The Castle of Crossed Destinies (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Based on Yoshinaga Fuyumi's award-winning comic Ooku: The Inner Chambers, The Lady Shogun and Her Men introduced an alternate reality in which women became the dominant sex after a virus wiped out the majority of the male population. The live-action adaptation project of the Ooku manga series continued two years later with a television drama series (based on chapters two to four), and it now ends with The Castle of Crossed Destinies, the second Ooku feature film. Based on chapters four to six of the manga, The Castle of Crossed Destinies takes place 30 years after the events of the television drama, with its star Sakai Masato starring again as a new character. Playing the all-powerful shogun in this chapter is Kanno Miho, who has to pick one man among 3,000 suitors vying for her affections and power within the inner chambers.
While most men in the court ruled by shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi (Kanno Miho) scheme their way to power by serving as her concubines, Emonnosuke (Sakai Masato) finds his way to power as a dissenting voice against her. When Tsunayoshi's only child dies, Emonnosuke – promoted to a high position in the inner chamber – goes in search for the right man to impregnate the shogun. As Tsunayoshi remains barren over the years, Emonnosuke and the shogun grow closer together.
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Technical Information
Product Title: | The Castle of Crossed Destinies (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) 大奧 - 永遠 - [右衛門佐, 綱吉篇] 男女逆転 (DVD)(普通版)(日本版) 大奥 - 永远 - [右卫门佐, 纲吉篇] 男女逆転 (DVD)(普通版)(日本版) 大奥 〜永遠〜 [右衛門佐・綱吉篇] <男女逆転> [通常版] The Castle of Crossed Destinies (DVD) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) |
Also known as: | Ooku - Eien - [Emonnosuke, Tsunayoshi Hen] Danjo Gyakuten Ooku - Eien - [Emonnosuke, Tsunayoshi Hen] Danjo Gyakuten Ooku - Eien - [Emonnosuke, Tsunayoshi Hen] Danjo Gyakuten Ooku - Eien - [Emonnosuke, Tsunayoshi Hen] Danjo Gyakuten Ooku - Eien - [Emonnosuke, Tsunayoshi Hen] Danjo Gyakuten |
Artist Name(s): | Kanno Miho | Yoshinaga Fumi | Muramatsu Takatsugu | Ono Machiko | Sakai Masato | Kaneko Fuminori | Mitsushima Shinnosuke 菅野美穗 | 吉永史 | 村松崇繼 | 尾野真千子 | 堺雅人 | 金子文紀 | 滿島真之介 菅野美穗 | 吉永史 | 村松崇继 | 尾野真千子 | 堺雅人 | 金子文纪 | 满岛真之介 菅野美穂 | よしながふみ/著 | 村松崇継 | 尾野真千子 | 堺雅人 | 金子文紀 | 満島真之介 Kanno Miho | Yoshinaga Fumi | Muramatsu Takatsugu | Ono Machiko | Sakai Masato | Kaneko Fuminori | Mitsushima Shinnosuke |
Release Date: | 2013-06-08 |
Publisher Product Code: | DB-671 |
Language: | Japanese |
Place of Origin: | Japan |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it? |
Other Information: | DVD |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1032475201 |
Product Information
将軍は女、仕えるは美しき男たち三千人。スケールアップした壮大な【男女逆転 大奥】続篇プロジェクト、最終章! 堺雅人・菅野美穂 主演、豪華キャストで贈る大型時代劇エンターテインメント! ――謎の疫病により、男の人口が女の4分の1まで減少した江戸時代。女が労働を担い、男は子孫を残す宝として大切に育てられる男女逆転の世が誕生して30年。時は元禄、五代将軍綱吉(菅野美穂)の時代。初の女将軍・三代家光の実子綱吉が将軍となり、徳川の治世は最盛期を迎えていた。大奥では後継者を巡って正室と側室の激しい派閥争いが起こっていた。そこに、京から一人の公家がやってくる。その男・右衛門佐(えもんのすけ)(堺雅人)は、かつて家光の時代、大奥総取締役を務めた有功(ありこと)に瓜ふたつだった。類まれなる野心と才覚で巧みに綱吉に取り入り、総取締として大奥での権勢を掌中に収めていく。一方、一人娘の松姫を亡くした綱吉は、政から遠ざけられ世継ぎ作りに専念させられることに。だが、夜ごと大奥の男たちと閨を共にするも一向に懐妊しない綱吉は、次期将軍の父の座をめぐり陰謀渦巻く大奥で、孤独と不安に苛まれていく・・・。
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- The Castle of Crossed Destinies (Blu-ray) (Normal Edition) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
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- The Castle of Crossed Destinies (DVD) (First Press Limited Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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