The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region All
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Simon Yam stars as a creepy voyeuristic landlord in the Taiwan suspense drama The Tenants Downstairs, based on the same-titled novel by Giddens Ko. The directorial debut of You Are the Apply of My Eye and Café. Waiting. Love. producer Adam Tsuei, The Tenants Downstairs melds black comedy, mystery, fantasy and psycho drama elements. Tsai Ming Liang regular Lee Kang Sheng, Kaiser Chuang (Who Killed Cock Robin) and TV actress Ivy Shao (Back to 1989) are among the tenants whose lives unfold unpredictably in the film.
Chang (Simon Yam) inherits an apartment building filled with hidden cameras and rents out the apartments at low prices to his desired tenants. He doesn't want hardworking students or boring white collars or happy families; he only wants "normal people" that he can observe. Through the cameras, Chang spies on his eight tenants: a horny gym teacher (Kaiser Chuang) with a record of domestic violence, a college student (Hou Yan Xi) who is always online, a divorced father (Yu An Shun) and his daughter (Angel Ho), a mysterious writer (Ivy Shao), a cheating office worker (Sophia Li) and a gay couple (Lee Kang Sheng and Bernard Shen). The delusional landlord sees their dark secrets and insatiable desires, and tries to further provoke and manipulate them.
Technical Information
Product Title: | The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) 樓下的房客 (2016) (DVD) (台灣版) 楼下的房客 (2016) (DVD) (台湾版) The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (DVD) (Taiwan Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Simon Yam (Actor) | Lee Kang Sheng (Actor) | Li Xing (Actor) | Ivy Shao (Actor) | Wang To (Actor) | Chang Ching Tzu (Actor) | Yu An Shun (Actor) | Tu Shih Mei (Actor) | Feng Kai (Actor) | Chen Meng Sheng (Actor) | Alex Ko (Actor) | Kitamura Toyoharu (Actor) | Guo Xin (Actor) | Akio Chen (Actor) | Kaiser Chuang (Actor) | Hou Yan Xi (Actor) | Kurt Chou (Actor) | Qiu Rose (Actor) | He Jie Rou (Actor) | Bernard (Actor) 任達華 (Actor) | 李康生 (Actor) | 李杏 (Actor) | 邵 雨薇 (Actor) | 王道 (Actor) | 張瓊姿 (Actor) | 游安順 (Actor) | 杜詩梅 (Actor) | 馮凱 (Actor) | 沈孟生 (Actor) | 柯 叔元 (Actor) | 北村豐晴 (Actor) | 郭鑫 (Actor) | 陳 慕義 (Actor) | 莊凱勛 (Actor) | 侯 彥西 (Actor) | 周孝安 (Actor) | 邱 苡媃 (Actor) | 何 潔柔 (Actor) | 林駿 (Actor) 任达华 (Actor) | 李康生 (Actor) | 李杏 (Actor) | 邵 雨薇 (Actor) | 王道 (Actor) | 张琼姿 (Actor) | 游安顺 (Actor) | 杜诗梅 (Actor) | 冯凯 (Actor) | 沈孟生 (Actor) | 柯 叔元 (Actor) | 北村丰晴 (Actor) | 郭鑫 (Actor) | 陈 慕义 (Actor) | 庄凯勋 (Actor) | 侯 彦西 (Actor) | 周孝安 (Actor) | 邱 苡媃 (Actor) | 何 洁柔 (Actor) | 林骏 (Actor) 任達華 (サイモン・ヤム) (Actor) | 李康生(リー・カンシェン) (Actor) | Li Xing (Actor) | Ivy Shao (Actor) | 王道(ウォン・トー) (Actor) | 張瓊姿(チャン・チョンツー) (Actor) | 游安順(ユー・アンシュン) (Actor) | Tu Shih Mei (Actor) | 馮凱(フォン・カイ) (Actor) | Chen Meng Sheng (Actor) | Alex Ko (Actor) | 北村豊晴 (Actor) | Guo Xin (Actor) | 陳慕義(アキオ・チェン) (Actor) | 莊凱勛(キャッシュ・チュアン) (Actor) | Hou Yan Xi (Actor) | 周孝安(カート・チュー)[] (Actor) | Qiu Rose (Actor) | He Jie Rou (Actor) | Bernard (Actor) 임 달화 (Actor) | Lee Kang Sheng (Actor) | Li Xing (Actor) | Ivy Shao (Actor) | Wang To (Actor) | Chang Ching Tzu (Actor) | Yu An Shun (Actor) | Tu Shih Mei (Actor) | Feng Kai (Actor) | Chen Meng Sheng (Actor) | Alex Ko (Actor) | Kitamura Toyoharu (Actor) | Guo Xin (Actor) | Akio Chen (Actor) | Kaiser Chuang (Actor) | Hou Yan Xi (Actor) | Kurt Chou (Actor) | Qiu Rose (Actor) | He Jie Rou (Actor) | Bernard (Actor) |
