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The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A

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The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version)
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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

The heiress detective and her brilliant butler are back! After the hit television series and its subsequent drama special, Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de is now a feature film! The After-Dinner Mysteries reunites Kitagawa Keiko and Arashi's Sakurai Sho as the heiress and her mystery-solving butler. This time, the standalone story – based on the novel by Higashigawa Tokuya – sees the unlikely crime fighting team embroiled in a murder mystery on a luxury liner. Shot on a real cruise ship and exotic overseas locations, The After-Dinner Mysteries is the series' biggest adventure yet!

With butler Kageyama (Sakurai Sho) in tow, heiress detective Reiko (Kitagawa Keiko) is looking forward to a much-needed vacation on The Princess Reiko, a luxury liner owned by Reiko's family. However, a dead body is discovered, forcing Reiko to get into work mode as detective. Reiko, her boss Kazamatsuri (Shiina Kippei) and Kageyama must find the murderer, hiding among the 3,000 passengers, before the ship arrives at Singapore in seven days. As the body count stacks up on the boat, this mysterious perpetrator stumps even Kageyama.

This edition includes making of, a spin-off movie, stage events, television specials, trailers and a photo card. Initial press also comes with a clear file folder and a sticker, only available while supplies last.

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Technical Information

Product Title: The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version) 電影 推理要在晚餐後 (2013) Blu-ray Premium Edition (Blu-ray)(日本版) 电影 推理要在晚餐后 (2013) Blu-ray Premium Edition (Blu-ray)(日本版) 映画 謎解きはディナーのあとで Blu-rayプレミアム・エディション The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version)
Also known as: Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de
Artist Name(s): Shiina Kippei (Actor) | Hijikata Masato | Higashigawa Tokuya | Kanno Yugo | Sakurai Sho | Kitagawa Keiko | Takenaka Naoto (Actor) | Namase Katsuhisa (Actor) | Dan Jiro (Actor) | Ito Shiro (Actor) | Kurotani Tomoka (Actor) | Kaname Jun (Actor) | Kaga Takeshi (Actor) | Tanaka Yoji (Actor) | Rokkaku Seiji (Actor) | Komoto Masahiro (Actor) | Murakawa Eri (Actor) | Miyazawa Rie (Actor) | Kojima Kazuya (Actor) | Sakuraba Nanami (Actor) 椎名桔平 (Actor) | Hijikata Masato | 東川篤哉 | 菅野祐悟 | 櫻井翔 | 北川景子 | 竹中直人 (Actor) | 生瀨勝久 (Actor) | Dan Jiro (Actor) | 伊藤四朗 (Actor) | 黑谷友香 (Actor) | 要潤 (Actor) | 鹿賀丈史 (Actor) | 田中要次 (Actor) | 六角精兒 (Actor) | 甲本雅裕 (Actor) | 村川繪梨 (Actor) | 宮澤理惠 (Actor) | Kojima Kazuya (Actor) | 櫻庭奈奈美 (Actor) 椎名桔平 (Actor) | Hijikata Masato | 东川笃哉 | 菅野佑悟 | 樱井翔 | 北川景子 | 竹中直人 (Actor) | 生濑胜久 (Actor) | Dan Jiro (Actor) | 伊藤四朗 (Actor) | 黑谷友香 (Actor) | 要润 (Actor) | 鹿贺丈史 (Actor) | 田中要次 (Actor) | 六角精儿 (Actor) | 甲本雅裕 (Actor) | 村川绘梨 (Actor) | 宫泽理惠 (Actor) | Kojima Kazuya (Actor) | 樱庭奈奈美 (Actor) 椎名桔平 (Actor) | 土方政人 | 東川篤哉 | 菅野祐悟 | 櫻井翔 | 北川景子 | 竹中直人 (Actor) | 生瀬勝久 (Actor) | 団次郎 (Actor) | 伊藤四朗 (Actor) | 黒谷友香 (Actor) | 要潤 (Actor) | 鹿賀丈史 (Actor) | 田中要次 (Actor) | 六角精児 (Actor) | 甲本雅裕 (Actor) | 村川絵梨 (Actor) | 宮沢りえ (Actor) | 児嶋一哉 (Actor) | 桜庭ななみ (Actor) 시이나 킷페이 (Actor) | Hijikata Masato | Higashigawa Tokuya | Kanno Yugo | Sakurai Sho | Kitagawa Keiko | Takenaka Naoto (Actor) | Namase Katsuhisa (Actor) | Dan Jiro (Actor) | Ito Shiro (Actor) | Kurotani Tomoka (Actor) | Kaname Jun (Actor) | Kaga Takeshi (Actor) | Tanaka Yoji (Actor) | Rokkaku Seiji (Actor) | Komoto Masahiro (Actor) | Murakawa Eri (Actor) | Miyazawa Rie (Actor) | Kojima Kazuya (Actor) | Sakuraba Nanami (Actor)
Director: Hijikata Masato Hijikata Masato Hijikata Masato 土方政人 Hijikata Masato
Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2014-02-19
Publisher Product Code: PCXC-50093
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Japanese
Place of Origin: Japan
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray
Publisher: Fuji TV
Other Information: Blu-ray Disc
Shipment Unit: 2 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1034673930

