Soo (Actor) | Jung Bo Suk (Actor) | Hong Su Hyun (Actor) | Jung Gyu Woon (Actor) | Park Sang Myun (Actor) | Lee Duk Hwa (Actor) | Kim Suh Hyung (Actor) | Jang Hyun Sung (Actor) | Jung Ryeo Won (Actor) | Lee Joon (Actor) 李凡秀 (Actor) | 鄭普碩 (Actor) | 洪洙賢 (Actor) | 鄭 糠雲 (Actor) | 朴相勉 (Actor) | 李德華 (Actor) | 金 淑亨 (Actor) | 張鉉誠 (Actor) | 鄭麗媛 (Actor) | 李準 (Actor) 李凡秀 (Actor) | 郑普硕 (Actor) | 洪洙贤 (Actor) | 郑 糠云 (Actor) | 朴相勉 (Actor) | 李德华 (Actor) | 金 淑亨 (Actor) | 张铉诚 (Actor) | 郑丽媛 (Actor) | 李准 (Actor) イ・ボムス (Actor) | チョン・ボソク (Actor) | ホン・スヒョン (Actor) | チョン・ギョウン (Actor) | パク・サンミョン (Actor) | イ・ドクファ (Actor) | キム・ソヒョン (Actor) | チャン・ヒョンソン (Actor) | チョン・リョウォン (Actor) | イ・ジュン (Actor) 이범수 (Actor) | 정보석 (Actor) | 홍수현 (Actor) | 정겨운 (Actor) | 박 상면 (Actor) | 이 덕화 (Actor) | 김 서형 (Actor) | 장현성 (Actor) | 정려원 (Actor) | 이준 (Actor) |
Release Date: | 2012-12-31 |
Language: | Korean, Mandarin |
Subtitles: | Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.78 : 1 |
Disc Format(s): | DVD, DVD-5 |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Duration: | 1,425 (mins) |
Publisher: | Horng En Culture Co., Ltd. |
Other Information: | 6 DVDs (Ep.1-22) |
Package Weight: | 355 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 2 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1032232319 |
Product Information
《愛情要不藥》講述了無業遊民又對就業充滿悲慘回憶的劉邦(李凡秀 飾)和在醫藥公司工作為尋找競爭公司的新藥而絞盡腦汁的項羽(鄭糠雲 飾)之間對立的故事。李凡秀和鄭糠雲同時參加了天下集團的臨床試驗,雖各懷心思但都為了獲得新孳而努力,在此過程中兩人上演了一場奪藥大戰……。
Other Versions of "Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (SBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version)"
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Japan Version
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- Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (Box 1) (Collector's Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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- Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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Korea Version
- History of the Salaryman (DVD) (8-Disc) (English Subtitled) (End) (SBS TV Drama) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3, 4, 5, 6
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- Salaryman Cho Han Ji (2012) (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (English Subtitled) (SBS TV Dram) (Malaysia Version) DVD Region 3
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Customer Review of "Salaryman Cho Han Ji (DVD) (End) (Multi-audio) (SBS TV Drama) (Taiwan Version)"
See all my reviews
September 3, 2014
This customer review refers to History of the Salaryman (DVD) (8-Disc) (English Subtitled) (End) (SBS TV Drama) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
This is less a response about [what happens in "History of a Salaryman"] and more a response to the overall quality for English speakers and fans in general.
Packaging: I'm sure would be much happier if American/European citizens were much less picky about this, but this [region 3] version comes with a thin cardboard slipcase similar to MBC America's slipcases. Then, three internal plastic cases just like the picture. Pretty simple really. Picture Quality: Beautiful widescreen format. Everything you would expect there... Audio/Subtitle Quality: This version simply has Hangul/Korean audio and English subtitles. I'm almost finished with the series, for the second time, and I'd give the overall quality a B++. The first 3 discs (approximately 9 episodes were near flawless. Then, by episode 10/11...There seem to be some unforced errors. Plurals where they should not be... The same miss-spelling of a single character's name. The character Mo Ga Bi [becomes Mo Ga Vi] So...while I paid just over $100 for my copy via another website, I still have yet to regret it...because I figure it's about the same as "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince" (via MBC America.) [And MBC/MBC America has the strongest subtitle quality among those groups still subtitling S. Korean dramatic television. I hope this helps! |
See all my reviews
January 23, 2013
This customer review refers to History of the Salaryman (DVD) (8-Disc) (English Subtitled) (End) (SBS TV Drama) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
How are the subtitles on this drama? The subtitles on SBS series are so hit or miss. This set is so expensive considering there are no special features. |
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