The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) Blu-ray Region A
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Sanada Hiroyuki plays a swordsman who has to take care of his two daughters after his wife has passed away from lung disease. As he does not engage in drinking and other merry activities, he is sneeringly nicknamed "Twilight Samurai" by his peers. Miyazawa Rie portrays his love interest, a beautiful woman with a strong will from the family of his best friend. The two protagonists become mutually attracted, but fate does not seem to be on their sides.
Technical Information
Product Title: | The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) 黃昏清兵衛 (Blu-ray) (日本版) 黄昏清兵卫 (Blu-ray) (日本版) たそがれ清兵衛 【Blu-ray Disc】 The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Sanada Hiroyuki | Fukikoshi Mitsuru | Osugi Ren | Tamba Tetsuro | Omi Toshinori | Kishi Keiko | Kitayama Masayasu | Kobayashi Nenji | Tanaka Min | Sakurai Senri | Fukaura Kanako | Nakamura Baijaku | Miyazawa Rie 真田廣之 | 吹越滿 | 大杉漣 | 丹波哲郎 | 尾美利德 | 岸惠子 | 北山雅康 | 小林稔侍 | 田中泯 | Sakurai Senri | 深浦加奈子 | 中村梅雀 | 宮澤理惠 真田广之 | 吹越满 | 大杉涟 | 丹波哲郎 | 尾美利德 | 岸惠子 | 北山雅康 | 小林稔侍 | 田中泯 | Sakurai Senri | 深浦加奈子 | 中村梅雀 | 宫泽理惠 真田広之 | 吹越満 | オオスギレン | 丹波哲郎 | 尾美としのり | キシ,ケイコ | 北山雅康 | 小林稔侍 | 田中泯 | 桜井センリ | 深浦加奈子 | ナカムラバイジャク | 宮沢りえ Sanada Hiroyuki | Fukikoshi Mitsuru | Osugi Ren | Tamba Tetsuro | Omi Toshinori | Kishi Keiko | Kitayama Masayasu | Kobayashi Nenji | Tanaka Min | Sakurai Senri | Fukaura Kanako | Nakamura Baijaku | Miyazawa Rie |
Director: | Yamada Yoji 山田洋次 山田洋次 山田洋次 Yamada Yoji |
Blu-ray Region Code: | A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it? |
Release Date: | 2010-12-23 |
Publisher Product Code: | SHBR-15 |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitles: | Japanese |
Place of Origin: | Japan |
Disc Format(s): | Blu-ray |
Publisher: | Shochiku Home Video |
Other Information: | Blu-ray Disc |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1023567476 |
Product Information
真田広之 / 宮沢りえ / 田中泯 / 小林稔侍 / 山田洋次 (監督、脚本) / 藤沢周平 (原作) / 冨田勲 (音楽)
製作国 : 日本 (Japan)
公開年 : 2002
そんな父のことを、私は誇りに思っております——/時代小説の第一人者 藤沢周平作品初の映画化/日本映画史に残る時代劇の最高傑作!/山形県庄内地方を中心に、長崎県望月町、秋田県角館町など日本の原風景を丹念にロケーション。“海坂藩”を見事に描く。
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Other Versions of "The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"
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Hong Kong Version
- The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3
- US$19.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- The Twilight Samurai (2002) (Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) (Hong Kong Version) Blu-ray Region A
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version) VCD
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Japan Version
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (1 DVD Edition)(Japan Version - English Subtitles) DVD Region 2
- US$30.49
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- Tasogare Seibei (AKA: The Twilight Samurai) (HD DVD) (Japan Version) HD-DVD
- Out of Print
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (DVD) (Limited Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (DVD) (Limited Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (English Subtitled) (Limited Edition) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (Japan Version - English Subtitles) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
- Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (Limited Edition) (Japan Version - English Subtitles) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
Korea Version
- The Twilight Samurai (DVD) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
- US$28.99
- Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
- The Twilight Samurai (Special Limited Edition) (Korea Version) DVD Region All
- Out of Print
Taiwan Version
- The Twilight Samurai (2002) (DVD) (Digitally Remastered) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- US$19.99
- Usually ships within 21 days
- The Twilight Samurai (DVD) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- The Twilight Samurai (DVD) (UK Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features
Professional Review of "The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"
This professional review refers to The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version)
Yoji Yamada's Twilight Samurai is perhaps not the highest grossing Japanese film of all time, but it is definitely one of the most successful ones. Having won so many awards in the country, this 77th effort (reportedly) of the prolific director proves to be a rewarding viewing experience. Although it does not have a very dramatic plot, nor are there too many sword fight scenes, it nevertheless succeeds in grabbing the heart of the audience with its charismatic and emotional story of a great father.