Product Information

「失礼ながら・・・、お嬢様の目は節穴でございますか?」大人気ドラマ待望の映画化! アーティスト、そして役者としても輝きを放つ嵐の櫻井翔×今もっとも旬な女優・北川景子の共演! ドラマからのお馴染のキャストである椎名桔平に加え、中村雅俊、伊東四朗、生瀬勝久、竹中直人、鹿賀丈史、宮沢りえら多彩なキャストが出演! ――舞台はシンガポールに向う豪華客船。執事・影山 (櫻井翔)と共に久々のバカンスを楽しもうとしていた麗子 (北川景子)の目の前で突如謎の殺人事件が起こる。船から海に投げ込まれた死体に、影山の名推理が冴えわたる!と思いきや、「お嬢様、今回の事件の真相、皆目見当もつきません」とまさかの影山ギブアップ?! さらには偶然居合わせた風祭警部 (椎名桔平)も加わり、事件はますます迷宮入りしていく。次から次へと現れてくる怪しい人々。海の上で誰も逃げられない洋上の密室。そして、最後に犯人のターゲットになったのは麗子お嬢様・・・。麗子を助けるために影山が走る! 特典DISCには、謎解きはメイキングのあとで、謎解きはディナーのまえに!? inシンガポール、スペシャルドラマ「船上探偵・影山」、メイキング of 船上探偵・影山/イベント集 (完成披露舞台挨拶/インターナショナルプレミア in シンガポール/初日舞台挨拶/大ヒット御礼舞台挨拶)、紙兎ロペ 笑う朝には福来たるってマジっすか!?「謎解きはおやつのあとで」を収録。 飛び出すフォトカード封入。

[アーティスト/ キャスト]
櫻井翔 / 北川景子 / 椎名桔平 / 土方政人 (監督) / 東川篤哉 (原作) / 菅野祐悟 (音楽)



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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version)"

April 23, 2014

This professional review refers to The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Movie Version) (Hong Kong Version)
The After Dinner Mysteries is the big screen version of the highly popular 2011 Fuji television series, based on the novel Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de by author Higashigawa Tokuya and following up on a hit drama special. Director Hijikata Masato returns, as do headlining stars Kitagawa Keiko and Arashi's Sakurai Sho, reprising their roles as a crime solving heiress and butler duo. Notching things up from the series, the film version boasts a bigger budget and more sumptuous production values, having been partly shot in Singapore and using an actual luxury cruise liner.

