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Wandering Home (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2

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Wandering Home (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

The destructive nature of alcoholism is given a relatively down-to-earth portrayal in Wandering Home, veteran writer-director Higashi Yoichi's fictional adaptation of an autobiography by Kamoshida Yutaka. Blending real-life tragedy with surreal observational humor, the film depicts the final days of an alcoholic wartime photographer as he attempts to change his bingeing ways for his family, including his ex-wife. Higashi takes a balanced approach to the story's subject matter, simply depicting alcoholism on a real and present context rather than trying to excuse its existence or judge it. After playing an alcoholic author in Villon's Wife, Asano Tadanobu gives another absorbing performance as the alcoholic photographer. Nagasaku Hiromi (Don't Laugh at My Romance) also co-stars as the photographer's long-suffering ex-wife.

Yasuyuki (Asano Tadanobu) was a great wartime photographer, but now he spends his days indulging himself in alcohol binges. His latest binge lands him in the hospital once more, bringing about the return of his caring ex-wife Yuki (Nagasaki Hiromi), who divorced him due to the abuse she received from his drunken spells. When another attempt at quitting ends with another damaging relapse, Yasuyuki is finally sent into an alcoholic ward in a hospital. With the encouragement of his psychiatrist, Yasuyuki makes a serious vow to end his drinking ways once and for all.

This edition includes making of, an interview with Asano Tadanobu and Nagasaku Hiromi, and trailers.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Wandering Home (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) Wandering Home (DVD) (英文字幕) (日本版) Wandering Home (DVD) (英文字幕) (日本版) 酔いがさめたら、うちに帰ろう。 Wandering Home (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
Also known as: Yoi ga Sametara, Uchi ni Kaero. Yoi ga Sametara, Uchi ni Kaero. Yoi ga Sametara, Uchi ni Kaero. Yoi ga Sametara, Uchi ni Kaero. Yoi ga Sametara, Uchi ni Kaero.
Artist Name(s): Kayama Yoshiko | Hotoru Yukijiro | Shiga Kotaro | Mitsuishi Ken | Horibe Keisuke | Watanabe Makiko | Kitami Toshiyuki | Okubo Taka | Go Riju | Hiragi Rumi | Nishio Mari | Komoto Masahiro | Takada Seiko | Takito Kenichi | Nagasaku Hiromi | Asano Tadanobu | Ichikawa Mikako | Higashi Yoichi 香山美子 | 螢雪次朗 | 志賀廣太郎 | 光石研 | 堀部圭亮 | 渡邊真起子 | 北見敏之 | 大久保鷹 | 利重剛 | 柊瑠美 | Nishio Mari | 甲本雅裕 | 高田聖子 | Takito Kenichi | 永作博美 | 淺野忠信 | 市川實日子 | Higashi Yoichi 香山美子 | 萤雪次朗 | 志贺广太郎 | 光石研 | 堀部圭亮 | 渡边真起子 | 北见敏之 | 大久保鹰 | Go Riju | 柊瑠美 | Nishio Mari | 甲本雅裕 | Takada Seiko | Takito Kenichi | Nagasaku Hiromi | 浅野忠信 | 市川实日子 | Higashi Yoichi 香山美子 | 螢雪次朗 | 志賀廣太郎 | 光石研 | 堀部圭亮 | 渡辺真起子 | 北見敏之 | 大久保鷹 | 利重剛 | 柊瑠美 | 西尾まり | 甲本雅裕 | 高田聖子 | 滝藤賢一 | 藤岡洋介 | 森くれあ | 鴨志田穣 | 永作博美 | 浅野忠信 | イチカワ ミカコ | 東陽一 Kayama Yoshiko | Hotoru Yukijiro | Shiga Kotaro | Mitsuishi Ken | Horibe Keisuke | Watanabe Makiko | Kitami Toshiyuki | Okubo Taka | Go Riju | Rumi Hiragi | Nishio Mari | Komoto Masahiro | Takada Seiko | Takito Kenichi | Nagasaku Hiromi | Asano Tadanobu | Ichikawa Mikako | Higashi Yoichi
Release Date: 2011-04-20
Publisher Product Code: VPBT-13575
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Place of Origin: Japan
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Disc Format(s): DVD
Region Code: 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it?
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1024104961

Product Information


やっとみつけた、どん底での希望。それは"心の居場所 (うち)"に帰ること。アルコール依存症をのり越えた戦場カメラマン鴨志田穣と別れた妻・西原理恵子。家族の絆がつむぎだす"大きな愛の物語"。監督・脚本は原作に惚れ込んだ巨匠・東陽一。そして自分勝手だけど憎めない主人公を、日本映画を代表する名優・浅野忠信が圧倒的な存在感で演じきっている。由紀役の永作博美は女優として鮮烈な輝きを放ち、"母"であり"妻"であることの強さと弱さを見事に体現。エンディングに高らかに響く、忌野清志郎の歌声は私たちの心に温かく沁みる。 「来週は素面(シラフ)で家族と会うのです。きっとです。」・・・と言いながら、ウォッカを飲み気絶した戦場カメラマンの塚原安行 (浅野忠信)。足早に駆けつけ、「大丈夫。まだ死なないよ」と彼の頬をさする人気漫画家の園田由紀 (永作博美)。ふたりは結婚し、子供にも恵まれたが、安行のアルコール依存症が原因で離婚していた。10回の吐血、入院、暴力・・・断酒できず、自身も家族も疲れ果て、安行は嫌々ながらもアルコール病棟に入院する。しかし、そこでの風変わりな入院患者たちとの生活や、個性的な医者との会話は不思議と安堵感を与えてくれたのだった。すべてを受け入れる妻の覚悟と、家族の深い愛情に支えられ、体力も心も次第に回復してゆくが、安行の体はもうひとつの大きな病気をかかえていた・・・・。自分の弱さと向き合うことで、やっと見つけた、どん底での希望。それは、信頼の絆で結ばれた家族のもとに、"心の居場所 (うち)"に帰ることだった。




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