The Wandering Earth 2 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Korea Version) DVD Region All
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YesAsia Editorial Description
While The Wandering Earth begins years after planetary migration is underway, The Wandering Earth 2 is set during the start of the projects to save humanity, and delves into scientific, sociopolitical and moral dilemmas and themes also explored in The Three-Body Problem. Wu Jing returns to play astronaut Liu Peiqiang, and Andy Lau joins the cast as a computer engineer stationed on the moon.
In the not-too-distant future, scientists have discovered that the sun is expanding rapidly and will soon engulf Earth and the entire solar system. The countries of the world form a coalition United Earth Government and devote all efforts to developing solutions to save humanity. In the end, the Mountain Moving Project proposed by China is adopted by the UEG. The Mountain Moving Project requires building thousands of planetary engines on the Earth's surface to move the planet out of the solar system, while a secondary Lunar Exile Project involves pushing the moon out of the Earth's orbit to remove its gravitational influence. With Earth's clock ticking down, the massive undertaking is beset with dangers and challenges, including terrorist attacks by supporters of the banned Digital Life Project, and the worsening impact of the solar crisis on the population.
Technical Information
Product Title: | The Wandering Earth 2 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Korea Version) 流浪地球2 (DVD) (韓國版) 流浪地球2 (DVD) (韩国版) The Wandering Earth 2 (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Korea Version) 유랑지구 2 (DVD) (Korea Version) |
Artist Name(s): | Andy Lau (Actor) | Wu Jing (Actor) | Tian Shi (Actor) | Li Xue Jian (Actor) | Tong Li Ya (Actor) | Huo Qing (Actor) | Zhang Yi (Actor) | Wang Zhi (Actor) | Liu Yin (Actor) | Xu Jian (Actor) | Sha Yi (Actor) | An Di (Actor) | Hu Xian Xu (Actor) | Zhu Yan Man Zi (Actor) | Wang Hong Wei (Actor) | Guo Yi Qian (Actor) | Ning Li (Actor) 劉 德華 (Actor) | 吳京 (Actor) | 天使 (Actor) | 李雪健 (Actor) | 佟 麗婭 (Actor) | 霍青 (Actor) | 張衣 (Actor) | 王智 (Actor) | 劉寅 (Actor) | 徐建 (Actor) | 沙溢 (Actor) | 安地 (Actor) | 胡 先煦 (Actor) | 朱顏曼滋 (Actor) | 王紅衛 (Actor) | 國義騫 (Actor) | 寧理 (Actor) 刘 德华 (Actor) | 吴京 (Actor) | 天使 (Actor) | 李雪健 (Actor) | 佟 丽娅 (Actor) | 霍青 (Actor) | 张衣 (Actor) | 王智 (Actor) | 刘寅 (Actor) | 徐建 (Actor) | 沙溢 (Actor) | An Di (Actor) | 胡 先煦 (Actor) | 朱颜曼滋 (Actor) | 王红卫 (Actor) | 国义骞 (Actor) | 宁理 (Actor) 劉徳華(アンディ・ラウ) (Actor) | 呉京(ウー・ジン) (Actor) | Tian Shi (Actor) | 李雪健(リー・シュエチェン) (Actor) | 佟麗婭(トン・リーヤー ) (Actor) | Huo Qing (Actor) | Zhang Yi (Actor) | Wang Zhi (Actor) | Liu Yin (Actor) | Xu Jian (Actor) | Sha Yi (Actor) | An Di (Actor) | Hu Xian Xu (Actor) | Zhu Yan Man Zi (Actor) | Wang Hong Wei (Actor) | Guo Yi Qian (Actor) | 寧理(ニン・リ) (Actor) 유덕화 (Actor) | Wu Jing (Actor) | Tian Shi (Actor) | Li Xue Jian (Actor) | Tong Li Ya (Actor) | Huo Qing (Actor) | Zhang Yi (Actor) | Wang Zhi (Actor) | Liu Yin (Actor) | Xu Jian (Actor) | Sha Yi (Actor) | An Di (Actor) | Hu Xian Xu (Actor) | Zhu Yan Man Zi (Actor) | Wang Hong Wei (Actor) | Guo Yi Qian (Actor) | Ning Li (Actor) |
Director: | Frant Gwo 郭 帆 郭 帆 Frant Gwo Frant Gwo |
Release Date: | 2023-10-25 |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Korean |
Place of Origin: | China |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | All Region What is it? |
Publisher: | Idengroo |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1125126600 |
Product Information
*Sound Mix: Dolby Digital 5.1ch
*Extras : 부가영상(예고편) : 1분 40초
로튼토마토 팝콘지수 97% SF 재난 블록버스터!
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태양계 종말을 맞이한 인류가 지구 표면에 거대한 엔진을 부착해 궤도를 움직이는 유랑 지구 프로젝트를 시작했지만, 이 프로젝트는 난관에 부딪혀 달과의 충돌이라는 대재앙 상황에 놓이게 되었고 이를 막기 위해 고군분투하는 이야기!
태양계 소멸의 위기를 맞은 인류는 지구 표면에 거대한 엔진을 달아 궤도를 옮기는 ‘유랑지구 프로젝트’에 돌입한다. 하지만, 데이터베이스로 영생을 가지려는 ‘디지털 라이프’와 대립하게 되며 프로젝트는 난관에 부딪히게 되고, 그 과정 속 달과의 충돌이라는 예상치 못한 대재앙에 놓이게 되는데…
살아남기 위한 선택은 단 하나, 달을 파괴하라!
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Taiwan Version
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- The Wandering Earth II (Blu-ray) (US Version) Blu-ray Region A
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