Reviewed by Kantorates - |
This professional review refers to Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (Japan Version - English Subtitles)
Based on the work of author Jujisawa Shuhei, The Twilight Samurai tells the story of one Iguchi Seibei (Sanada Hiroyuki), a widower with two daughters and a senile old mother, all of whom must survive on what little salary Seibei receives as a low-level samurai. Every day, once his duties are complete, Seibei rushes home to see to his family and begin work on his sideline job in order to make ends meet. Although his coworkers often ask him to go out drinking with them, his always refuses. Eventually, this pattern of bolting home as night falls earns him the nickname of "Twilight Seibei" among his colleagues. Things start to pick up when Iinuma (Fukikoshi Mitsuru), one of Seibei's closest friends re-enters his life. Iinuma tells him of the fate of his sister, Tomoe (Miyazawa Rie), who has just recently divorced her abusive husband Toyotaro (Osugi Ren) and taken up residence with Iinuma. Soon enough, Tomoe pays a visit to Seibei, and the two catch up on old times. Things seem to be getting off to a good start for both Tomoe and Seibei, but when Toyotaro shows up at Iinuma's home to lay claim to his ex-wife, Seibei must intervene, eventually getting himself involved in a duel with the drunken samurai. With nothing but a wooden sword, Seibei faces Toyotaro at the appointed time, and in a very entertaining scene, bests the man in one-on-one combat. In the succeeding days, Tomoe begins visiting Seibei more often, tending to the chores, playing with the children, and generally bringing an overwhelming sense of happiness and warmth to the Iguchi household. Considering how well things are going, the natural next step for Tomoe and Seibei, both of whom share a genuine affection for one another, would be for the two of them to get married. However, while there is nothing more Seibei would like than to marry Tomoe, he fears that his lowly status would be far too much for Tomoe to bear in the long run. Making matters worse, the clan is undergoing some intense internal drama that may end up having some major consequences for Seibei. Once his superiors learn of his sword-fighting abilities, they order him to kill the "rebel" Yoga Zenemon, who is a master swordsman in his own right. Clearly, Seibei's death would prevent any chance for a "happily ever after" ending with Tomoe. Will he survive? And will Tomoe, who has received numerous proposals, even be available if he does? What is remarkable about The Twilight Samurai is that it is the type of samurai film that does not rely on swordfights or bold displays of heroism to win over its audience. Instead, the film's focus is on character, Seibei's in particular. The heart and soul of the film is Seibei's relationship with his loved ones, and Sanada Hiroyuki brings a sense of dignity, honor, and humanity to the role. Rather than gear us up for swordfights that would provide viewers with vicarious thrills, The Twilight Samurai gives us a compelling depiction of Seibei's home life, a narrative decision that makes the world of the samurai feel more threatening, since one clan order or one unnecessary duel could end Seibei's life, thus impacting the lives of the people he cares about. By adding this level of danger, The Twilight Samurai proves to be a marvelous change of pace from films in which the protagonist has absolutely nothing to lose and the duels are meant to provide nothing more than sword-slashing thrills. This focus on characterization and realism is perhaps best illustrated in the film's climax. Seibei's duel with Zenemon begins with a conversation, one that questions the samurai code in a way that most chambara films do not. This dialogue soon erupts into a close-quarters, claustrophobic duel, one in which the audience becomes increasingly unsure of whether Seibei will survive. Reminiscent of Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven, Yamada's film marks the end of an era. It's a deconstruction of the genre, one that mocks the hypocrisy of the samurai code, yet at the same time, through the characters of Seibei, it is also a celebration of the ideals of that very same code, as it gives a wonderfully humane rendering of one honest man struggling