This Charming Girl (DVD) (Korea Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Will the repressed heroine finally cast off her emotional shackles and open herself up to a chance for new love? Or will Jeong Hye withdraw even further? Lee Yoon Ki's directorial debut doesn't provide all the answers, but it does give us a peek into the life of a quirky, yet all-too-real woman in modern South Korea. This Charming Girl is acclaimed internationally, and was the winner of the NEPEC award at the Berlin International Film Festival, the Lotus Jury Prize at the Deauville Asian Film Festival, and the New Currents Award at the 2004 Pusan International Film Festival. Thanks to Lee Yoon Ki's sensitive direction and Kim Ji Soo's outstanding debut performance, This Charming Girl is a fascinating character study of an ordinary girl looking to heal some old wounds.
This Charming Girl arrives on DVD with a variety of bonus features, including:
Technical Information
Product Title: | This Charming Girl (DVD) (Korea Version) This Charming Girl (DVD) (韓國版) This Charming Girl (DVD) (韩国版) チャーミング・ガール (女、チョンヘ: This Charming Girl ) (韓国版) 여자, 정혜 |
Also known as: | 真情郵遞 / 獨居女孩的秘密 真情邮递 / 独居女孩的秘密 |
Artist Name(s): | Hwang Jung Min (Actor) | Kim Ji Soo (Actor) 黃 政民 (Actor) | 金知秀 (Actor) 黄政民 (Actor) | 金知秀 (Actor) ファン・ジョンミン (Actor) | キム・ジス (Actor) 황 정민 (Actor) | 김 지수 (Actor) |
Director: | Lee Yoon Ki 李胤基 李胤基 イ・ユンギ 이윤기 |
Release Date: | 2009-07-18 |
Language: | Korean |
Subtitles: | English, Korean |
Place of Origin: | South Korea |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Duration: | 100 (mins) |
Publisher: | Spectrum DVD |
Shipment Unit: | 1 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1003983441 |
Product Information
* Sound Mix : Dolby 5.1
* DVD Type : N/A
* Extras :
- <여자, 정혜> 제작과정
- <여자, 정혜> 그들만의 이야기
- 여자, 정혜> Continuity
- 오디션
- <여자, 정혜> PR 모음 (뮤직비디오 /시사회 /포스터 촬영 /예고편)
- 오디오 코멘터리(이윤기 감독, 김지수, 윤일중 프로듀서)
* Director : 이 윤기
- TV 탤런트 김지수의 첫 영화 데뷔작으로 여성의 내면을 섬세하게 연기하여 영화 배우로서 자리매김
- 베를린 영화제 넷팩상 수상, 프랑스 도빌 영화제 심사위원 대상 수상 등 각종 해외영화제에서 뜨거운 호응
우편 취급소와 TV홈쇼핑 그리고 고양이 - 일상
자신의 일만큼이나 단조로운 일상을 보내고 있는 우편취급소 여직원 정혜... 직장에서 멀지 않은 그녀의 작은 집엔 TV 홈쇼핑으로 사들인 물건들, 아파트 화단에서 주워온 어린 고양이가 그녀를 기다린다. 그리고, 그것들은 그녀만의 작은 세상이 된다. 아무도 그녀를 찾지 않을 것 같은, 실제로 아무도 찾지 않는, 일요일 오후...고양이와 발장난하며 베란다 너머로 들려오는 아이들의 재잘거림을 듣는 시간이, 정혜는 그 어느 때보다 좋다고 생각한다. 그녀의 짧지도 길지도 않은 일생에서 요즘이 가장 평화로운 시간이기 때문일 것이다.
초여름 때 이른 소나기 - 상처
정혜에게 어린 시절이란, 한 손엔 연필과 다른 한손엔 담배를 들고 그림을 그리고 글을 쓰는 엄마의 조용한 모습과 어린 정혜로선 감당하기 힘들었던 기억뿐. 그리고... 자신의 유일한 그늘이었던 엄마의 갑작스런 죽음은 커다란 상처가 되어 남는다.
