Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Limited Edition (Korean Version) DVD Region 3
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YesAsia Editorial Description
Katakura Suzume (Ueno Juri) is a young housewife, utterly bored with her life. Her major daily task consists of taking care of her husband's turtle. Things take a dramatic turn when she answers a curious secret agent recruitment advertisement. Next thing she knows, she's working as a secret agent for an oddball couple (Fuse Eri and Iwamatsu Ryo). Her mission: act normal. Seeing the world through new eyes, the housewife-cum-spy soon realizes she's not the only agent in the neighborhood. There are many other cunning undercover agents carrying out the dangerous task of normalcy...
This limited edition comes with many extras including making of, stage greet, talk session, and previews.
Technical Information
Product Title: | Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Limited Edition (Korean Version) Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (限量版) (韓國版) Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (限量版) (韩国版) 亀は意外と速く泳ぐ (限定版) (韓国版) 거북이는 의외로 빨리 해엄친다 한정판 (한국판) |
Also known as: | Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu |
Artist Name(s): | Ueno Juri | Nukumizu Youichi | Aoi Yu | Mizuhashi Kenji | Matsushige Yutaka | Kawano Keita | Miki Satoshi 上野樹里 | 溫水洋一 | 蒼井優 | 水橋研二 | 松重豐 | 河野圭太 | 三木聰 上野树里 | 温水洋一 | 苍井优 | 水桥研二 | 松重庆 | 河野圭太 | 三木聪 上野樹里 | 温水洋一 | 蒼井優 | 水橋研二 | 松重豊 | 河野圭太 | 三木聡 Ueno Juri | Nukumizu Youichi | 아오이 유우 | Mizuhashi Kenji | Matsushige Yutaka | Kawano Keita | Miki Satoshi |
Release Date: | 2006-09-20 |
Language: | Japanese |
Subtitles: | Japanese, Korean |
Place of Origin: | Hong Kong, Japan |
Picture Format: | NTSC What is it? |
Disc Format(s): | DVD |
Region Code: | 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it? |
Publisher: | Widemedia Korea |
Other Information: | DVD + Gift |
Shipment Unit: | 2 What is it? |
YesAsia Catalog No.: | 1004504270 |
Product Information
* Sound Mix : Dolby 2.0
* Extras :
- 미키사토시 감독의 코멘터리
- 메이킹
- 극장공개 첫날 무대인사
- 극장토크 이벤트
- 예고편 모음
* Director : 미키 사토시
■ <거북이는 의외로 빨리 헤엄친다>라는 기상천외한 제목의 의미는 뻔한 일상에도 아직 알지못하는 다른 세계가 있고 그것을 알게 됨으로써 조금은 행복해질 수 있다는 작은 메시지이다.
■ 버라이어티 구성작가 출신인 감독의 독특한 유머 감각은 단순히 '웃긴다'는 것만이 아닌 다양한 캐릭터 속의 인간들이 부대낌으로 거기에서 일어나는 화학반응을 '즐긴다'라는 그만의 웃음 철학이 실현된 것이다. 비비드한 색감의 의상과 귀여운 세트, 신선한 소품 등 눈까지 즐거워지는 작품이다.
■ 평범한 주부를 연기하는 <스윙걸즈>의 대책 없는 소녀 우에노 쥬리와, 주인공과는 정반대의 통 큰 여자 쿠자쿠를 연기하는 <하나와 앨리스>의 아오이 유의 매력으로 조금은 이상해 보여도 귀엽고 독특한 작품으로 완성되었다.
■ 폭소는 아니지만 보는 내내 비실비실 터져나오는 웃음을 참을 수 없는 전대미문의 주부 스파이 무비이다.
평범하다 못해 어중간한 삶을 살고 있는 주부 스즈메(우에노 쥬리). 그녀는 자신보다 애완용 거북에게 더 관심을 쏟는 남편과 무서울 정도로 단순한 일상 속에서 어느 날, '스파이 모집' 광고를 발견한다.
무심코 전화를 해버린 그녀 앞에 나타난 스파이는 '어느 나라'의 스파이라고 주장하는 쿠기타니 부부. 그들은 스즈메 같은 평범한 사람이야말로 스파이를 해야한다고 설득한다.
