The Crossing 1 (DVD) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
In the summer of 1945, General Lei Yifang (Huang Xiaoming) earns a decisive victory against the Japanese, while signal corps soldier Tong Daqing (Tong Dawei) captures Taiwanese doctor Yan Zenkun (Kaneshiro Takeshi), who was conscripted into the Japanese army. After the surrender of the Japanese Empire, the three go their separate ways. Lei heads back to Shanghai, where he meets and falls in love with the wealthy Zhou Yunfen (Song Hye Kyo). Yan returns to his hometown in Taiwan, only to find that the Japanese girl (Nagasawa Masami) with whom he was in love has been repatriated back to Japan. In order to pull off a small scheme, Tong enlists an illiterate young woman (Zhang Ziyi) to pose as his wife, and ends up falling for her. The three couples lead disparate lives, but they're brought together by the Taiping.
Technical Information
Product Title: | The Crossing 1 (DVD) (Korea Version) 太平輪:亂世浮生 (DVD) (韓國版) 太平轮:乱世浮生 (DVD) (韩国版) The Crossing 1 (DVD) (Korea Version) 태평륜 (DVD) (한국판) |
Artist Name(s): | Kaneshiro Takeshi (Actor) | Song Hye Kyo (Actor) | Zhang Ziyi (Actor) | Huang Xiao Ming | Tong Da Wei | Nagasawa Masami | Bowie Lam | Jack Kao | Amanda Qin | Kuroki Hitomi | Yang Kuei Mei | Faye Yu | Kou Shi Xun | Xu Huan Huan | Wang Qian Yuan | Yi Zheng | Yo Yang | Lin Mei Shiu 金城 武 (Actor) | 宋 慧喬 (Actor) | 章子怡 (Actor) | 黃曉明 | 佟 大為 | 長澤正美 長澤雅美 | 林保怡 | 高捷 | 秦海璐 | 黑木瞳 | 楊 貴媚 | 俞飛鴻 | 寇世勳 | 許還幻 | 王千源 | 伊正 | 楊祐寧 | 林 美秀 金城 武 (Actor) | 宋 慧乔 (Actor) | 章子怡 (Actor) | 黄 晓明 | 佟 大为 | 长泽雅美 | 林保怡 | 高捷 | 秦海璐 | 黑木瞳 | 杨贵媚 | 俞飞鸿 | 寇世勋 | 许还幻 | 王千源 | 伊正 | 杨祐宁 | 林美秀 金城武 (Actor) | ソン・ヘギョ (Actor) | 章子怡(チャン・ツィイー) (Actor) | 黄暁明 (ホァン・シァオミン) | 佟大為 (トン・ダーウェイ) | 長澤まさみ | 林保怡(ラム・ボーイー) | 高捷(ジャック・カオ) | 秦海璐 (チン・ハイルー) | 黒木瞳 | 楊貴媚(ヤン・クイメイ) | Faye Yu | Kou Shi Xun | Xu Huan Huan | ワン・チエンユエン | Yi Zheng | 楊祐寧(トニー・ヤン) | 林美秀 (リン・メイシウ) 금성무 (Actor) | 송 혜교 (Actor) | 장쯔이 (Actor) | Huang Xiao Ming | Tong Da Wei | 나가사와 마사미 | Bowie Lam | Jack Kao | Amanda Qin | Kuroki Hitomi | Yang Kuei Mei | Faye Yu | Kou Shi Xun | Xu Huan Huan | 왕첸웬 | Yi Zheng | Yo Yang | Lin Mei Shiu |
Director: | John Woo 吳宇森 吴宇森 呉宇森(ジョン・ウー) 오우삼 |
Producer: | Terence Chang 張家振 张家振 Terence Chang Terence Chang |
Release Date: | 2017-04-05 |
Subtitles: | Korean |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Publisher: | All Light Pictures (Korea) |
Package Weight: | 100 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1053673493 |
Product Information
*Screen Format:2.35:1 아나몰픽와이드스크린
*Sound Mix:Chinese Dolby Digital 5.1
실화를 바탕으로 한 전쟁 대서사 블록버스터가 온다!
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사고 후 단 50명만이 생존 했던 실화를 바탕으로 한 이 영화는 거대한 선박 침몰 사건과 더불어 중국에서 일어났던
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Customer Review of "The Crossing 1 (DVD) (Korea Version)"
See all my reviews
August 30, 2015
This customer review refers to The Crossing Part 1 (2014) (Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) (Taiwan Version)
As good as (maybe better than) Red Cliff!
A truly excellent movie! Taking place during the Chinese Civil War, this film shows a unique balance between romance and war. It is a character driven film, showing how war affects three couples. It is a moving film that is well acted and directed. The scenes dealing with romance are beautiful while the war sequences are intense. The Blu Ray quality is visually superb and the audio is more well balanced than most Blu Rays with sound effects like explosions and gun fire. I'm eagerly anticipating Part 2. Well done! |
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