Director: | Adam Tsuei 崔震東 崔震东 Adam Tsuei Adam Tsuei |
Producer: | Angie Chai 柴智屏 柴智屏 Angie Chai Angie Chai |
Writer: | Giddens Ko 九把刀 九把刀 九把刀(ジウバーダオ) Giddens Ko |
Release Date: | 2017-12-15 |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Traditional Chinese |
Place of Origin: | Taiwan |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.78 : 1 |
Sound Information: | Dolby Digital 5.1 |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | All Region What is it? |
Duration: | 116 (mins) |
Publisher: | Avex Taiwan Inc. |
Package Weight: | 120 (g) |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1062509980 |
Product Information
金獎影帝 任達華
金獎影帝 李康生
偶像劇女神 邵雨薇
金鐘影帝 莊凱勛
金鐘影帝 游安順
最具潛力女演員 李杏、 周孝安。
限制級院線版 一刀未剪
超完整特別收錄 史無前例
★話題短片 5分鐘完整版奇幻超前導
★電影預告片 三部曲一次收藏
★3首經典主題音樂MV 影音雙享
九把刀最暢銷黑色喜劇、荒謬驚悚小說 首度首度搬上大銀幕
★上映2周票房破億, 繼李安『色戒』後首部破億限制級電影
★2016台北電影節 開幕片
★2016台北電影節 觀眾票選獎
★紐約亞洲電影節 閉幕片
★韓國富川奇幻影展 競賽片
★法國 巴黎詭奇影展 競賽片
★夏威夷國際影展 競賽片
★比利時 布魯日奇幻影展 競賽片
--- 美國、加拿大、歐陸、英國…等 即將公開上映 ---
《樓下的房客》導演崔震東 打造影壇奇蹟
六個房間 八個房客 角色銀幕魅力
港台三影帝 任達華 X 李康生 X 莊凱勛
顛覆過往螢幕形象 兩個實力新女星驚豔全場
『樓下的房客』為2016年暑假上映的黑色、幽默、奇幻、懸疑、推理電影,本片不僅改編自暢銷作家九把刀同名小說,並由崔震東執導並擔任製片、柴智屏監製、 九把刀編劇,黃金鐵三角再次聯手創造話題電影。
《樓下的房客》製作班底也都是金獎組合,金馬獎造型大師吳里璐與泰國特效化妝大師「Q」,兩人默契十足再度聯手打造房東與房客的各種造型,淋漓詮釋《樓下的房客》獨特的詭異氣息與變型肢體;在日本曾隨山口修、種田陽平等大師的首席美術指導五辻圭(Itsutusuji Kei)受邀打造詭異神秘公寓,為房東與每位房客量身設計風格迥異的房間。
飾演《樓下的房客》主角房東與七位房客的演員更是一時之選──香港金像獎影帝任達華飾演帥氣但內在潛藏邪惡的詭異房東、台灣金馬獎影帝李康生飾演優雅同志房客郭力教授、偶像劇女神邵雨薇首度顛覆甜美形象飾演優雅殺人的神秘女房客穎如 ; 剛入圍金馬獎最佳男演員也同時是金鐘獎最佳男演員莊凱勛飾演有偷窺癖的猛壯體育老師老張、美豔女新秀李杏此次飾演性感房客女白領陳小姐,李杏更因卓越的演技以此片入圍了2016年金馬獎最佳女配角獎。榮獲2017年金鐘獎最佳男主角游安順飾演內心壓抑糾葛的房客王先生,可愛女童星何潔柔飾演王先生的女兒在片中有非常精湛的演出。潛力新秀侯彥西飾演愛看A片的宅男房客柏彥,在片中有當大膽的視覺呈現這角色為此片黑色幽默的靈魂角色、馬來西亞的年輕新秀森竣飾演李康生劇中的同志愛人令狐 ; 眾人精湛演技激盪出高度懸疑的火花張力;而劇中更有周孝安等多位話題演員神秘客串演出。
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features
Professional Review of "The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (DVD) (Taiwan Version)"
This professional review refers to The Tenants Downstairs (2016) (Blu-ray) (Taiwan Version)
The Tenants Downstairs probably isn't what many would expect from the pen of Giddens Ko, the incredibly popular Taiwanese writer responsible for the likes of You Are the Apple of My Eye (which he also adapted for the big screen in 2010), Café. Waiting. Love. and other gentle romantic dramas and comedies. Optimistically described as 'black humour, fantasy, mystery and thriller', the film is quite simply one of the maddest and most depraved from anywhere in the world from the last few years, helmed by Ko's regular producer Adam Tsuei, former president of Sony Music Entertainment in the Chinese region, and who also worked on the Tiny Times films – not exactly a solid background in exploitation cinema. Given the involvement of Ko, the film has been much been talked-about ahead of its August 2016 domestic cinema release, and has in the meantime been playing international festivals.