억지로 활동자금 500만엔을 건네 받은 스즈메의 스파이 교육이 시작되고 일상이 두근거리기 시작한다. 하지만 어째서인지 스파이가 되고 나서부터 평소보다 주위의 시선을 더 모으게 되어 곤란한 그녀에게 마침내 최후의 미션이 내려지는데…
Other Versions of "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Limited Edition (Korean Version)"
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Japan Version
- Kame wa Igai to Hayaku Oyogu - Deluxe Edition (Japan Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
Taiwan Version
- Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (DVD) (Taiwan Version) DVD Region 3
- Temporarily Out of Stock
- Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (DVD) (English Subtitled) (UK Version) DVD Region 2
- Out of Print
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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features
Professional Review of "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Limited Edition (Korean Version)"
This professional review refers to Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (DVD) (English Subtitled) (UK Version)
While not a cure for insomnia, Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers is, like many Satoshi Miki works, relentlessly strange, surprisingly pleasant, and even quietly affecting. An odd and amusing look at suburban boredom, Turtles stars the genuinely funny Juri Ueno (Swing Girls, Nodame Cantabile) as young wife Suzume. Left alone by her always traveling husband, Suzume passes her days in suburbia dealing with her supremely uninspired daily life. Getting an incredibly unflattering perm, dealing with bad plumbing, taking care of her pet turtle - these are the days for Suzume, so a little excitement wouldn't be unwelcome.
The promise - if not the actual reality - of excitement arrives when Suzume happens upon a postage-sized advertisement that says, "Spies Wanted". Intrigued, Suzume signs up for espionage work, meeting a group of laid-back sleeper agents who are all lying in wait for, uh, something. That "something" is a complete mystery, but all the sleeper agents (including Miki regulars Ryo Iwamatsu and Eri Fuse) seem content living boring lives as they await orders to do whatever it is they're supposed to do. Suzume joins their ranks earnestly, suddenly finding that her narrow, compartmentalized world has expanded into something greater. Or maybe it hasn't. It's hard to tell really, but at least her hairstyle improves. Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers strikes a middle ground between Satoshi Miki's sometimes manic In the Pool and his emotionally resonant Adrift in Tokyo. It's over-the-top in concept like Pool but very relaxed like Tokyo, with the characters proving funny thanks to their benign strangeness and recognizable eccentricities. Miki presents his gags in a deadpan manner that elicits more giggles than guffaws, the film never straying from its strange yet relaxed comic tone. Despite the spy storyline, the film is more about the mundane lives that normal people face, with joy and meaning found in the smallest of things. One major accomplishment occurs when a character cooks a better bowl of ramen. A thrill-a-minute movie this is not. Ultimately, the sleeper agents do receive a call to arms, but what happens to them is hard to say. Miki offers little resembling a resolution; his plot seemingly exists only to justify the circular connections between his characters, with cause or effect not playing much of a role. Still, Suzume changes, and as minor or hackneyed as that change may be, Miki sells it in a suitably subtle and comic fashion. The actors help tremendously; the plain-yet-pretty Ueno has a talent for playing dopey comic heroines, and she's ably supported by Aoi Yu (as Suzume's old high school friend) and an assortment of character actors who give life to Miki's affable and eccentric sitcom setups. Turtles are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers is not up to the standard of Miki's Adrift in Tokyo, but those who enjoy their comedies weird and warm should like it just fine. by Kozo - LoveHKFilm.com |
Customer Review of "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Limited Edition (Korean Version)"
See all my reviews
October 1, 2009
This customer review refers to Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (DVD) (English Subtitled) (UK Version)
Brilliant indie comedy
What's a girl to do when (a) her husband works overseas and calls her only to assure himself that she is feeding their pet turtle, (b) her only close friend, Peacock (Aoi Yu), is a self-centered, life-in-the-fast-lane party girl who treats her like dirt, and (c) she is an invisible non-entity to everyone else? In "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers", this oh-so-ordinary girl's path is clear: She becomes a sleeper spy for 'another country'!
Ueno Juri stars as Sparrow, the girl whose plain, ordinary life defines humdrum. She basically sleepwalks through life until one day when she spots an obscure postage stamp-sized poster advertising a position as a spy. Sparrow answers the ad and encounters a very peculiar couple who quiz her to determine if she is sufficiently bland to go undetected as a spy. Of course, Sparrow passes the test with flying colors and is hired on the spot, but her mission simply is to live out her normal daily routine waiting for the time when her services may be needed. As she mingles with her fellow spies and lives her new 'undercover' life, Sparrow finds that everything becomes new and vivid; the sparrow becomes a peacock! "Turtles" is a low-priced indie film, but it is so cleverly written, smoothly directed, and beautifully acted that the viewer becomes swept up in its improbable tale. Its quirky, dry humor produces many very funny moments and its whimsical story proves to be surprisingly heartwarming. Ueno Juri makes the ideal Swallow; Aoi Yu, as usual, is pitch-perfect; and Fuse Eri as one of the peculiar spy-masters is a living, breathing human punchline. "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers" is a hilarious charmer. |
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