to survive in a chaotic world. Helping the story along is actress Miyazawa Rie, who makes great use of her seemingly limited screen time. Tomoe's positive influence on Seibei's life is not merely a case of a subservient female coming in to take care of "women's work," but instead, her role runs far deeper than that. Tomoe's warmth, compassion, and genuine affection for Seibei and his family, only increases the sense that she is the missing element in the Iguchi home. Her relationship with Seibei is well-developed and adds an ample amount of poignancy to the would-be couple's possibly final conversation towards the film's ending. The Twilight Samurai may be somewhat low key, even simple, in terms of execution, but it is still deserving of every honor it has been awarded. In giving us such a sincere, honest protagonist in Seibei, the film shows how his personal code is out of step with the times, critiquing an era in which self-interest and self-preservation – not honor and compassion – are of utmost importance to those in power. Yet it also delivers romance, and yes, even a couple of good swordfights to keep us glued to our seats. Well-executed, surprisingly realistic, and infinitely compelling, Yoji Yamada's The Twilight Samurai is nothing less than a modern classic. By Calvin McMillin |
Customer Review of "The Twilight Samurai (Blu-ray) (Japan Version)"
See all my reviews
March 3, 2011
This customer review refers to The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version)
The low-ranking samurai has secret fighting skills but loves peace. He ain't rich. His tribulations are multitude: he just lost his wife, he has 2 young daughters who he wants to see educated beyond traditional standards, an alzheimers mother -- and too small a stipend. What's a samurai to do. Well... he talks alot. The cover art of the DVD I saw promises action. It's a lie. There's about 1 minute of very reluctant fighting in a 2 hour movie. Still, it should be mildly interesting for adults. Amusing for philosophers. Obligatory if you're an aging hippie. |
See all my reviews
November 13, 2010
This customer review refers to The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version)
I bought this copy by Panorama because I've been told the American release was a poor release and that I'd be better off with this one, and though the film is aptly transfer with okay image and sound, and even proper aspect ratio, the extra material is hardly worth it... for the price. |
See all my reviews
February 17, 2008
This customer review refers to Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (DVD) (Limited Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
This movie is very good, and a different take on the world of the samuri. If anything it is a slow paced film, but you really get to know the chacters, and there is some good elements of comedy in there to. There is little action but what action there is, is very clever. Basically about a poor samuri who has to bring up his two daughters and look after his mum. You need to be in a relaxed mood to watch this one, but you will like it... |
See all my reviews
April 7, 2007
This customer review refers to The Twilight Samurai (Hong Kong Version)
This is a great Samurai movie, not so much in the action (since there really isn't any) but the story, the drama & personality of this character continues the romanticism of a classic Samurai story. Perhaps a little long and drawn out with a lengthy death scene monologue but the performance by the actors give you chills & makes your soul or depths of your being ache with sorrow. |
See all my reviews
April 19, 2006
This customer review refers to Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) (1 DVD Edition)(Japan Version - English Subtitles)
so good!
This is one of my favorite movies ever, i own this movie, and its so good to see more than once. The Last Samurai movie was not very good, but Seven Samurai was a good movie, and Twilight Samurai is the best Samurai movie! It was so sad, i cried at the ending of the movie. what a touching story. and i love the traditional Japanese song that played in the background, it is so beautiful like a harp is. the twilight samurai is such a nice character, the story is so sad. |
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