The film doesn't really have a plot so much as a premise – veteran Hong Kong actor Simon Yam, no stranger to sleazy cinema after having starred in the likes of Dr. Lamb, Naked Killer, Raped by an Angel and other delights during his career, plays the landlord of a building whose tenants he has specifically chosen to highlight different kinds of what he considers to be human deviancy. Including a bizarre, murderous young woman, a possible paedophile and his young daughter, a violent gym teacher, a shut-in college student, an office lady embroiled in countless affairs and a tormented gay couple, he spends his time watching them on his computer monitors, taking great pleasure from spying on their intimate moments. Simply observing them isn't enough, and he starts to manipulate them to bring out the very worst in their natures, playing them off against each other, resulting in escalating violence and depravity. Giddens Ko and Adam Tsuei's The Tenants Downstairs is a high concept affair, a sadistic, grotesque freak show of a black comedy that revels in the darker recesses of the human soul, descending very quickly into psychosis and murder. Graphic and quite deliberately pushing the boundaries of cinematic decency throughout, it's certainly not a film for all tastes, and gives the very best, or perhaps the worst, of the old school Hong Kong Category III shockers a run for their money. Packing in a veritable catalogue of vile deeds, from torture and mutilation through to rape and more, punctuated by the constant scraping up of various types of bodily fluids, the film is the most extreme from Taiwan in recent memory, outdoing even Joe Chien's gruesome and morally dubious Zombie 108. What's really striking here though isn't so much the gore and sexual cruelty, but the crazed way in which the film plays out, lacking any kind of real narrative or traditional sympathetic characters – the closest thing the viewer has to a protagonist is Yam's insane landlord, who spends most of his time either talking to or pleasuring himself, interspersed with bouts of air-conducting to Beethoven's Ninth. The anecdotal film has an incredibly odd tone, bouncing between fairly random set pieces which range from broad, bloody slapstick and farce through to the genuinely dark and uncomfortable. There's a palpable meanness in almost every frame, Ko and Tsuei seeming to take real pleasure in Yam's putting the rest of the cast through the ringer in often horrific ways. For some viewers at least the film will prove very amusing in its own, twisted way, with a number of imaginatively nasty jokes paying off, including a strange ongoing gag about teleportation. A daft final revelation only adds to the hysteria, and though it's one which has been used before, it's fittingly absurd, and doesn't undermine the impressive effort put into weaving such an abhorrent tapestry of mad nonsense. Perhaps surprisingly, The Tenants Downstairs is a visually impressive film throughout, and one which seems to have enjoyed high production values. Recalling the works of Tarsem Singh and David Fincher's seminal Se7en, the production design is grandiose, colourfully lurid, and oddly beautiful in places, often at odds with its unpleasantness and making it all the more pronounced. At the same time there's a definite theatrical impression, the rooms in the house having the feel of performance art stages, giving the proceedings a surreal aspect, accentuated by an amusingly over the top soundtrack featuring plenty of loud pomp and the wholly inappropriate use of classical music. The Tenants Downstairs really is a great deal of mad, bad fun – for the right viewer at least. Definitely one to be approached with caution, and which might well turn off the average exploitation fan through its sheer weirdness, it's a bold slice of Grand Guignol far removed from the kind of work Giddens Ko and Adam Tsuei are usually associated with. by James Mudge - |
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