하지만, 그 모든 것들이 이제는 멀게만 느껴지는 기억의 편린들일 뿐, 이라고 그녀는 생각한다. 왜 모두들 내가 불행할 거라고 생각하는 걸까. 나는 불행하지 않은데... 그러려고 노력하는 게 아니라, 타고난 천성이 그런 여자다.
그녀를 흔드는 작은 바람 - 사랑
그런 여자 정혜에게, 어느 날... 그녀의 마음을 흔드는 사랑이 찾아온다. 그리고 그에게 용기 내어 말한다... "저희 집에 오실래요?" 이제, 서서히 시작되는 그녀 마음속 동요....
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- THIS CHARMING GIRL (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
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Taiwan Version
- This Charming Girl (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features
Professional Review of "This Charming Girl (DVD) (Korea Version)"
From writer/director Lee Yoon Ki comes his feature length directorial debut, This Charming Girl, a multiple award-winning human drama about a seemingly ordinary young woman hiding a secret pain. In her first film role, Kim Ji Soo portrays Jeong Hye, a normal, if slightly eccentric, postal employee leading an interminably lonely existence. For reasons that are not immediately clear to the audience from the start, Jeong Hye keeps to herself, looking to solve whatever problems she's suffering from on her own. As the film progresses, we are drawn into her inner world, simultaneously charmed by her personality, yet concerned for her general well being. Her isolated situation begs the question, "What’s eating at her?" Through the usage of flashbacks at opportune moments, viewers slowly get a sense of what's going on inside Jeong Hye's mind. Layer after layer of her character begin to get peeled back as her dual worlds of memory and reality start to merge before our eyes. Slowly but surely, her inner pain is revealed to be a direct result of a complex web of associations involving her mother, her former love, and her absent father. In the midst of her quiet sadness, Jeong Hye decides to take a chance and invite one of her regular customers over for dinner. Will the unnamed writer (Hwang Jeong Min of Waikiki Brothers) reopen her eyes to a new possibility for love? Or will she retreat to her inner world of quiet solitude once more? The answer to that question is slightly ambiguous, but perhaps hopeful. This Charming Girl is by all rights an atypical experience in modern cinema. Audiences accustomed to having their stories spoon-fed to them will not enjoy This Charming Girl. This is a quiet, ponderous, and leisurely paced film, so viewers searching for a fast-paced popcorn flick will need to look elsewhere for entertainment. The restrained approach on the part of the director will infuriate the ADD crowd. Although by no means pretentious, This Charming Girl is probably more of an art-house film than a rousing crowd-pleaser. Even without much dialogue, Kim Ji Soo's gives a revelatory debut performance, one definitely worthy of the accolades she’s received since the film’s release. Amazingly, she is able to convey a spectacular range of emotions with little more than a look or a gesture. Thanks to her winning performance and superb direction on the part of Lee Yoon Ki, This Charming Girl amounts to a fine film and a haunting portrayal of how the psychological traumas of the past can impinge on one's life in the present. By Calvin McMillin - |
Customer Review of "This Charming Girl (DVD) (Korea Version)"
See all my reviews
October 29, 2005
wonderful acting
i saw this at the screening of it at the Vancouver Internation Film Festival. True, it was pretty slow moving, even for a korean drama/movie, but this time i have no complaints. it's a slow movie, but the acting ability and intepretation done by the actress makes this movie worth while. it's worth it to check it out. |
May 17, 2005
understated beauty
I saw this last week at the London Korean Film Festival with not much of an idea what it was about. I left the cinema feeling that I'd seen a beautifully directed and acted film. Some might say the pace is slow but that's to reflect the story and content of the girl's quiet existence. That said, it doesn't ever get boring because you get taken in by this girl, this charming girl and her dreamy life, wanting to know more about her which the director feeds in by flashbacks as random things cause Jeong-Hye, to remember, thus revealing what lies beneath her tranquil surface.
This film doesn't tie up all the knots but leaves the viewer plenty to ponder - an insight into the life of someone trying to overcome their emotional demons and re-engage with the world. The lead actress gives an astonishing performance for a debut - not much dialogue but full of expression and emotion. Overall highly recommended - a lyrical and poetic film. |
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