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Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version)

Our Price: US$146.59
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Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version)
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Technical Information

Product Title: Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version) 思賢操 (1:1母盤直刻) (中國版) 思贤操 (1:1母盘直刻) (中国版) Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version) Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version)
Singer Name(s): Instrumental Music | Zhang Zi Sheng 純音樂 | 張子盛 纯音乐 | 张子盛 インストゥルメンタル | Zhang Zi Sheng Instrumental Music | Zhang Zi Sheng
Release Date: 2024-08-22
Place of Origin: China
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 350 (g)
Shipment Unit: 2 What is it?
Publisher: Red Records
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1130730080

Product Information / Track List


壹《碣石調.幽蘭》 11:23
貳《泛滄浪》 05:19

三《靜觀吟》 03:51

肆《碧澗流泉》 06:01

伍《思賢操》 05:30

陸《長門怨》 06:19
柒《平沙落雁》 06:39

Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language

Other Versions of "Si Xian Cao (1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut) (China Version)"

Xiao Zhan Collection Jay Fung - EMO KOLOR - FLY Jackson Wang Products Cloud Wan - TOUCH OF ABSENCE Terence Lam Waa Wei - Ordeal by Pearls
  • Region & Language: Hong Kong United States - English
  • *Reference Currency: No Reference Currency
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