Kitagawa Keiko plays Reiko, a super-rich heiress who works as a detective, hiding her wealthy background from her colleagues, solving crimes with the help of her sarcastic genius butler Kageyama (Sakurai Sho). Taking a break from sleuthing, she decides to take a cruise on her family's opulent cruise liner The Princess Reiko, looking forward to a bit of rest, relaxation and spa treatments, despite the presence of her annoying boss Kazamatsuri (Shiina Kippei). Her peace is soon shattered after one of the guests turns up dead, a rich man with many enemies, a murder which seems to be linked to the mysterious criminal known as the Phantom Soros. With only a few days before the boast arrives in Singapore and more bodies being found, Reiko and Kageyama land themselves in danger as they try to work their way through a long list of suspects.

While fans of the source material and series may get more out of it, The After Dinner Mysteries is very much a newcomer-friendly and standalone affair, kicking off with a handy introduction to the main characters and their backgrounds. The film settles quickly into its rhythm of combining nonsensical over the top comedy with detective work, and though this might sound like a bit of a stretch, it actually works very well. Though Hijikata Masato does at times overdo the cartoonish touches, the film is generally very funny, with plenty of creative slapstick and wackiness scattered liberally. The characters are all likeable, if bizarre, and Kitagawa Keiko and Sakurai Sho are great in the lead roles, their bickering, bantering dynamic give the film a real spark. The entire cast seem to be having fun, and coupled with some bright and breezy direction from Hijikata, this makes for an amiable feel that ensures the film engages throughout despite what might have otherwise been a rather long two hour running time.

Crucially, even though the film is often surreal, playing out like a knowingly ridiculous pastiche of pulp detective fiction or perhaps an Agatha Christie murder mystery on an acid trip, it never loses sight of or cheapens its central plot. There's certainly a great deal going on, with multiple secret identities, hidden motivations shock revelations and links to the past all helping to muddy the waters, and Hijikata blends it all together well and in a manner which makes the viewer feel involved and encouraged to try and work out the answer before the credits roll. Though the film is too daft to be tense, it's oddly gripping in its own way, and makes good use of its many pawns and players, and its lengthy, exposition-heavy final act explanations are satisfying and reasonably clever.

Without being familiar with the series, The After Dinner Mysteries certainly seems to have made a successful leap to the big screen, and works as an enjoyably light-hearted detective yarn in its own right. Essential viewing for fans of the series, a charismatic cast and amusing off the wall humour make it similarly worth catching for anyone looking for a multi-layered mystery that doesn't take itself seriously in the least.

by James Mudge -

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Customer Review of "The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (Blu-ray) (Premium Edition) (Japan Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)

Kevin Kennedy
See all my reviews

November 15, 2014

This customer review refers to The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013) (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Movie Version) (Hong Kong Version)
1 people found this review helpful

The heiress detective at sea Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
In "The After-Dinner Mysteries", heiress and police detective Reiko (Kitagawa Keiko) hopes to get a break from her duties by traveling on The Princess Reiko, a luxury liner owned by her family, as it makes its final journey to Singapore. She is accompanied on her trip by her butler Kageyama (Sakurai Sho), who just happens to be the Sherlock Holmes of butlers.

Reiko is unhappily surprised to learn that her boss, the absurdly inept Captain Kazamatsuri (Shiina Kippei), also is making the voyage as the guard of a gold statuette which is being delivered as a gift to Singapore. Reiko, Kageyama, and Kazamatsuri all are on the look-out for a super-thief known as the Phantom Soros, who is rumored to be aboard. Soon death pays a visit to the cruise ship and, as the body count rises, the urgency to find the Phantom Soros grows.

The film does an excellent job of filling in the back stories of its various characters, so one need not be familiar with the TV series or the novel upon which "The After-Dinner Mysteries" is based in order to enjoy it. The story is told with visual flair and creativity and the over-the-top comedy intermittently amuses. The pacing of the story is uneven, with the film's final half hour bogged down by the great deal of explication needed to unwind the wildly convoluted plot.
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